"The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it" -- BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
Not a massive collapse per se, but certainly policies will be amended as function of longer term survival and even perhaps attempts a la the French insurers of not paying out for experimental medical procedures (ie DEATHVAX).
didn't i hear in america they were charging the unvaxed higher premiums?
are we going to expect a massive collapse of insurers in the near future?
Not a massive collapse per se, but certainly policies will be amended as function of longer term survival and even perhaps attempts a la the French insurers of not paying out for experimental medical procedures (ie DEATHVAX).
It’s called controlled demolition.
Instead of buildings, this time it’s human bodies and national economies.
Well put Wally. The ends for the Cult justify all their technofascist posthuman means. They view 90% of humanity as biohackable cattle.
first you must destroy to 6uild 6ack 6etter
its always been the advantage of bioweapons to leave infrastructure
Order out of Chaos is the Demons’ 33rd Commandment.
Thank you for your dogged determination in exposing this horrific mess, your efforts are very much appreciated!!!