As I've commented elsewhere, I will take a stack of anecdotes over a Big Pharma-funded & manipulated trial or study any day of the week.

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If covid taught me anything it taught me how big pharma controls charities that I had naively thought were trying to aid people and that instead these charities push the big pharma drugs. The British Heart Foundation told people to take the covid shots that top heart specialists around the world were condemning as incredibly dangerous and as far as I know the BHF still are pushing these poisons despite the epidemic of heart disease in young men and cancers in young women.

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The American VA system is still "suggesting" covid vaxxes for ots clients - thus giving American military servicemen and women a second chance to die for their country.

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People will push thousands into the ovens in exchange for a comfortable job. When you speak to them they rationalize, “I just work there”, “I don’t make the big decisions “, “I look away when they scream”.

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My neighbor who "educates" people on their cancer treatments. Nurse ratchet 🤪.

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Yep. Pretty sure every disease state official foundation pushed them for their patients 😒.

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That's why they want to block the Sun, as it's our ultimate way to detox:


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Love this. I'm treating cancer in my clinic. Soon, we'll have the evidence to say "bye bye" to oncology. They've had their chance to work with us and they've chosen a different path.

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If you could share some of your more interesting cases i will post that as an article.


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I'll send them to you, but I need some more wins stacked up. Takes 4-6 months to see anything definitive. Just a couple cases: stage 4 NSCLC, complete remission after 4 months, this was after onc gave up. And we used very, very low dosing. Glioblastoma, 6 months to live. Onc was pissed when he saw complete resolution of tumors despite no traditional treatments. 8 months.

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Cancer as a Parasitic Disease

Posted on May 3 2016

Nooshin K Darvish Glioblastoma BorreliaCancer as a Parasitic Disease

by Jeffrey Dach MD

Highlights from the 14th Annual International Integrative Oncology Conference in San Diego. April 16th, 2016

I was intrigued by a presentation by Dr Nooshin Darvish, of five cases of Glioblastoma Multiforme treated over ten years in her Holistique clinic located in Bellevue, Washington. All five tumor biopsy samples stained positive for the spirochete parasite,Borrelia, the organism found in Lyme disease.(1) The patient’s tumors regressed upon treatment for parasitic disease, and progressed when treatments were halted. The pathology report by Alan MacDonald, M.D.,can be seen here: Glioblastoma Five cases positive for Borrelia FISH Probes Alan MacDonald Darvish

Above Left Image courtesy of Dr Nooshin K. Darvish, ND, FICT.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NoUcktt58 Sept 2020 interview

The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake

interview by Lisa Tamati

mentioned in the first 10 minutes ... 1000 doctors in Japan are using the Riordan (Wichita, Kansas) protocol for cancer which includes IV vitamin c

another article ................ https://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v15n11.shtml FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, July 2, 2019


And why more and more oncologists are now using it

Commentary by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

(OMNS July 2, 2019) The success of intravenous vitamin C for cancer patients is a repeatedly-demonstrated clinical reality. Here is the full, detailed Riordan IVC protocol, a free download for everyone. http://www.doctoryourself.com/RiordanIVC.pdf Do not let loved ones suffer unnecessarily from one-sided care directed exclusively by physicians educated in pharmaceutical-funded medical schools. Bring your oncologist up to speed. No more leeches; no more calomel. No more procrastination about utilizing nutritional therapy. Enough is enough! Drop this protocol on your doctor's desk and demand an IV of vitamin C now. If the doctor refuses, go over their head or sue them for denying treatment.

Cancer cells are killed by vitamin C precisely because cancer cells are different. Inside a cancer cell, vitamin C, normally an antioxidant in a healthy cell, actually acts as a pro-oxidant and kills a cancer cell. Give enough C and you can kill malignant cells almost anywhere they may try to spread or try to hide.

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Although I have not studied the Riordan IVC protocol, I believe it is essentially the same as the ones done by William McCormick and Linus Pauling in the mid 1950s.

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That's my general understanding as well. Linus Pauling of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University coined the word orthomolecular in the late 1960s ..... orthomolecular.org ...... and then some study at the Mayo clinic was used to disparage his finding of vitamin c 's usefulness for cancers ..... Hugh Riordan I believe picked up from there and then that became the Riordan clinic.

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The study at the Mayo Clinic claimed to have followed the Pauling/McCormick study, but upon external review, perhaps by Riordan, had not done so. I asked an oncologist about Vitamin C 7 years ago, and he still clung to the Mayo Clinic fraud, even though the fraud had been outed. It's hard to penetrate the mindset of the Murder, I mean Medical Associations.

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Grant will fund cancer clinical trials to test high-dose vitamin C

Date: Monday, November 19, 2018

Cancer researchers at University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center have received a five-year, $9.7 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to test the use of high-dose, intravenous (IV) vitamin C in the treatment of cancer.

The integrated project, led by Joseph Cullen, MD, UI professor of surgery, and Douglas Spitz, PhD, UI professor of radiation oncology, is designed to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of adding high-dose IV vitamin C to standard cancer treatments for three of the deadliest cancers affecting the U.S. population: pancreatic cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive type of brain cancer.

“Success in this project would suggest that adding high-dose IV vitamin C to cancer treatment protocols could be a safe, simple, and cost-effective approach to improving treatment for many kinds of cancer,” Cullen says. “If the results from our early- and mid-phase clinical trials are positive, the next step would be to test this therapy in large, stage 3 clinical trials that could lead to approval of this approach and have a powerful and lasting impact on clinical cancer care in the coming years.”

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Amazing, well done!

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Damn it! Rogan and Gibson are hurting The Canadian Cancer Society profits by telling the truth!!!! STOP IT THEY SAY!!! STOP IT RIGHT THIS MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!

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Funding of CCS is quite probably Pharma.

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No ifs, ands or buts, the FDA and the CDC need to be extinguished. They are nothing but hand puppets for Big Pharma and the chemo industry. No one should believe anything either organization says anymore and if they do, they are doomed. Cheers to Mel Gibson for coming out with his information on Rogan's show..who has a large audience. People will know. Let's not forget that Gibson has been a whistleblower for years on Hollywood's penchant for adrenochrome and child trafficking for decades and so few of us took him seriously.

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A young woman I know was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. She decided against all conventional treatments and is instead going with many of these alternatives. The response from the medical community here in Alberta is we won’t help you then. Not even for diagnostics for tumour size. They don’t want to acknowledge that these things actually work.

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I think it's always been that way. As soon as you want to go 'rogue', you're abandoned for the next profitable patient.

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😳🙄 Ugh! What a bunch of >expletives deleted.<

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Dr. William Makis is in Alberta .... began taking telemed patients in August 2024 ... using ivermectin fenbendazole etc 18 year cancer doctor


BREAKING NEWS: My August 2024 Cancer Patients on Ivermectin, Mebendazole and Fenbendazole are starting to report back to me with test results and the testimonials are jaw dropping!!


JAN 03, 2025


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Sorry to hear that, but it is something that is predictable.

Can she afford to come to US for testing? There are options for around $300 for breast ultrasound without insurance.

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That is a possibility. I will advise her. Thanks.

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She angered the money.

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Here’s my take…. Cancer is currently a death sentence, but first big pharma and big health have to get their hands on as much money from you as they can.

If I get diagnosed with cancer I might let them cut it out, unless it’s not bothering me, then I might not. I’ll probably just take the drug mentioned here along with ivermectin and chloroquine. But I’m going to speak with people I trust first.

Either way I’m not taking their poison, and that’s what it is. Chemo therapy is designed to kill essentially everything but the host, but only because the host has the checkbook. The makers of the poison only care that it’s slowly killing you so the money keeps coming.

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That "cash cow" is more like a stampeding herd of angry buffalo. They will never give it up. Actually the best paid doctors are in the "skin" business.

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Yea! They push Botox and don't tell the patient there is a risk of death. It has a black box warning! Read the experience of one young women. metoxpretty on Amazon by Megan McCue.

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I don't even want to think about what is down the road for the current Ozempic users. Do people not know that real clinical trials need to go on for 10+ years, and then that might not even be long enough to figure out all the bizarro side effects?

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I am reading local forum and a lady that previously took Semaglutide injections for weight loss within last two years was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

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My Gail was on Mounjaro for a few months and developed inflammation of the retinal cells. Stopped injections immediately took awhile to reverse the issue.

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No question!

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This suggestion tripped me up because Marik advises against Vitamin E during chemo, does he not, in his Cancer Care monograph? Here is his text: "Antioxidant supplements (vitamins A, C, and E; coenzyme Q10, and N-acetyl cysteine) should be

avoided in patients with cancer. In an experimental model, Wang et al demonstrated that

vitamin C, vitamin E and n-acetylcysteine (NAC) increased tumor angiogenesis by BACH1

mechanism (redox-sensitive transcription factor BTB and CNC homology 1)."

He also advises against IV Vitamin C, which was surprising because IV Vit C has been heralded in many cancer trials as a reason for their success.

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This is tricky. My wife has early stage Parkinsons. She didn't want the prescribed meds because she knew about their side effects, so she was taking NaC instead. It did seem to help with her tremor. Now, she's got stage 4 ovarian cancer - taking FB/IVM (so far to no effect after 2 months) but dropped the NaC. Her tremor is definitely worse.

The gods said; "Would you rather go blind with glaucoma, get Parkinsons or be late diagnosed with stage 4 cancer? We see you're hesitant, so try all three at once"! It's a bit of a bugger.

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Any antioxidant will fight the intended poisonous effect of most chemo. The idea is that cancers are dumb and more easily killed than normal tissue.

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I had prostate Cancer in 1996, which I caught early and treated successfully with radioactive seeds. #CheckyourPSA

I've been cancer-free since then.

If I or any of my family are ever diagnosed with CA, I will strongly urge them to follow the Joe Tippens protocol. I use "#IVMworks" on all my "X" posts to spread the word

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Great analysis. Notice the complete lack of curiosity from the mainstream media, the Canadian cancer society, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.

They do not dare to ask: Who are these friends? What kinds of cancer and what stage? Did they receive chemotherapy or radiation? What are the so-called potential dangerous side effects of these drugs and how do they compare to the do-called safe chemotherapy and radiation?

No pharmaceutical companies and no hospitals are curious about these questions. In fact, they abandoned all their studies once the answers started to emerge.

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Who funds the MSM?

Big Pharma.

Of course the MSM is not going to be curious. One does not bite the hand that feeds them.

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I couldn’t agree more.

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SMG, consider contacting Joe Rogan for an interview where you provide him these data and watch Big Pharma have diarrhea????

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Thanks for the laugh!

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Inside Pharma stack tells how the very expensive CAR T gene therapies are a disaster, needing a black box warning as they cause cancer! That's why they got renamed as "vaccines" which don't require all the stricter tests other drugs require and they also renamed the flu as a novel, deadly killer, with all that testing positive if you had no, mild, or severe symptoms, you were all going to die unless you got the jabs. These CAR T gene therapy treatments were for 1x use, not for repeated doses, and for very sick people who had nothing left to lose.

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Most orthodox oncology treatments cause cancer. This is a sad state and we need better medicine. We are in a time when doctors need to remember how to be doctors and use their brains, rather than an algorithm. I have switched from looking at new studies to those who came before me, as the old ways seem to reflect what we truly need.

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From what I've read these last few years, there are or have been several cures, but they are stopped. They won't ever get approval if the cannot be patented, are from nature, or are repurposed generics on which patents expired. Pharma look to patent treatments, which causes side effects, then requiring more pharma drugs, and make loads of money for their shareholders.

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You are 100% correct.

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I’d love to take the time to read all these well- written articles on the various findings on Ivermectin and other therapies. We should always be willing to explore new therapies to help the healthcare industry and the personal health of our communities!

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Big Pharma nothing but a shower of criminal drug pushers, and Insurance just protection racketeers; the two highest grossing industries in the US, but have taken a bow to the current arms industrial complex. That's some picture of where civilisation has risen to

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