There are only two kinds of people: People who will do what they are told, no matter what..

and people who will do what is right, no matter what they are told!

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But fortunately there is another large group of people, the “on the fence people”, those who see that something is not right but they are either hesitant, or terrified to go with their feelings, against the popular consent. All hope in their awakening.

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Let them have their certifications and their licenses.

I know many nurses and a few docs who have not renewed their licenses, so as to not be under the jurisdiction of criminals.

Nurses will always be nurses and doctors, doctors, even without the official 'decrees'.

Healers are known by those who trust them; scribbles on paper have nothing to do with this.

The system needs Meryl, Paul and Pierre; they don't need them.

The conventional system is imploding , (by their own devices), and independent thinkers can see this; that's fueling the alt practitioners networking and uniting to provide holistic services that do not include insurance companies nor corporate hospitals. I spoke with a surgeon last year who told me, "I took out a fatty tumor at a ladies' kitchen table, because she couldn't get into a hospital due to 'non-compliance."

This grassroots phenomenon is happening across America.

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The system needs Meryl, Paul and Pierre; they don't need it.

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Yes, but how long until they are hounded down and murdred or outlawed somehow. I agree with you.

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That's unlikely to happen because too many people are awake now and they will protect the ones who take care of them. We are close to reaching the critical mass point in this issue, as more and more practitioners realize they cannot be aligned with agencies that actually harm humanity, and are ready to jump ship. Grassroots efforts are preparing the arks.

Imagine the day when those licensed and certified are actually the pariahs, and those who have walked away will be busy assisting people to heal themselves, often using modalities that are not the accepted 'standard of care.'

It's coming.

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As a nurse, I am appalled at what my beloved profession has become. It is heartbreaking. I cannot help but question EVERYTHING now and will be retiring within the next year or so. ( ONLY because being a nurse hasn't allowed me the finances to quit earlier.) I will NOT participate in the next medical fiasco and have a back up plan if that happens again. I can't thank these doctors for standing up against immense pressure and to their own peril to do what's right.

My best advice to my family these days? Educate yourself, live the healthiest life possible and stay away from doctors and hospitals as much as you possibly can. ( Not hard since the visit is prohibitive for them) Take ONLY life sustaining medication like insulin and thyroid and seek natural remedies via naturopaths( do your research, there's wolves there too). The healthiest people with the best quality of life I've come across did physically hardwork their whole life,were moderate in their habits ,kept their weight at a healthy level and take few if any meds. We are all going to die, the question is how do you want to live the years you have left. ❤️

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This is my recipe exactly.

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plus 1 ............

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The Rockefellers hijacked the medical industry back in the 1930's through Big Pharma! This has been in the works for decades, this is nothing new! There is a medication that my wife gets in Italy (where where she is from) that cost $8 Euro's and in the United States the same medication cost $2,200!

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We’re fast getting to the point where only doctors whose certifications have been revoked for wrongspeak might be trusted.

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I only buy herbal extract from producers what are not approved by the FDA .

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There are no organizations in the United States more Reprehensible than Government Regulatory Agency's for the Health Care Industry like the ABIM.. they are just a division of Big Pharma...

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Sadly, it's true of all Government Regulatory Agencies. They all run cover for the criminals they're supposed to be regulating, while industry provides a revolving door of lucrative "employment" for regulators who have protected industry (and betrayed the public) :(

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The American medical system is corrupted beyond redemption. We need a new system that promotes true healing of the whole person and provides MDs with the autonomy and the time to sit with patients and do what they think best, free from political and ideological control. We need to have a system not of sickness care, in which MDs pimp for Big Pharma and Big Brother, but of health care.

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Good ethical doctors like Kory, Nass and Marik need to exit the corrupt medical system. I would pay cash to see a doctor like these three. No insurance or government involved just doctor and patient.

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Aug 15Edited

They are now officially at martyr status. This is like what is happening to Trump. Where is Musk and his tweets?

When this thing blows up ( Singapore 95% vaxxed has no children and excess death) finally and there are Nuremburg trials , these guys need to be in some kind of titular roles , even if the military is doing the prosecution.

It's hard to be a martyr , but at least they can rest easy that they did not kill like the bad guys.

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Until we stop putting false hope that the military will do anything beyond what they are trained to do, which is kill, we will not change a thing. Operation Warpspeed is/ was a military operation. The pharmaceutical companies are the ones taking the fall but they delivered exactly the military ordered which was large scale production of a "prototype" i.e "counter measure". This whole thing is being driven by the Pentagon. Above them would be the central bankers of the world.

I suggest following Sasha Latypova here on Substack as she shows the actual framework and documents relating to the "Covid" kill shots.

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Don't you know there are 2 militaries ---bad and good and they are in a fight to the death . There is leakeage on telegram ,start with truthpups. You are behind the times.

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Don’t you know that, that is nonsense to keep you placated? Of course there are good men and woman in the military, but at the top it’s all part of the same club. As long as the chemtrails are still being sprayed and the vaccines pushed, the “good” guys aren’t in control.

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I post this often . Dr Shiva : The Swarm

The "club" is basically ......... ALL those in control .


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Military doing the prosecution? But wasn't it the military who were in charge of the whole covid op/scam/grift?

The Nuremberg trials were of a different era, before the foxes took full control of the hen house. Don't hold your breath for the Nuremberg Code to be enforced either.

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Hundreds of JAG Trials have already taken place and are recorded on analog tape which can't be tapered with , to be revealed at a later date when normiedom is ready.

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Nah. Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. "Justice" in secret is tyranny, not justice.

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troll or bot. Go away.

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So rude :(

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Big pharma industrial demons found it to be ineffective...really what a huge surprise. We as a society are done! What Right is wrong and Wrong is right

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Demons are in control!

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And they love it .

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Thanks to these doctors and their work many lives have been saved. Followed them during the scamdemic. Hundreds of places around the world were using Ivermectin, often giving it away for free over the counter. This wasn’t a whim it was a move to repurpose safe and effective drugs, something we’re supposed to do before jumping to radical new drugs.

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I am so grateful to you and Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Andrew Saul, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and so so many amazing people who have sacrificed so much to bring us truth. I will never be able to thank you all enough for all you have saved us from, so I pray to God to bless and keep you and yours and to thank you in all the ways that I can not in this life.

Praying for miraculous change.

Sending information today to a person with late stage Lou Gehrig's disease.

As Dr. Hulda Clark says in her 1995 book "The Cure for All Diseases" page 46

"There is no disease that can outwit you if you know enough about it. Not even Lou Gehrig's disease, nor asthma or diabetes! Read how the people in the case studies made themselves well. Read why some failed. You have an advantage they did not have. Their instructions were hard to carry out because they had to have faith in them. You don't. ..................... All illness comes from two causes, PARASITES and POLLUANTS. Only two causes! This is what simplifies the picture to make it possible for you to cure yourself."

can download this book for free as a pdf at this link ..... https://drclarkstore.com/collections/books/products/the-cure-for-all-diseases

Today we have an advantage even beyond the methods and suggestions in the Dr. Hulda Clark 1995 book ..... we have ivermectin, high dose divided dose vitamin c, liposomal vitamin c, IV vitamin c, and vitamin d research and a whole host of other medical research in the last 29 years on the orthomolecular medicine and repurposed drug side.

Orthomolecular medicine is using substances known to the body .... pharmaceuticals must be patented so by definition are not known to the body so are toxic in some way in spite of potential benefit. Fraudulent manipulated studies are rampant. Studies designed solely to disparage, diminish the use of new medical advances that will threaten profits are used to pressure medical professionals to stay within the status quo.

An acquaintance with a child with severe autism mentioned Dr. Hulda Clark to me in the summer of 2020 during a discussion of my newfound knowledge that "oh my goodness....look at all these really good medical treatments that are being hidden!" and she said in a way :) "you ain't seen nothing yet" .... and she was right.

4 years later I'm sending pages of info to someone I don't know who has Lou Gehrig's with the message .........have you seen this? these things might make you well because they will get at the root cause of almost everything ...... or is it everything? Word of mouth we have to find the medical professionals who are healing these things we think are "hard to cure" because of Erin Elizabeth's list of apparently now 115 medical professionals who have been murdered to stop their successful medical research.

orthomolecular medicine and repurposed drugs

iv vitamin c, high divided doses of vitamin c, liposomal vitamin c, ivermectin fenbendazole, doxycycline berberine floridasharkman.org with the links to studies in NIH's Pub Med database to back it up ..... "The Vitamin D Solution" 2010 book by 40 year pioneer vitamin d researcher Dr Michael Holick

The medical answers are not hard. Understanding the ruthlessness of the pharmaceutical monopoly and its deadly embrace with the U.S. Government and U.S. media is hard. But like a Readers Digest Condensed book story that I read in my youth... years and years ago .... in a house of chaos, the 2 characters just walked through the house and out the back door ....choosing not to engage with the chaos and we can do the same thing.

Even just with 2000-3000mg of vitamin c a day (Dr. Linus Pauling says that will get rid of 80% of heart disease and he has 2 Nobel prizes and an Institute .... Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University)


even just with 1000 IU of vitamin d a day Dr. Holick says in his book from age 0-99 (or sensible sunshine 15-45 minutes a day depending on fair to dark skin, during parts of the year based on location) Dr. Michael Holick says 50 % of heart disease in the U.S. could be eliminated with higher levels of vitamin d in the blood (over 45, over 60 often recommended now) page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D) published in his 2010 book, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

and like Dr. Paul Marik says in his December 2020 Houston news conference about ivermectin "it is a gift". When tens even hundreds of millions of people were being given ivermectin in 2020 but the U.S. was shunning, censoring, disparaging, diminishing it ... it made sense .... if parasites/viruses/microorganisms are a source of all illness, disease, cancer, and ivermectin is a 2015 Nobel Prize winning medication with a long safety record ..... anti viral, anti parasitic ...........


The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest moneymakers in the world, with more than a trillion dollars in profits every year. It’s an industry that heavily influences our healthcare system, yet, it only profits when people are sick. Many people don’t realize that there’s no money made off healthy people. " so a $1 trillion in profits is at stake in a $4.6 trillion a year U.S. healthcare industry and all of the power that that buys.

with floridasharkman.org 's protocols for Lyme's, Glioblastoma, etc, etc....

what won't these protocols cure? includes ivermectin, fenbendazole, doxycycline, berberine

60 day anti-viral protocol, 2 week break, and then the monthly Protocol B until NED (no evidence of disease) and the links to NIH's Pub Med database of studies to back all of of this up.

Praise the Lord. Every good and perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Light and Life and Happiness. Thank you Jesus. Please bless and comfort everyone on this earth today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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🇨🇦 The Canadian government has issued advice warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus that could lead to food and fuel disruptions.

Trudeau is at it again.

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I followed these 2 great doctors Cory and Marik as well as McCulough, Reiner and many more....The real enemy are not immigrants or refugees who seek better life and peace after their countries were destroyed, the real enemy are the governments as we see during CONVID and WEF, WHO, 5G, ULEZ, Climate Hoax, CBDC, Big Pharma, together with Chemtrails, food and water poisoning, etc, etc. I am sure immigrants or refugees don't do any of these evil heinous crimes to kill and depopulate! Wake up sheep.....you're been brainwashed and Mass Formed to hate humans like you instead of fighting the Elite Zionist psychopaths.

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I stand with these two giants of modern times medicine as with all the rest of honest and brave doctors and nurses of the COVID era hoax (drs Nass, McColough, Mihalcea to name just a few). Fortunately as a doctor I did not have to take any part in medical crimes of that anti human period and was fortunate enough to take early retirement, decision that was directly influenced by the events of 2020 and beyond. I never regretted my decision and never looked back, but pay homage and respect to all that fought and still fight that war against humanity. Many, many thanks.

The only way we can help and join them is to stop or never start cooperating with this Sabbatian-Frankist death cult.

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