[Note: there are no dead nor live attenuated virions in these COVID "vaccines"; thus, they are not vaccines proper, but, rather, slow kill bioweapons.]
"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.
Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.
Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.
You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
When I refused to be jabbed while also being evaluated for a kidney transplant, I was subjected to 7 hours worth of interviews to assess my rationality. I was well armed with data thanks to the doctors and scientists who held the line. Ultimately, the transplant team accepted me. I am writing this comment from my hospital bed having received a wonderfully working gift of life 9 days ago. There are good people wanting to serve humanity, but they have been lied to and used. When they awaken - and I assume that this will invariably happen - we must arise as the most powerful source of love and forgiveness humanity has ever experienced. I do believe justice must be served to those who orchestrated this hell, but for those who drank the kool-aid the after taste will be bitter enough.
im sure many suffered for their stance but it was no big deal for me, it did cost me my job but i went and got a better one that meant i was out and about during lockdowns.
pressure from others? na i dont give a fk what others think, never wore a mask, never got a jab but then ive always been 'different' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
stand by your principles, never waver