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....and there's no "test" for "C19" 🙄

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Except the one where they had the military jam a foot long Chinese Q-tip up your sinuses …. damn near to your brain for some f’ed up “unknown” reason.

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Well, the WHO better get moneypox under control in The Democratic Republic of Congo because those child miners need to dig faster. /s

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Maybe PSYOP-MUSK can assist?

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Kathleen - I just left a late comment.

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"It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again."

Psychopath "Buffalo Bill", 1991 Silence of the Lambs


"It puts the vaxxine in the skin or else it gets the lockdown again."

Psychopath "Doktor" Bill Gates

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Immune suppression right in front of your eyes

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There`s also article after article being pushed on both mainstream and slightly alternative media like zerohedge.com blaming cancer on everything except the mRNA injection.

Cancer is to be expected when the immune system is suppressed.

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The Yeadon claims of ivermection causing fertility issues set off the bullshit alarm immediately. Ivermectin use is rampant in Africa and they have an overpopulation problem...despite all of Gates’ efforts☠️

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Yeah, what's up with that? Unless they realize that more and more people are taking ivermetin so why not just poison people with that if they are willingly taking it on their own. Just add some extra poison to the pill. No problem. They don't even have to offer a free donut to get more people sick/dead. It's a culling. They will do what they can to poison as many as people as they can.

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I didn't know Yeadon was saying this. I really wanted him to be a good guy. I'm guessing... he's somewhere in the middle.

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I got monkey pox and the antidote was bananas! The side effects are picking bugs out of my spouses hair and eating them, scratching my ass, and jumping all over the house from one piece of furniture to another!

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Curious if people will take this seriously when we’re still dealing with all the destruction from Covid smh: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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from everything I have read since March 2020 ........

many health issues that we are told are very hard to fix

are fairly simple and fixable in multiple ways ....

just 1 example, Dr. Robert Cathcart says high enough divided doses of vitamin c will eliminate any virus..... Dr. Thomas Levy and Dr. Russell Blaylock ... 2 long time medical research champions .... both mention livonlabs.com liposomal vitamin c ....... $40 for a box ......... someone on facebook said Dr. Thomas Levy helped her get her husband out of the ICU with West Nile Virus ....... 3-4 packets (3-4000 mg) of this is similar in effect to an IV of vitamin c ??

Hey .... "they" can say all "they" want to to try and save their $4.6 trillion annual medical industry revenues in the U.S., $1 trillion in annual profits.......... over 25% , wow great profit margin ..... but high dose divided doses, IV, liposomal, regular vitamin c ..... vitamin d levels of 40-60, even 60-80 with sensible sunshine (15 minutes in the middle of the day from March to October in Maryland for fair skin, up to 45 minutes for darker skin) or vitamin d with K2 supplements ............... and ivermectin (apparently fenbendazole, berberine, doxycycline help too) ........ are going to stop their harm and their profits in their tracks.

Below is just a fraction of the great good news out there that is being censored, disparaged, diminished... to protect the $4.6 trillion annual revenues and the $1 trillion annual profits .... allowed, encouraged, protected by law and inaction by the U.S. Congress where at least 150-200 Congressmen and women (there are only 535) and their families and their staff took ivermectin for covid prevention and/or treatment as reported by Dr. Pierre Kory in October 2021. He just had 3 board certifications revoked by the American Board of Internal Medicine last week for his trouble to tell the truth and save American lives. Dr. Paul Marik also had board certifications revoked last week.

If you want to tell the ABIM what you thing about this, this is their contact page https://www.abim.org/contact/ .

Do powerful members of the U.S. Congress force organizations like the ABIM to take these types of actions? You can contact your Congressmen and women and tell them what you think about this too. https://www.congress.gov/contact-us

1. *********************

Dr. Hulda Clark asserts that parasites (some viruses are obligate parasites??) and toxins are the source of all disease, illness, cancer ... her assertions from detailed research and detailed case studies are in her books. You can download and browse a book of hers for free here ..... https://drclarkstore.com/collections/books/products/the-cure-for-all-diseases

2. *********************

Apparently Ivermectin is a very real threat to enormous profits from cancer, illness, disease .....the way it was actively shunned in the U.S. even as the Dominican Republic, parts of the U.S. Key West, Florida, Broward County Florida, Utah ... Egypt, Uttar Pradesh, India in Sept 2020 by 10s of millions ivermectin with doxycycline ..... all of India May 2021, all of Japan August 2021 , etc.


Search on ivermectin and cancer. Search on fenbendazole and cancer .... same doxycycline, berberine. Ignor the disparaging, diminishing, censuring.

3. *********************

Example of a protocol for cancer and various other illnesses/disease caused by parasites/viruses .....

https://floridasharkman.org/ using ivermectin, fenbendazole, doxycycline, berberine.... includes Protocol B for active cancer ... monthly until NED no evidence of disease. Apparently 3 to 12 months. In some instances, use anti-viral protocol for 60 days, 2 week break, then start Protocol B around next full moon or new moon.

studies from the NIH (National Institute of Health)'s Pub Med database of studies are often cited on his website / truth social platform account /.... he is also on rumble but I have not followed him there.

4. *********************

Linus Pauling says 80% of heart disease in the U.S. could be eliminated if adults supplemented with 2000-3000 mg of Vitamin C. (and this was before somewhere in the 2000s when liposomal vitamin c was developed ... absorbed at a 80% something rate versus a 20% something rate for regular vitamin c). http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v01n02.shtml


Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, April 22, 2005

Vitamin C Saves Lives

5. *********************

Dr. Michael Holick says 50 % of heart disease in the U.S. could be eliminated with higher levels of vitamin d in the blood (over 45, over 60 often recommended now) page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D) published in his 2010 book, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

6. *********************

Doxycycline being used to heal myocarditis..................... March 21, 2024 article https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/case-report-vaccine-induced-myocarditis?r=b3adb

7. *********************

IV Vitamin C , high dose vitamin c being used to cancel the spike protein from covid or the vaccines.



Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021

Canceling the Spike Protein

Striking Visual Evidence

Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

8. *********************

Vitamin C used to clear toxins..... Youtube video, March 26, 2013 "Vitamin C Antidote too all known toxins Thomas Levy, MD" https://youtu.be/GpptUsJFCEY

9. *********************

High enough divided doses of vitamin c will eliminate any virus ..... asserts Dr. Robert Cathcart, III.... treated 25,000-30,000 patients with vitamin c therapy apparently.



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they are going to do something bad;

United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO) personnel have been granted “complete immunity” by the Australian government to force vaccinate Australian citizens on Australian soil.

The Australian government recently amended the 1995 Criminal Code Act to update the immunity enjoyed by UN personnel on Australian shores, including the right to perform “defence” and “medical procedures” on citizens with or without consent.

As a UN mandated agency, the WHO personnel are set to enjoy the same legal privileges on Australian soil under the amended legislation.

The amendment was made on 1 August 2024 and can be seen by searching for “United Nations” on the Australian government’s legislation page (https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2004A04868/latest/text). (https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2004A04868/latest/text)


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Aug 20
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And this is why you should never give up your means of self defense.

2@ in America.

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This may help in addition to building your immunity… After a severe case of shingles (pre-pandemic) I researched the herpes virus and found that an inbalance in the arginine/lysine ratio can precipitate a resurgence of the herpes virus. Most eat a diet higher in arginine than lysine. So it is important to incorporate more lysine into one’s diet or supplement with lysine. I take L- lysine and have never had another problem. L-lysine will also prevent “cold sores” and other (genital) herpes outbreaks to those pre-disposed.

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Zinc also. I have used both for cold sores and found zinc was excellent.

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10. *********************

1000 doctors in Japan are using the Riordan Protocol for cancer which includes IV Vitamin C, mentioned in this Sept 2020 interview with the Chief Medical Officer of the Riordan Institute, Wichita, Kansas, Dr. Ron Hunninghake .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NoUcktt58

The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake

interviewed by Lisa Tamati Sep 18, 2020

Dr Ron Hunninghake is the Chief Medical Officer of the prestigious Riordan Institute in Witchita, Kansas.

In this episode Dr Ron explains the uses and mechanisms of action of Vitamin C both oral and intravenous Vitamin C and it's uses in cancer, sepsis, pneumonia, shingles, hepatitis to schizophrenia and mental illnesses.

They also discuss the problems facing functional medicine/orthomolecular medicine vs allopathic medicine and the pharmacological model dominant in our system today.

They elucidate the the mechanisms by which intravenous Vitamin C exerts its powerful healing abilities and discuss the latest clinical trials and work by double nobel prize winner Dr Linus Pauling and subsequent research by Dr Hugh Riordan, Dr Barry Fowler, Dr Paul Marik and others.

11. *********************



Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, July 2, 2019


And why more and more oncologists are now using it

Commentary by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

12. *********************

Protocol developed in 2016/2017 includes IV Vitamin C for hospitalized sepsis ... Developed by Dr. Paul Marik, Norfolk, Virginia .... less than 1% mortality rate compared to 30-50% mortality rate with Standard of Care (SOC) .... apparently a $40 treatment ..... https://www.faim.org/interview-with-dr-paul-marik-on-vitamin-c-protocol-for-sepsis

Disparaged by ..... http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n08.shtml


Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, March 7, 2021

The VICTAS Trial: Designed to Fail

by Michael Passwater

13. *********************

200 plus page Summary .... "The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic interventions in the Treatment of Cancer" by Dr. Paul Marik .......... June 2023 ... updated several times ... https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Cancer-Care-2024-03-05.pdf

14. *********************

Niacin (B3) and Reversing Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 1 and Stage 2 ..............



Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 14, 2021

Reversing Chronic Kidney Disease with Niacin and Sodium Bicarbonate

Review and Commentary by Stephen McConnell and W. Todd Penberthy

excerpt "It would lead a few years later to reproducible documented reversal of chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages 1 or 2. Success was achieved using 3 to 5 cents/day of 100-500mg niacin TID [three times a day] along with 1.0-1.8 grams of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, 600mg at lunch and 1.2g before bed) without < 2g/day elemental calcium, as calcium carbonate.


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Aug 20Edited

I had a macular hole in my retina because I stupidly went to a dermatologist and he injected hyaluronic acid in a place where it is contraindicated. I cured it with 4-6 g of vitamin c +lutein +vitamin d in 6 months.. The surgeon that was set to operate said he never saw anyone cure that before. They know nothing. My OCT scan and vision are normal.

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Some people are going to believe that they will go to heaven when they die of covid or monkeypox, and others believe that they will be reincarnated. Religious indocrination is impossible to overcome.

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reincarnated and come back as a monkey!!

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Some call it the abomination where it's like the abomination of desolation in the body temple. Abomination of pharmakeia anyway, and the Novus Ordo Seclorum. Ordo Ab Chao.

Pharmakeia Definition

NAS Word Usage - Total: 3

1. the use or the administering of drugs

2. poisoning

3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

4. metaph. the *deceptions* and seductions of idolatry

Before I lose people I should mention their silent murder deadpool network outside of pestilences. See Targetedjustice.com. Read Project Soul Catcher and MKTECH Invasion and Mind Control Volume 1 and 2. They are going straight for souls now, owning the mind and body, keeping us from God, while we'd likely end up prisoners in a singularity matrix at some point. In any case they're torturing people to death (often suicide) telemetrically with synthetic telepathy (V2K/D2K) and directed energy neuroweaponry along with COINTELPRO smear campaign gangstalking. Now we have nanotechnology swimming in our bodies from their parasites and vaxes, and probably chemtrails. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea has some good footage on here.

A lot more people will believe in it when they realize the 'elite' are an extension of the mystery schools of Babylon and Egypt, then Greece and Rome -- Luciferians and outright Satanists. It takes knowing the opposite is true for many. Externalization of the Hierarchy is happening in everyone's faces, and that book was written by a Theosophist Luciferian, Alice Bailey, who founded Lucis (Lucifer) Trust for the UN. New Ageism (Novus Ordo Seclorum) was promoted by her, Madame Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley and many of the orders, the god-self religion, the one-world religion. Do what thou wilt. Satanism is largely about what the serpent told Eve. YOU can be as God.

You can see how that's played out in the public perception of religion, and when we're literally brainwashed from birth we're just broken parrots. Music and TV (Kabbalist owned) did a lot, and counterculture in general mainly from the 1960s onward. They've been working us for a lot longer to remove us from God and Jesus. 1800s parlor spiritism, what is a ghost, aliens, etc. etc. All their doing. Manipulation of perception.

Another example: Bohemian Grove, the upper right of a dollar (magnify), and the US Capitowl Building (Google Earth) all have owls of Inanna/Ishtar, Athena (AOL), Minerva (top of dome) and other iterations. The Magna Mater owl, or M&M, is dropping her eggs down the Mall to the WA obelisk of fertility where they form a vesica piscis. The sacrificial dead are the key or ka, as the Memorial is shaped, facing east to sunrise service. You'll find St. Peter's at the Vatican was constructed similarly, for the same reason -- pagan sacrifice. The Holy See logo shows the gold and silver keys to the gates of heaven and man, which they feel they control. There's also an inverted pentagram (Eastern Star) above the DC complex, purposely unfinished as in (Illuminati) Goethe's Faust. Goethe, goetia (demonology). Minerva was the Illuminati goddess too, a Queen of Heaven usually represented by Venus (Friday). Catholicism is at least half pagan while all 3 Abrahamic religions have been subverted in their own way by the mystery priesthood. It can be shown. The Kaaba(list) Stone sits in a vesica piscis in a Saturn cube for instance, believers circling it like rings of Saturn. Each worships a different day of The Weeknd (weakened) as an overall ritual. Satanists find this extremely funny BTW.

We're all potential Mickey Mouse M&M and Chuck E Cheese lab rats to them (CC=33 Fr33mason), what owls love to eat.

So why would they build complexes that can only be appreciated from above, before aircraft, like the Nazca lines? It's for success and prosperity in any endeavor, appeasing the pagan gods they worship, AKA the fallen angels or the Watchers -- Semjaza/Satan/Saturn & Co. Wiki Novus Ordo Seclorum. Everything they do revolves around synchronicity and numerology like (Revelation) 9/11 which smoked like the bottomless pit with thermite, or the '69 moonshot Apollo 11 with Saturn V rocket. The V is a Jewish 6. Saturn is the 6th planet and 6th day, the usurped Sabbath, and the Lord of the Rings. His all-seeing eye of Sauron is at the (6) hexagonal pole as NASA shows it.

Chaldean Rome and Kabbalist Zion are basically the Mystery Ho of Revelation, just like old Babylon. They depopulate as per the agenda, push God with "redemption through sin" and end in a fiery conflagration just as the Good Book says. A lot of it revolves around false, warmongering Israel. Then, just as after the Deluge, we start from scratch and hope people learned. Some things still have to happen first, like their Antichrist messiah they've been waiting for who will 'save us' with Ordo Ab Chao they created, but Revelation will play out in whatever form.

This is all their doing and why we praise Jesus. It takes a lot of pain to make sure that side of humanity doesn't resurface again anytime soon, and we do need saving from what we can't fight or control. They are tampering with Creation and it won't be tolerated for much longer. The problem we have now is a LOT of brainwashed people who stand to lose their blessed connection with the Holy Spirit (the unholy one is becoming prevalent) because they thought it was all BS. This is going to end worse than badly, but the problem is that life doesn't really end and so many have been unfairly brainwashed about it.

Jesus is trying to get in touch with as many as will listen before it fades to black.

"Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light." Amos 5:18

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Very philosophical.

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We’re always, it seems, good at identifying the symptoms, the causes, etc.. But we aren’t always good at identifying the cure.

The cure here, is we have to rid society of the corrupt, at every level, bit by bit. The true cause.

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Oh doctors know the cure.

It's endless "treatments" provided by their friends in "big pharma" that will be administered "for life."

incurable "disease" = patients for life

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Now I get why they are going with Monkey Pox over Bird Flu. I would have thought they were going to go with Bird Flu next but I guess Bird Flu didn't fly in some way. Saying everyone is coming down with a gay man sex disease didn't sound like people would buy into that.

However, I think when they poisoned so many people with their covid shots, a healthy body tries to get the poison out any way it can. Maybe through having a cold, blistering, basically any orifice in the body, a healthy body will use to rid itself of poison . I did notice a person in their twenties face breaking out shortly after getting the covid shot. I thought good. He is getting the poison out of his body. The Monkey Pox is very visible on the skin with the blisters. So I can understand that when people get these poison shots their skin will indeed break out looking like they got Monkey Pox.

So Monkey Pox wins for the next Pandemic even if it doesn't make a lick of sense that everyone is suddenly coming down with a gay man's sex disease. But hey, they fooled a lot of people with their covid lies last time, so I guess they can do it again. There is a lot of stupid people around.

Monkey Pox should make for a lot of interesting memes at least.

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I'm betting they'll use both. Winter of propaganda ahead.

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I say both as well. One is to attack the food supply with culling and injecting food. The other is just a disgusting pox.

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I believe the polio vaccine is to blame for hand foot and mouth

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An excellent article, thank you.

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