Monkeypox is the new COVID
Let's watch all these media and national security goons shift gears again
by Spartacus
A New Plague to Fear
Isn’t it rather convenient that just after everything started winding down and it looked like COVID-19 was due to become just another endemic flu, a few people out of billions potentially immunocompromised by vaccines just happen to start contracting and sustaining human-to-human transmission of zoonotic illnesses like Monkeypox and Hemorrhagic fever hantavirus that ordinarily have poor transmissibility?
What is Monkeypox, the Virus Infecting People in the U.S. and Europe?
Monkeypox isn’t a new disease. The first confirmed human case was in 1970, when the virus was isolated from a child suspected of having smallpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Monkeypox is unlikely to cause another pandemic, but with COVID-19 top of mind, fear of another major outbreak is understandable. Though rare and usually mild, monkeypox can still potentially cause severe illness. Health officials are concerned that more cases will arise with increased travel.
If it does turn into another pandemic, they'll probably start having people take Jynneos or ACAM2000:
Bavarian Nordic scores FDA nod for smallpox and monkeypox vaccine Jynneos
Sep 25, 2019 07:35am
Bavarian Nordic and the U.S. government have been working for years to advance a next-gen smallpox vaccine, and now the company has scored its much-anticipated approval. The vaccine, Jynneos, represents the first non-replicating smallpox vaccine in the U.S. and the first monkeypox vaccine worldwide.
Importantly, Jynneos is also the first smallpox vaccine for people with compromised immune systems, such as people with eczema, and addresses a long-running U.S. goal to be able to provide the full population with protection. Bavarian Nordic CEO Paul Chaplin said on a Wednesday conference call the vaccine is the “result of a fifteen-year partnership” between the U.S. government and the company.
The ACAM2000 made by Emergent BioSolutions:
Sanofi offloads smallpox vaccine business to Emergent BioSolutions in $125M deal
While Sanofi is currently transferring the upstream portion of the vaccine’s manufacturing process from Austria to the U.S. site, an FDA license is expected to arrive in about six months, Abdun-Nabi said during a conference call on July 14. Once approved, the new site will represent another production milestone for Emergent since last August, when the FDA approved the company’s large-scale facility based in Lansing, Michigan, for the manufacture of its anthrax vaccine BioThrax.
Under a 10-year agreement, the Gaithersburg, Maryland-based biotech will also use the Canton facility to manufacture Sanofi’s Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine, according to an SEC filing.
The addition of ACAM2000 will expand Emergent’s class-exclusive portfolio of products to five, and the purchase complements the company’s offerings as it already has VIGIV, the only FDA-licensed med for certain complications from smallpox vaccination.
The same Emergent BioSolutions that received preferential contracts for COVID-19 vaccines from Robert Kadlec because of the enduring partnership between Robert Kadlec and the late Fuad El-Hibri, in spite of Emergent BioSolutions' poor quality control:
Dr. Robert Kadlec: How the Czar of Biowarfare Funnels Billions to Friends in the Vaccine Industry
How was Emergent able to command such high prices from the government?
Monopoly power. No-bid contracts, facilitated by friends in government. Buyouts of competitors. Unparalleled spending on armies of former-military-turned-lobbyists like the admiral who helped El-Hibri corner the market on the anthrax vaccine back in the 1990s.
It didn't hurt that Kadlec was a former Emergent consultant and founding partner with El-Hibri of the biodefense company East West Protection.
The same Emergent BioSolutions that renamed themselves from BioPort, after the Anthrax vaccine fiasco that occurred right after Amerithrax. There is some evidence that Gulf War Syndrome is linked to anthrax vaccines:
As it races to create a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, the Trump administration this month announced that one of its largest pandemic-related contracts would go to a little-known biodefense company named Emergent BioSolutions. “Emergent’s manufacturing capabilities will pave the way,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement.
The $628 million deal to help manufacture an eventual vaccine cemented Emergent’s status as the highest-paid and most important contractor to the HHS office responsible for preparing for public health threats and maintaining the government’s stockpile of emergency medical supplies.
Emergent has long been the government’s sole provider of BioThrax, a vaccine for anthrax poisoning. But over the past decade, the company has acquired biodefense competitors and treatments for smallpox, botulism and other threats for which there is no market outside of government.
Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology that has afflicted many veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War who have sustained progressively worsening health since the war1. Recent studies have demonstrated the presence of active inflammation in GWI2,3 and, in addition, a positive association of the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker, with GWI symptom severity3. Moreover, we have shown that GWI serum contains substances that are harmful to neural cultures4`, a detrimental effect that can be prevented by serum of healthy GW veterans4 and partially so by pooled human immunoglobulin G (IgG)5. Although possible exposure to environmental toxins in war theater has been traditionally blamed for GWI6, the evidence above3-5 and the fact that the disease also afflicted nondeployed veterans7, point to other causes, including the vaccines administered to GW veterans4,5,7, such as the vaccine against anthrax. Here we present, for the first time, evidence indicating the presence of the harmful anthrax protective antigen PA63 in the serum of 15 veterans suffering from GWI, as follows. First, we confirmed that the addition of GWI serum to the culture had a detrimental effect, including decreased cell spreading and increased cell apoptosis, as reported previously4. And second, we found that the concomitant addition of specific polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies against PA63 had a remarkable protective effect on N2A cultures, significantly ameliorating cell spreading and reducing cell apoptosis. These results document that the adverse effects of GWI serum on neural cultures are due, in part, to persistent pathogens derived from the anthrax vaccine. We hypothesize that these anthrax pathogens persisted in the blood of the GWI veterans tested because of inability of those veterans to make antibodies against them, probably due to lack of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) protection8. Finally, our findings point to a possible successful intervention in GWI consisting in neutralizing (by administering specific antibodies) and/or removing (by plasmapheresis) those harmful anthrax antigens.
The same BioPort that was spun off from DynPort, which was a joint venture of DynCorp, the US mercenary company, and Porton in the UK:
A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market
That same year, perennial US defense contractor, Dyncorp, went into business with a shadowy group of biotech entrepreneurs from across the pond, forming the DynPort Vaccine Company, LLC., a combination of DynCorp’s name with that of its UK-based partner, Porton International, Inc. The latter company’s president, Zsolt Harsanyi, would also lead DynPort as the British firm began to lay the groundwork for its second attempt at securing a crucial monopoly within the American biotech space.
The same DynCorp who have a long history of engaging in human trafficking while carrying out contracts for the US State Department:
It's Déjà Vu for DynCorp All Over Again
Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12. Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company's Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them.
Isn’t it amazing how easy it is to utterly dismantle these people with a few casual Google, DuckDuckGo, and Yandex searches?
No wonder they’re desperate for algorithmic censorship of search results.
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Do NOT comply.
1) New money maker for the pharma to come up with another murdering Vax. 2) New lockdowns coming right around the corner just in time when we could start voting. Its ok. Brandon will say to keep everyone safe, Executive Order, Voting By Mail Only! And some people will actually buy into it since they can't afford the cost of gas to drive to the polls. They've got a plan for everything
Here's another seminal document that told you what they were going to do. Another Gates Foundation abomination, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) prepared a preliminary business plan in 2016: https://cepi.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/CEPI-Preliminary-Business-Plan-061216_0.pdf
Then in March 2021, CEPI launched the USD3.5 billion CEPI 2.0 plan which sets out its new strategic priorities to:
"* Prepare for known epidemic and pandemic threats;
* Transform the response to the next novel threat; and
* Connect and enhance global collaboration to build a world that is better equipped to deal with these devastating diseases."
$3.5 billion raised in five years, no doubt from governments around the world funding their own destruction.
Right on queue... enter Monkey Pox.
Do some digging!