The moment I heard of this technology and that it was coming from Pfizer and the suspiciously shadowy Moderna, I stated that one would should have their head examined for even considering an injection of it. I suspected it would create health problems that Pfizer would have a miraculous mRNA treatment for in the future. If you are poor or working class, you can’t afford it and die. If you have accumulated upper middle class wealth they’ll clean you out “your money or your life” such that the siphoning of the little persons’ wealth to the very top swindlers is complete. The swindle has been ongoing, with one peak in 2008-9 and a grand flourish with the Covid shutdown/takedown.

Look to our lost wealth’s destination and you will see the perpetrators.

WTF. Or is that WEF?

[and their literal and spiritual financiers]

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It's just more of the same Hegelian Dialectic scam from micro to macro. They provide "solutions" on the personal sickcare level until you are wiped out, and they provide "solutions" on the societal level until the global citizenry is wiped out.

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Well, why aren't we doing something about it? Are we just going to sit here while we all discuss our slaughter on the way to the slaughterhouse? Here's how we start over before they finish destroying our natural Planet as well: http://pppway.net/#Vision We can make this a collective effort.

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"This whole “vaccination” scheme is a eugenics depopulation program at the direct expense of those being subjected to the slow kill bioweapons that they themselves paid for via tax theft.

This is what Agenda 21 and The Great Reset look like in the acceleration phase we are now experiencing."

I always appreciate it when someone is clear and direct about what's happening. To be sure, there are many ignorant tools in the mix, but yes, this is a depopulation program plain and simple. When we can't face that - increasingly obvious reality - we say 'incompetent' and 'ignorant', etc. Which is really not helpful and akin to suggesting one bring a slew of insults to a gun fight. We need to grok what's going on and behave accordingly. They Are Trying To Kill You.

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A few months back I woke up out of a deep sleep feeling like someone was looking at me. I immediately looked at the doorway to my bedroom and saw a black-robed hooded tall figure with no visible facial features covering the entire doorway. I was wide awake and instantly realized I was looking at the Grim Reaper. I felt no fear but wanted it gone so I told the figure to get out of my house several times and then it slowly dissipated. I know I can not tell many members of my family as of course they would say I was crazy. I wish I didn't have this experience but I took it to mean that the dark side prevails at this time. I never felt it was coming for me but for others. Creepy??

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Creepy indeed.

I've had experiences - not like the one you describe - of seeing etheric like beings over the years. Sometimes it positive, like with a friend who passed away who I had prayed for, he showed up at the end of my bed to say thanks. When I woke up, I knew he had 'left' died during the night.

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Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. My sister was on her death bed in a hospital with C-diff nearly 20 years ago. She saw our deceased Mother and Grandparents standing at the foot of her bed discussing if it was her time to die and it was decided that it wasn't. It took her several years to gain health and well-being but she is now living and thriving. That experience helped her to have the ability to desire to live. Thank God.

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Thank you.

What a gift for your sister - and you.

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Lord have mercy on us.

May these people burn in hell

And be held accountable in real time.

How would you ever explain to your own

Mother you are directly responsible for

Creating CA IN Woman ….I’d guess you’d

Need to talk to faucci about his conversation with his mom.

How do these people look at themselves

In the Mirror or at their wives or daughters

I bet they do not recommend the shot to

Their female tribe.

Genocidal minds must have a godplex

Well here’s my poetic Godplex to these

Assholes burn in Hell ….not one ounce

Of water shall I give you as you plead

For a drop of cool refreshing water.

Rage over

thanks for insights !!!!!!

Known woman to get double mastectomy’s due to the Brca gene.

Me thinks some day they will look back

At how barbaric we were.

You did what?

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So much evidence of utterly massive evil - and of good people digging for truth, shouting out warnings as loudly as they can, telling the truth.

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I work with 3 women who are all fully vaxxed/boosted who have sudden, aggressive Stage 3 & 4 breast cancer. All of them getting it within a month or two of each other. All of them undergoing mastectomy, radiation and chemo. I am sure it is just a coincidence....

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WELL DONE!! These two are the anti-macrophages of the clinical journal world. They’re sucking up only good information, allowing the defects to proliferate. You’ve ferreted them out. I hope you’re compiling a list!

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Must read, agreed.

Absolutely must. Thank you. You have explained the pieces of this nightmare brilliantly. Mandate motive and mechanism puzzle 🧩 solved imho. I’d much prefer to believe that Oliver and Eric are right and are not just pimples on the backside of this monster.

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O Freed - i know what uou did last summer ....

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Hey Moderna bragged they created there Quack666ine in two days ! What could possibly go wrong?

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This is a perfect example of how the NWOs infiltrate and control ( destroy) our sacred institutions. These two “plants” have a connection. Their personal histories need to be researched quickly before such is “altered.”

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Most "sacred institutions" are anything but.

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True dat

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Amazing and lucid look at this ongoing crime scene, thank you for your tenacity and fierce truth-telling.

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well...just another indication that the perps might benefit from an immunization,

safe and effective of course, directly into their neocortex. They can live forever

in a special place, forever and in history.

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Another excellent piece of work Sir. This gene therapy works on so many levels but with the same outcome. I just posted on Igor s post on immune tolerance by Brian Mowney. How will they explain away the unfolding disaster for humanity? Thanks again Sir

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The spike protein also destroys mitochondria. DrBeen spoke about a few recent studies just the otherday, which show this is occuring fairly conclusively.

If mitochondria are being destroyed, this could account for a number of secondary observations and findings as the cells will either die or they will become crippled and weakened. And these cells could be immune cells, neurons, myocardial or vessel tissues or even liver or lung tissues. We don't know which or where the greatest exposure occurs.

The studies also point towards genotoxicity.


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Women are the special targets of the eugenics movement. This mRNA gene therapy masquerading falsely as a "vaccine" with syncytin-1 in the lipid nanoparticle of the spike protein is lethal for fetuses and often for the pregnant women.

Another example supporting women as special targets is shown in Bill Gates previous experimental targets in Africa with syncytin-1 linked to miscarriages and infertility striking down almost all births.

The Trans movement in the USA seeks to remove female sex considerations in the doctor's offices and on the intake and recording forms--the data collection forms. This appears to include bully demands being made over the best interests of natural born females who are measurably biologically different with different pathways and chemicals, especially hormone messengers. Naturally born women's health data collection is critical to having access to the ability to identify trends in adverse symptoms that are the signals to timely investigate or to timely recall bad products. Without this information, naturally born women will not have the same early warnings for safer choices that uniquely apply to hormone and reproductive functions as well as different genes than anyone born as a male.

Feminists (naturally born women both straight and lesbian) worked very hard to get women into the medical studies in the 1980s and 1990s because the "safe and efficacy" claims prior to that were based primarily on studies with overwhelmingly male data historically, given it was commonly viewed too risky to experiment on women who could become pregnant and on pregnant women.

Now, scientific data collection for women is once again being threatened politically from more than one direction simultaneously.

We must insist that medical experiments in general must return to the previous rigorous scientific standard data collection of safety signals over long-term testing with traditional Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials with rigor at every step. Such scientific rigor takes from 7 years with existing technology and 14-15 years with new technology. We need to define some stopping points, too.

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