CIA coup against JFK is like the worse kept secret. JFK wanted the CIA dismantled and wanted to make sure we did not get embroiled in Viet Nam, but JFK, who had just fired Dulles, had no idea who this man was - one of the head Nazi's inside the USA; although, the Americans never called themselves Nazis. He also wanted the CIA to share all they had on UFOs with the USSR to avoid unintended blaming each other for things UFOs were doing. The CIA had no intention of sharing anything with the USSR, they were already back engineering crashed vehicles.

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That and the moon landing 😉

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I still cry when I remember hearing about JFK's death in 1963. I could not believe it at first - it was just too horrible to imagine. And then later I found out exactly what you report here - it was the CIA and others in that cabal who could not tolerate being shut down. He was just too dangerous to them to remain alive. I also read that LBJ was a part of the scheme as well. Do you know any more about his envolvement? He must have been acceptable to this group.

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Read “The Unspeakable”

LBJ was as low as they come

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I was a teen then but I do remember my parents saying pretty much the same thing. More like "He's a crook"!

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It's all fake - from the Moon Landing (didn't happen) to Area 51 (did happen) to the Kennedy assassination (CIA did it) to 9/11 (CIA did it) to COVID...

The Matrix is a thing and we've been living in it for about 60 years now.

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for a long time I was also under the impression that aliens were visiting Earth since forever and that they crashed in 1947., I'm now aware my impressions were created due to unrelenting pressure from popular culture.

so, who has the power to introduce and normalize ideas through the media? to what end?

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Thank you for this. I really sense that, as a nation, we are totally losing our way from what is truth, and I include myself in this. But I keep remembering one element of communist strategy which is to so confuse the enemy, to make him doubt the rightness of his own system, that he will be unable to resist in a concerted fashion. This effect (putting aside the possible inciters) is today everywhere in our culture.

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They do work together. That only lasts, however, until the common target is destroyed. Then, if the other (in this case corporate) entity is no longer useful, it becomes the next target. Hence Lenin's characterization of his 'allies' as USEFUL idiots. We must never confuse the image frozen in time as the final result. Indeed, Lenin stated clearly, that new enemies would always be found to justify the ongoing revolution. In other words, the communist's purported ideal of a classless society, is only a tactical and strategic chimera.

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Well, the difference, such as it might prove to be, would be one of technique in the thinning of the herd. Same desiderata, but the communists are more traditional (at least up to now) in their 'tool' preferences.

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Yup. One major turning point is the Federal Reserve Act. A second major turning point is the giant New Deal bureaucratic apparatus. And the third, most relevant turning point is the post-WWII National Security Act. Take these three and you can identify both the source and livelihood of the Deep State, our mortal enemy, the parasite of the American people.

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this game was lost before it started.

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If one reads Deut. 23:20, they'll find that "they" are to only charge usury to the strangers, but not to their brethren, so they may POSSESS the land wherever they go. And that's what they are and have been doing for a very long time, hence why they're now in control. Many of the so-called truthers point to the duped vaxxed and those that can't see what's going on, as suffering "mass formation psychosis," but most of those same truthers don't see that they're suffering the same psychosis, from a different perspective, when believing that the psychopathic Bible is the word of a creator god. One should read all biblical words as coming from rabbis speaking to their own people.

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I shall only answer part of your delusion: No "rabbis" wrote any part of the Jewish Bible. Your timeline is way off, for one thing. Secondly, you (conveniently?) ignore that the charging of interest to non-Jews as a necessary life sustaining activity came about after Jews were forbidden from owning property and forbidden from entering the guilds. In other words, Christian civilization tried to consign them to starvation. I suppose you would be just fine with that, right? The intermittent pogroms just sort of spiced things up for the majority population--Updated Roman lion-vs-human entertainment. But the moral impetus of those pogroms can be seen faithfully reflected in your post. Congratulations for openly identifying yourself with the most depraved impulses in our shared history.

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Perhaps I should have used the words, "priestly class" instead of "rabbis." That same "priestly class," was protected from the usury, in the sense of land and their portion of food they received, when biblical Joseph used false claims of a coming famine (read climate change of today), to steal the Egyptians animals and land, in exchange for food and seeds, (similar to Monsanto seeds today). Also, funny how in the 2nd year of a supposed 7-year famine, Joseph gave the Egyptians seeds to grow, in exchange for their land.

Then I found this issue, amongst many others. The Israelites were supposed to be slaves building the "T"reasure cities, Pithom and Rameses. What is a treasure city? Could it be holding facilities, like banks, for ALL the money and food Joseph had collected? First, Gen. 45:8 states Joseph was made a father to Pharaoh, and Ephraim was that link, after the Pharaoh gave a wife to Joseph. Then, take the "spell" off the word Treasure = User Rate, which is what Joseph caused the Egyptians to give up when growing their seeds. Finally, the word Rameses is used 5 times in the Bible, but only misspelled once, as Raamses, in Exodus 1, where it matters most. I wonder why they spelled it wrong in that case. Well, keeping in mind that the "T" stands for Treasure or User Rate and using the correct spelling, take their "spell" off the words, Pithom and Rameses = "T" Ephraim and Moses. Now, what are the chances of that?! The Bible is a book of sorcery, as well, and there are plenty more "spells" than just that one. Read this as a statement - Is Ra El...the god of the Egyptians and the god of the Canaanites.

Further, look at the back of the dollar bill. You have the Egyptian pyramid, and you also have the 6-pointed star of David with the 13 stars/tribes within, which includes Ephraim. Just as the pyramid has nothing to do with the U.S., so too are those 13 stars not representative of the 13 colonies. The pyramid has an all-seeing eye, which means Pharaoh Sees or Pharisees. Lastly, Federal = Fed Ra El. So, we're still feeding Ra and El their user rate. In other words, we're still slaves building their Treasure Cities. You're under a SPELL!

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You mean the Tucker Carlson who applied to work for the CIA, was friends with Hunter Biden, and mocks 911 truth?


Thanks for sharing though. I will view with a healthy skepticism.

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Never thought that Jess Ventura would have sold his sole. Thanks for article!

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And his laces, too.

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There should be a healthy skepticism. The minute he says something wrong, it should be pointed out. That doesn’t mean a generalized distrust is necessary. If it’s a good segment, it’s a good segment.

We gotta take what we can get in this situation.

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I start with the premise that mainstream media is indeed lying and misleading,. Especially when reporting on the CIA. But of course the ad hominem fallacy applies and they can speak truth at times.

The authorities have been playing this slow reveal game for years with the JFK event. Dribbling documents out slowly and allowing hundreds of different theories to blossom--that's one of the most important purposes of the event.

Indeed, there are many books arguing the CIA did it, from long ago. So Tucker finding a source saying the CIA did it, is underwhelming. We learned Oswald was conclusively connected to the CIA in previous document releases, although Oswald's connection should have been intuited by astute researchers long ago, and was.

There are lots of other mainstream outlets recently casting suspicion on the CIA for not releasing the documents too. So not like any of this is really groundbreaking.

Us gumshoes have been on the case for decades, gradually getting closer, I'm sure we'll catch them soon! /S

I like Tucker's other segment reporting from the Russia supermarket. And Tucker gets to reveal more truth bombs than other mainstream journalists, so there is some enjoyment there, but I'm not going to get tricked into thinking he's really interested in revealing the deep state's deepest secrets.

How do we know the documents they've sequestered for this decades-long review are all the relevant records? Wouldn't they simply destroy the most incriminating records? How do we know they didn't create a false record? Seems like an easy way to create false narratives.

Full disclosure: I do suspect the deep state is responsible for the JFK event, and they want us to know that, gradually. But critical truths are being hidden and will always be hidden, and false narratives have been concocted.

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Why do you ignore the openly available KGB role? Oswald's patently expressed hatred of America? I don't know about the CIA's role; everything is possible. But that you would post at such length and ignore an obvious link seems strange.

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I haven't ignored it. I know he "defected" to Russia, met his wife there, studied Russian in the military, was assigned to secretive radio work in the military, handed out pro Cuba leaflets in New Orleans and involved in pro Communist anti-American-imperialism activism, I even listened to LHO make pro communist comments on a radio program, and know he was allegedly sighted in Mexico trying to talk to the Russians. I think it's more likely LHO was a double agent really working for the U.S. than the Soviets, although there is a decent argument the U.S. and the Soviets were really in cahoots.

This is yet another example of the many rabbit holes intentionally created by the JFK event, which was one of the main purposes of the event. As you point out, my comment was already long enough without spelling them all out in detail.

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And the Russian wife, Marina, was the daughter of a KGB colonel. That's a pretty heavy thumb on the scale

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You can dirty up the messenger, you can’t clean up the message. It doesn’t matter who’s mouth this story comes from, no one wants to hear it. Truth is ugly. I believe the CIA killed Kennedy but this started long before Kennedy and he’s far from the first or last to die.

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Daddy Bush and Lyndon Johnson were also involved. JFK wanted to take down the CIA and they weren't having any of that.

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The most important image re: the assassination:


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Please explain.

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That’s how H.W. Bush got to be Pres. I have always felt Johnson was somehow involved.

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What’s interesting is that Whitney Webb has been all over the internet talking about her fascinating new 2 volume book, “One Nation, Under Blackmail” about the unholy alliance between the intelligence apparatus and the mob, formally forged many decades ago and is still the modus operandi today. It’s long been suspected by those who have studied it that this was a partnership responsible for the JFK assassination.

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Good book, almost done with volume 1. Book is incredibly well sourced and detailed.

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"The answer is yes. I believe they were involved." Says the expert that has read the documents.

The answer is yes. The CIA did it and George Bush was there and lied, lied and lied again about his involvement. Says me who hasn't seen a single document.

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If the videos Killing Kennedy are still around, you might enjoy them! Always wondered why W. Bush was on the green that day in his jeans, white socks and loafers! ( I saw this picture many years later.)

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The problem these people have is that they set up a system where it is legitimate to kill those at the top, look at what they did to Gaddafi and numerous other heads of state, JFK himself was trying to murder Castro, and who knows else, and so they have given carte blanche to anyone coming to power after them to do exactly the same to them. Why did Lenin order the Tsar and his children murdered? Because the Tsar and his family had run a regime that casually murdered innocent people for daring to disagree? No of course not he ordered him murdered because the Tsar's regime had hung Lenin's murderous thug of a brother. Some three months before the Russian Revolution Lenin was still telling students in Switzerland whose minds he was busily corrupting with Marxist crap that there would be no revolutions in his lifetime but that they would probably live to see it. He was clueless as are those in power today. Trudeau no more thinks he will face men with guns in a basement with his family than the Tsar did. But hasn't Trudeau been running a Tsarist absolutist regime in Canada, and his father before him? who knows what will happen but history tells me you don't take a forty ton truck onto thin ice and survive.

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None of the lower level players in this mess realize once their jobs are done, they will be gotten rid of just like the rest of us. They’ll just be around a bit longer than us useless eaters, but be disposable when the top elites feel it’s time!

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Very nice. Thank you. I would say that sure, there was a personal vendetta in Lenin's killing of the Tsar's family, but that a greater role ought to be given to his understanding of power politics. I.e., he was simply following an axiom Machiavelli had laid out centuries before. And, like all totalitarians, Lenin loved killing. As for Trudeau, after reading of Chairman Xi's rebuke of him, I again come to see him as a USEFUL idiot (we never sufficiently appreciate the adjective in this phrase) in the great global power advance. He likely won't be the main course (that's for the likes of me) but certainly he'll be part of dessert.

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JFK wanted to disband the cia, how does anyone think they took to that? Poppy Bush's own little army. And yes, George was a part of the assassination. You remember that smile when he repeatedly showed Congress as he lied to them? Same smile he flashed when he said he can't remember what he was doing that day in Dallas. Who cannot remember what they were doing and where they were? Unless they weren't born yet. I've seen a picture of him taking a handoff of a gun, probably not the killing one, this was just a pistol.

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I remember vividly! I was a freshman in college and was spending the weekend with a friend. We saw it on TV. It was just horrible. We both cried.

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"JFK to 911 - Everything is a Rich Man's Trick"

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This was the best. Worth every second of the 3 hours. I have watched it several times.

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wasnt tucker's father ...

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"Dick Carlson, Tucker’s father, married Patricia Swanson, heiress to the Swanson frozen food company (now Campbell’s/Conagra), in 1979 when Tucker was 10. Dick Carlson was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to run Voice of America, the U.S. government-owned international propaganda media network, in 1986.

President George H.W. Bush nominated Dick as Ambassador to Seychelles in 1991. He’s had several high-ranking government and media jobs since that time. Dick is currently the director of lobbying firm Policy Impact."


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Umm, the correct video was originally showing up, but once I tried to play it, it turned into "Good plays in the mobile alliance -Arena of Valor part 4," and now that's what's showing as embedded as well as when I click the YouTube link 🤔

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An edit that turned it into an entirely different video? 🤷‍♀️

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Right, probably a form of rick-rolling as I believe this happened previously with another Tucker video.

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It definitely happened at the YouTube channel itself, and I don't think 2nd Smartest would have any incentive to play a joke like that on us, particularly with such sobering content.

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I think he was also totally fed up with the CIA after they screwed the pooch in Cuba and then murdered Diem.

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the CIA caused the loss of the freedom fighters at Bay of Pigs, after telling JFK they did not require air cover

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The thing everyone's talking around is that the whole thing was faked it was a staged event nobody died nobody got hurt https://fake11.com/jfk

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As the very funny Tim Dillon said recently, “If you think Oswald shot Kennedy you reeeeally don’t want to look at 911.”

But, of course, I don’t and I do.

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JFK and the Unspeakable lays it out pretty well.

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Whatever you do, do not investigate the role of Israel in operations such as the murder of the Kennedys. Don't look there. Look at the CIA! Especially avoid reading The Unspoken Kennedy Truth by Laurent Guyénot. Israel is our greatest ally, and would never interfere in the affairs of the United States.

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And whatever you do, don’t look into 911.

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