Prescott Bush was a wall street banker financing Hitler thru Thyssen/Krupt. Talk about trading with enemy. War is bankers glee poor mans blood. Nazis? did they drop 2 atomic bombs on innocent civilians in Japan? Learn about operation paperclip and matchbox, start to connect the dots-all roads lead to English empire.

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Yes, I'm in the process of reading a book called Conjuring Hitler. Very interesting.

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"Nazi’s who are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in history".

Alongside the equally horrendous crimes of the Soviet Union, China, Japan, the USA, UK, Poland, France, Cambodia, Africa, Ukraine, Israel, etc.

Only the Germans were singled out for punishment, while many other countries have had their crimes whitewashed out of popular history.

I'm not sure that the Nazis are running the world, just the same people who have always run the world for their own profit.

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Absolutely. It does irritate me when people focus on Germany and forget all the other heinous crimes against humanity that have happened. I believe communism is responsible for 100 million deaths last century. And after WWII, General Patton said they had been fighting on the wrong side. It's time for 'truthers' to learn real history.

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The writers of the black book of communism (which is where your 100 million dead thought originates) later confessed to having decided the number ahead of time and then did the research in reverse to get that tally.

Capitalism has killed more than (and continues to kill to this day) communism.

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Let me guess... A CNN Watcher? ABC, perhaps? Ridiculous notion, that.

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None of the above Champ

Here's some news for ya, Newsmax, OAN, Fox, and anything that panders to right-wing eyeballs in order to generate ad revenue is also lying to you, just as bad as the ones you mentioned.

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Seems sp.

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Thankfully my kids are 44 and 42 but the brainwashing was not so ingrained back then , but my grandsons have been getting it in bucket loads. The 15 year old had to endure gay pride week, and came home asking what’s my pronoun. The 11 year old is fed up with climate change, and the 7 yo now 8 got in his other grandmas car an announced “ nanna do you know all whites are racist?”. Needless to say the separated parent of older child have sat him down and explained two sexes . The younger two have been moved to a parochial school .

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Thank goodness your family don't just sit by and allow the indoctrination.

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Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav has documented in her films exactly what you are exposing here; we must understand that the holocaust never ended and that today's nefarious actors are direct descendants of the original evildoers and their satanic, globalist mindsets; they exhibit the same materialist ideologies of power and control to be achieved through any means necessary; only now the "holocaust agenda" is operational world-wide and directed against all of humanity in general, regardless of race or ethnic origin or political affiliation; mankind's "collective stupidity"(Bonhoeffer) did much to get us to this "point of no return" but hope lies in the fact that the evil controllers are just as stupid and will eventually self -destruct or kill each other off in their relentless pursuit to be their own gods.

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I doubt that their Reign of Terror will end with them "kill(ing) each other off". If I were a younger man, I would be on a mission to rid the planet of Satanic, Globalist Terrorists. I'm sure there are younger men than I whose hearts are bent in exactly the same way. Saving Humanity from these Lunatic Globalists should be on everybody's list of "Things to Do".

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Look at Klaus Schwab, Nazi spawn, "Give me a child until he is 7 and I shall give you the Nazi..."

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Or Hillary Clinton, it takes a village to raise a child - real meaning the government will raise your children from birth and brainwash them

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Tell me about it, my kids are 25, I'm now having to un-brainwash them!

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that got to be a full time job, provided you are successful ... at that age they think they know it all ...

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I *thought* that my 29 year old stepson was un-brainwashed. But... I was wrong. He got a raise, has new co-workers, and voila! He is back to being a liberal.


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Sorry I would query what being a liberal is, in the UK politics is not so polar. I think there is only right or wrong. I can vote Labour or Tory, what I'll get is the WEF. It's not worth voting.

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Sir I just subscribed because I love your writing. You are one of my favorite Patriot Writers. FYI Keep up the good work.

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Rockefeller was the worst-IG Farben patent holder-sold US crude everyday to Germany and the US govt had the nerve to fine his company Standard OIil one million dollars! Koch Bros another great war profiteer.

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The Ashkanazi Jews are also referred to as the Khazarian mafia and the Synagogue of Satan.

Most people have fragments of these stories without the full background of historical facts that got us to our present day crisis.

For the full story of the origins and step by step development go to the Will Zoll Substack called Prussiagate. You can’t fight an enemy that is invisible!

I no longer wonder about who is driving this bus ? He tells you all about where it began and where it’s taking us if we don’t stop it soon! It’s a long series but if you go back to the beginning, it will answer your questions ! The current picture is ugly, scary and evil but there is some hope yet!

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A brilliant film.

I saw clips of it, while flicking channels on mainstream television, quite a few years ago.

I can't remember if the channel was Sky, or the BBC, or?

This was before I woke up and I couldn't believe that they would broadcast such a film.

Even though it was in the days before the woke cancer infected everything, I still think it was scheduled by someone with integrity and a backbone.

EDIT - The original post this was in reply to has vanished.

The link was pointing to the film - Adolf Hilter - The greatest story never told.

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I saw that it, and even questioned that because I actually heard Hitler was also a Freemason so who knows what the truth is but it was absolutely a fascinating documentary

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It is indeed.

It's sad that Bitchute sees the need to censor films, but at least Odysee and to a degree, Rumble, are still allowing such important videos to be seen.

I now always download and save them, as the Europa series was constantly being taken down, so I missed a couple.

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Best part of the video?

"I found out about it online from Evil Harry." :)

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The photo is Wernher von Braun, not Traub.

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Ought to get bettter but is going to get worse.

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Here's a scary question:

How long have they wanted the proles dead?

Think about... vaccination. Sudden infant death syndrome. Hidden cancer cures. Seed oils. High fructose corn syrup.

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Since the beginning of time, this is just the latest chapter that our generations are living.

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The German National Socialists, as I understand it, never called themselves "Nazis." So how would that be a part of a name as in "'Nazi' Motorists Corps?"

Does anyone on this thread know where that "nickname," meant as an epithet, came from? And who came up with it?

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One thing the video shows is that presidents are not really in charge of their office. That Dulles and others ignored Roosevelt and Truman and their ban on importing Nazis. And obviously nothing happened after Carter wanted them deported…but not charged.

The Nuremberg trials went after low hanging fruit and even those who were sentenced to prison were released early. Goebbels died in his sleep after living a nice life as did many others who committed the worst atrocities.

And as we’ve seen seeing those who are connected to power don’t pay for their crimes. Why wasn’t Hunter Biden charged for using drugs while in the military? Why can he ignore a congressional subpoena while the people who were in Trump’s administration have been sentenced to prison?

Hey y’all hear about Pelosi’s son?

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Excellent post. Thank you.

So many are unaware of how NASA was started by the Nazis after admiral, Richard Byrd returned from the Antarctica expedition

How many billions of dollars are wasted on the NASA clown Show psyop every year?

These monsters do want us dead, and are poisoning us via our food, our air our water and of course with the death darts. They are now upping the ante in the air under the guise of climate change.


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We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"? Bill Casey CIA Director February 1981.

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