Do not need any funded studies by perpetrators.

My own private studies since returning to work after mask mandates and testing were dropped I can inform that 90-95% of my patients are in the sick ‘hospitals’ for anything and all related to the experimental state injectables.

-Exploding cancers, many very very rare and in younger and younger people

-Cancers in remission coming back

-Blood clots of all types and everywhere


-Autoimmune dis eases

-Neurological problems of all kinds

-Extreme high incidence of acute appendicitis

-Strange infections that does not heal

The list is loooooonnnnng

How many does actually know that they are partaking in a giant worldwide experiment that is still ongoing?

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And the punchline ...

Most of them can't wait to get the next booster!

I can't find the link but someone was at a Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada -- there was a queue for the Extra Strength Super Booster... a woman collapsed after the injection and fell to the floor -- apparently she did not immediately revive and required further help....

The people in queue remained calm -- and waited for their turn to be injected.

WHAT... THE.... F789!!!!

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Brainwashing is complete.

The nudge teams all over the world have performed excellent and are thrilled to continue the carbon free place experiment (as in no useless eaters except for the serfs left to obey) they are creating for the ones that are in the club as stand-up comedian Carlin once stated.

Carbon footprint equals humans equals needs to go.

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I find it interesting that the truly brainwashable are the ones being culled. Those of us with oppositional defiant disorder will live on to disobey. I have to struggle with myself to not do the opposite of what people advise me even when I know they have my best interest at heart and are giving me good advice. Always been that way. Good luck herding us cats who are still here after the cull . . . . .

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Very valuable information and an extremely troubling list of medical conditions. Thank you for sharing what you are seeing. One can only hope that you work at a very large hospital, to see so much serious illness. Otherwise, your list implies that serious illness is becoming entrenched in a significant percentage of the population.

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This list is for a sick ‘hospital’ that in 2013 ( cannot at the moment find more actual numbers) performed >12 000 operations

and had > 40 000 overnight stays

around 400 000 outpatient consultations

approx 30 000 visits to the emergency room

It is pretty big but compare to what I am used to it is small.

Work in both the private and public sector and work in several places as I do contracts of shorter and longer periods.

Another unfortunately common trend is an enormous elevated amount of patients with heart problems and microclottings.


Increase of onset of diabetes and very irregular blood sugar problems for those that already has this imbalanced condition.

There are so many things I now see never seen before.

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This is incredibly important information. People like you, who are on the medical front lines, have been the Early Warning System from the beginning of this genocide. You probably can’t do it, unless you could be totally anonymous, but if you organized your information into a hard-hitting, flowing story, I would think that popular alternative media broadcasters like Greg Hunter or Stew Peters would be very interested in interviewing you. They have large audiences and can make a big impact. Another person who could also, possibly give you great advice would be Dr. Jane Ruby. She is quite interested in the kinds of things you are seeing. You have a story that people really need to hear. Particularly those, or the friends and relatives of those who are having serious medical problems, but think they are the only ones. In other words, who don’t realize that these problems are mass events, and that they are not alone. God bless.

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Hi brightsAngel,

I’ve been wanting to talk to someone on the “inside”

I had just graduated from an ultrasound program when the pandemic started kicking off. For a variety of reasons (the vax requirement being primary) I have not sought out employment in the field.

Since you travel to many different locations you are the perfect person to ask.

1) what is your sense of the job market for ultrasound techs (cardiac or general) these days? Are the hospitals still using Covid as an excuse to cut staff and try to squeeze the remaining techs in order to save money. I have read accounts online of overworked skeleton crew teams.

2) what is your sense of the attitude towards the vaccines among ultrasound techs? I know nearly all doctors are incentivized to toe the party line, along with a good majority of nurses, but I wonder if maybe there might be more freedom to think independently among techs “lower” on the hospital hierarchy.


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At some point we're going to need you and your skill set . . . . but many of the "doctors" might need to die off before the way will be clear, sadly.

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The early unvaccinated numbers look bad because people who died within 14 days of vax are considered unvaccinated

Also people who died within 14 days of 2nd vax count as 1 vax, etc

Takes a few months to cycle through that book cooking

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ingenious slow depopulation.

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This all reads very fishy to me. The very university (U of NC Chapel Hills) that was responsible for creating the platform for COVID and then sold it to the Chinese performed this study??? Lots of Chinese names listed on the study too. WHY?? They get tons of money from the NIH for their dirty deeds so why would they now come out with such a damning study?? Perhaps they are trying to cover the criminal tracks of the NIH. So now the NIH can come back and tell the public they are so sorry they truly thought they were doing a good thing by forcing an untested vaccine on the public but now that they have had time to look at the data they see they were wrong. I believe this is working up to a pull back on the injections (without blame) especially with children because they KNOW kids are dying and it is just a matter of time before they are fully exposed. I smell a cover up. And the sad part is they know the American people will fall for it. But no matter what we can NEVER let them off the hook. BECAUSE THEY KNEW from the start this injection was deadly. THEY KNEW.

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I can’t ge5 the ❤️ to work. Great article. Thx once again!

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Sep 20, 2022
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All to often t and e come up as numbers on my iPad!

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Thinking this through...may need some help: Is this right? for vaxxed the immune system weakens over time, then boosters temporarily boost the system (is this determined by clinical observation of symptoms/death?) and then during the subsequent few months the immune system, which for decades has quietly done its job holding disease at bay, is destroyed, allowing muted disease options to flourish ....OR does vaxx cause new disease by concentrating in key organs ... or both? If a person escapes this scenario after the first vaxx, the odds of bad outcome increases exponentially? hmmmm

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There never was a .pandemic.

It has been a ‘plandemic’ to depopulate the world

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Absolutely. Whatever it was it was created for the injection and the injection was created to murder BILLIONS of people all around the world.

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Oh yes. I agree. So the ‘once over light’ ‘in vaccine we trust’ ‘msm informed’ busy person reader, including so called ‘experts’ will confirm their bias, refer to a lack of the vaccine effectiveness which unskilled review of the stats will support, especially the bold trickery of the death within 14days of vaccine attributed back to unvaxxed or previous vax status category. End of story. Beyond brilliant deception. The massive success of this NEJM published ‘study’ will be the hiding of ‘negative efficacy’. Its just not there. Message sold for More money 💰 for ‘more effective vaccines’ Yes, a big below the zero efficacy underwater rat.

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I know NPR will keep me fully informed about this humanitarian and Governance fiasco...

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Make sure to get a booster every six months until your dead!

Sincerely yours,

Klaus Slob

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😝 PERFECT nickname for the “guy”.

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Jawohl mein Herr!

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The shots had an immunosuppressant ingredient to prevent the body from rejecting it before the mRNA could do it's work. With no real studies, we have no idea how bad or for how long.

Also, recent admissions have surfaced that the shots are incredibly inconsistent, in varying levels of decay upon injection. And some intravenous, rather than intramuscular injections mistakenly given.

Recall the extreme, narrow conditions required to transport the compound, and the "hot lots" phenomenon. Whistleblowers have said this stuff whould never have been distributed in normal conditions. Hence, nobody knows quite what or where, exactly, they had injected.

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The obvious solution is more "vaccine". A booster every four months for a year. Then every three months for a year. Then monthly until...

The model emulates the diabetes2-insulin model in which the fix is a positive feedback loop. The system is enriched, and the patient is sick until died suddenly.

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The endgame is to get a daily booster, without which you die. Of course, it'll be linked to your social credit score.

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Good point. I'm sure that if digital currency goes live in my lifetime. No one who refuses to play ball with the NWO won't have any currency, a job, food, housing or any other goods or services. As far as the murderous health care system is concerned. That's nothing to miss.

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Biden signed an EO for digital currency and goes in effect Dec 2022.

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I think that EO legalizes digital humans AKA cyborgs too. I get the feeling that being a non-GMO hybrid human will be outlawed one day. There may be dark days ahead. There are brighter and better days ahead too for those who trust and obey the God Of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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Oh yes, what this does is allows the experimentation on humans. It makes it a necessity from Bidens perspective as he is saying your unborn child cant survive without being transhuman.

Also, we know now that the Vax can both change Genes thru Reverse transcriptease AND/OR CRISPER technology. Some Attorneys have asked the question, if tge Genes have been edited are those humans owned by the Corp who injected them same as Corn etc and Masanto... i would say current law says people are not people and are now owned, jmo.

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Brought to you by New World Horizons "Covid' booster pump. Comfortable. Convenient. Automated* Enjoy your boosted life without the hassle or worry of your daily booster regimen.

*Only available with pre-approved social credit and subscription to Amazon Prime Medical Services. See Terms of Service for details.

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Get your daily boost at your

local Starbucks.

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The original design had us all falling over ourselves to be chipped for a digital passport. The WHO like creatures thought we would want to be monitored. Harari, "We will look back and realize we all agreed to be monitored under the skin..." However, now it appears they know or believe that if the give enough people VAIDS then they will get their implanted monitor as people will no longer have an immune system and must be propped up until death. Jmo

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If proven to be true, this is more than disturbing.

could this be a designed & planned depopulation program?

the average person truly has no idea what's in these vials or what it's doing inside their body.

and yet, people are willing to play russian roulette with a warp speeded, experimental, no liability, never before used on humans technology injection after injection believing what they're told.

propaganda and fear, in my opinion, is a form of mind control.

do these injections alter brain chemistry?

it's the only explanation to explain people willing to use themselves and their children in a human test trial for big pharma.

perhaps the tv series The Walking Dead explains these last two and half years of human zombified thinking.

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Many people in on this know, they have to. The Pfizer documents show massive harm. In one court case Pfizer said they couldnt be prosecuted because the government knew of the harms and potential death.

Your doctor, does he know? Hell no, he is just a Useful Fool. He will wake up and realize what he has done in blind faith of the system. Most are good people. Many will commit suicide when red pilled

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The government knew some, some harms weren't allowed time or proper trials to surface. The public was manipulated and coerced into injections. I just don't understand why the government would want to kill off their most loyal and compliant subjects, leaving us skeptics and conservatives behind to deal with. Puzzling.

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I puzzle

over the same


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Very good point that it isn't the effectiveness of the vaccine that is diminished, but your immune system that weakens. This should be the tv add after the Pfizer add for the untested booster. . . Thank you.

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Your writing is excellent. It gives enough medical information for understanding but not too deep into how it happens to make it unreadable to those of us not trained in this weird feild of death and deception.

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When people start to realize the truth, and they also realize that someone(s) murdered their parents, or siblings, or Especially their kids, well there will be more than a few going Postal. Will not be pretty.

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That was planned early on as the endgame of PSYOP-19. They want violent revolution against current governments that they happen to control such that they can consolidate all gov into a hyper centralized "solution".

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I'll just be blunt. Those covid jabs are death and disease accelerators. That is the purpose for them.

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Exactly. The virus and the jab have the same effect. Next level insanity.

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I agree the first study shows a detrimental effect of vaccines on naturally acquired immunity.

With regard to the claim that vaccines show negative efficacy after a few months- if the vaccines were effective initially and ( apart from the increased susceptibility in the first couple of weeks) there does seem to be evidence of this, then could it not be the case that the vaccines wear off after a few months and all the vaxed people are catching up with the unvaxed ( and overtaking them). As the comparator is always the unvaxed, who, a few months later are more likely to have been infected and acquired natural immunity, then what looks like negative efficacy is just zero efficacy and catch up?

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Sep 18, 2022
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Hell no. Reporters have to eat. They are out having lovely dinner at same ‘do not disturb places. Where would the fun be in ruining a fine dine.

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