You are so smart, 2nd Smartest Guy! You wrote "Don't comply!" Well, I didn't comply but I spoke up against tyranny. Now I am charged with disturbing the peace in Germany, and probably face a 5-year prison sentence. Could you please add "Don't comply, and don't speak up against tyranny to avoid the oven!" This way, you would help a lot of mouthy idiots like me to stay out of jail next time really. Cheers, Smartest Guy II! T


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Thorsten J. Pattberg Mohatma Ghandi once stated "Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." it was about actively standing up to injustice in a way that maintains respect for all human beings.

You are the bravest of all warriors wounded in action, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to humanity!

In the shadowed corners of this world, your story ignites a thousand glimmers of resistance, an indelible testament to the potency of truth and the fortitude of the human spirit. Know this - your courage serves as a beacon, an enduring torchlight in this gloomy tempest. We salute you, brave soldier of humanity, wounded but undefeated

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After a quick review of your articles I can see why you were targeted. So many have recently for all sorts of reasons.

Australia: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/australia-ban-swastikas-nazi-symbols-rcna88303



Edit: for the Substack and Stripe flying monkeys, I am simply posting articles highlighting the Australian situation.

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It's becoming so difficult for me to understand what the globalists' relationship to NS is. All symbols are being prosecuted, on the other hand, Ukraine and US only have voted regularly against the UN resolution to condemn NS symbols, and for instance the re-educated anti-German trans-atlanticists in German media and politics are increasingly using exactly worded citations from NS that were back then used with reference mainly to Jews, and now with reference to dissidents opposing curfews and other exception measures under the 'pandemic' pretext. So my feeling is that they admire NS but without admitting as much, and the other complication is that today, Jews are the clear and open leaders of it all. And I don't mean "small Jews" as were put in camps in NS and as were mandatorily syringed in Israel, for instance. I mean the big Jews. Those, mainly the US ones, played some role in financing of NS? And those, mainly US ones (these days often with Ukrainian roots) are playing a gigantic role in the biosecurity war on global citizens starting from the formulation of the pathogens used, and including the WHO treaty and regulations - and also on trying to gain Ukraine into the the NATO / Five Eyes cage. What is their view of NS? What WAS NS? What is the thing that they are trying to implement now, this global cattle farm? Is that their concept of what they think NS was or would have been, scaled up?

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My dear friend you are overthinking clown world logic. They honk until they obtain power and then they honk some more. (At least, that is how I imagine the board meetings going).

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The NAZIs did not surrender at the end of WWII. Several senior NAZIs - including Hitler, Bormann and Kammler - were allowed by the US/UK to fake their own deaths and escape with vast quantities of loot and tech to Argentina. Many others re-located to the US and, through Sullivan & Cromwell and other NAZI sympathizers on Wall Street, re-branded themselves and re-formed their command and control structure as the American Deep State. By November 1963 they were in a position to mount their successful coup d'etat, in which JFK was assassinated. A decade later, they did something similar with Nixon and, even more recently, with Trump.


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I still think that Hitler meant what he professed to mean. The rest seems plausible, although there remains this logical break from Hitler NS to where it is Ukrainian Jews researching the deadly injections, Ukrainian Jews orchestrating invasion of Ukraine, additional Jews of which I don't know if they have Ukrainian roots (but largely, it's never Sephardic Jews, it's always Ashkenazi - exception maybe Netanjahu? Don't know where his family comes from originally) leading the biosecurity health front. All those Jews, that does make it a Jewish supremacist special operation in my perception. And that - Hitler can't have been aware of that bigger picture. He like Martin Luther had a certain perception of Jewish nature and or character that wouldn't have allowed him to knowingly pursue a world domination strategy for them. I don't think so.

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Yes, I know what you mean. I wasn't alive during WWII; so I have to rely on what others have said and written. Problem is, history is a set of lies written by the winners; so I don't really believe it - any more than I believe the lies and nonsense the mainstream are telling us today about the war in Ukraine, etc.

One purpose of a psyop is to confuse. Maybe some of those "Jews" were/are not really Jews? Maybe they are Name Stealers? Wish I knew!

As you know, some say that Hitler's true purpose was to free Germany from the grip of the bankers. Some say the holocaust was not what we have been told. I don't know. I only know we have probably been lied to about all that because we have been lied to about almost everything else.

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"As you know, some say that Hitler's true purpose was to free Germany from the grip of the bankers. Some say the holocaust was not what we have been told. I don't know."

Nor do I. But if one assumes that he really wrote his book himself and meant what he wrote, then the point about the banks could be true. Also, look what happens to any country wanting to not be involved with the Crown City of London Federal Reserve Banking system even today. As regards the second point, we will never know as no discussion is allowed that would bring us nearer any final enlightenment on how things really went. As I see it from here, trying to conjecture: There will have been war crimes and there will have been persecution of opponents as in any other struggle of competing ideologies and as in any other hot war of that time period and earlier. Eugenics wasn't a NS specialty. Weaponizing science wasn't a NS specialty and to me it looks as if the same identical scientists and their descendants were weaponized more effectively by the US than by NS (Paperclip, Lyme Burgdorfer, more recent bioweapons in US, also a lot of us based scientists with German names involved - but are those German or are those Ashkenazi, I don't know). I see with the current strategy of states of exception under health pretexts, how in the age of the internet a decisive quantity of people were effectively fooled - in the first two months including myself; and if that is feasible now, how easy was it back then, with no internet and only the exiled from Germany Ashkenazki abroad incl in the US, and US newspapers in charge in Jewish hands. The Frankfurt School for instance were all Ashkenazi enemy collaborators undermining everything all the time as I read from research about them. If COVID deaths today are falsified, that potentially lends credibility to Rheinwiesenlager detainees being shown as camp victims as well. What I find intriguing is that IBM provided the tech for administration of detainees and then later, eugenicist Gates had to do with it with his software on all computers, and then eugenicist Gates has to do with quantum dot ID2020 which is the exact same principle as tattooing camp inmates with numbers back then and which also involves IBM. And its precursor the WHO EU vaccine passports. It's exactly but really exactly as if the early application in camps was the worldwide Mark of beast solution in nuce, and very consciously so, meaning, it was meant to be eventually scaled out on the entire subjugated world. Still, in my perception Hitler NS version even if scaled out worldwide would have been more humane than Gates Schwab Musk etc solution as being tried to scale out today, (just like Chinese system is more humane), because I don't perceive Hitler (like I perceive Harari) to have wanted to transcend humanity - but these types today want that clearly. They are disgusted with themselves and project that feeling onto every one who is unlike them. The bug eating obsession (us eating bugs - but, do they feel like we are bugs? Or do they feel like they are bugs? And, everything is so absurd that I really start entertaining the idea that indeed they may be reptilian and they want to finally normalize their own favorite food for humans too....? It is all so absurd that this would start to make sense... This is what happens when you tell someone one time too often that they are reptilian...) would absolutely require being analyzed by the Breggins.

In my perception, these types are deeply sick and a clear and present danger to humanity.

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There were/are both White Hats and Black Hats in the Nazi and Deep State. Hitler's mistake was committing genocide, his intention was to save German lives.

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We all need to risk being arrested to fight right now. It used to be that if you were in and out of Facebook jail you weren't fighting hard enough and now it's if the police haven't knocked on your door. I had a 8 month investigation and the CIA is still on my arse. I'm just waiting for their response for telling them if they send anyone else to my house, Id use my 2a rights, then chop of their nuts and send them to the CIA directly, when I asked if my case was closed via their tip line.

I think the advice should be make sure you have good evidence if you mouth off, not don't mouth off. Lol

Hope you use your hearing as a platform to speak out about the injustices in the world.

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Good stuff! I'll take your advice on this one, but not the part with the nuts, because German state security have indestructible Krupp steal nuts. 🫣🇩🇪

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That just means you need to use a spiked cock ring first, and twist. 😂😂😂

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Please chose faith as the “parasites” running this asylum want you to live in their fear as the Greek word “phharmakeia” is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation for a reason:


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Sounds like an attempt to create division, in the name of religion

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They're going to cut the power and food supply. Only one source of state-run media allowed. Then, targeted nukes/dirty bombs that will create more panic than is warranted. God Bless and Good Luck.

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The article said: In the meantime, if your social media goes out along with your internet and power, then do not be surprised. You have been warned. Plan accordingly.

I say: Loss of social media is survivable but loss of power not so much. There really is no way to plan for loss of power as my little Honda generator will not manage my A/C electrical load. My guess is government will try to control people by cutting off power but that may just lead to a large revolt and they would not want that. It will threaten their ability to govern and control us. I think it is far more likely social media and internet will be shutdown as folks really do not understand how it all works. Electricity is pretty obvious...you see the plants and the lines and distribution network....

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Undersea internet cables will be cut.

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That is probable but unlikely.

Here is why....all internet traffic coming into the US goes through some secret rooms which US govt. has control over. Why cut a cable under the water when they can just cut a wire in that room?


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Thanks for the link to the article...it is really informative.

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Room 641A is the conspiracy theory before it became true.


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Maybe the US would do it and blame the Russians?

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Of course. Everything can be blamed on the Russians! :-)

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Lose the narrative, shut down the whole internet.

This is like the kid with the ball, begins to lose a game, takes his ball and goes home.

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Remember the good old days?

When they suspected you of something they had to physically follow you and plant bugs to hear what you were saying and so needed thousands of people to be able to do that for all their suspects but now almost everyone carries their personal surveillance device with them and they can monitor you by employing only a few dozen people.

It seems the new EU digital commissioner wants to go back to the good old days when believe it or not revolutions still wiped people like them from the face of the earth. I am all in favour of this development for that reason as they will be making themselves blind at the exact moment they need to be able to see most clearly and they don't have thousands of agents to follow people when they throw that switch. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

As Christ said I am come to make those that see blind and those that are blind to see.

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the jabbed are trackable.

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But how many took the poison jibby jab? 90% as your government would have you think?

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The way fact that they had to bribe people and then pivot to mandate the shots makes me think that there are more of us purebloods than we think who resisted. Unfortunately, they’re not in my friends and family circle. ☹️ I stand alone. 🤷‍♀️

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I stood alone in my crowd too to begin with, 7 people to a greater or lesser extent now believe me about the things which affect their heathcare. I stopped banging on about the vaccine as I'm in the UK, and they pulled the vaccine here, but I think that is only because they are going to try wrapping it into the flu vaccine, using the mRNA platform now that it's tried and trusted technology, and our regulators want a Christmas bonus, which the consultants now heading the Civil Service will get. Life long Civil Servants no longer get pay raises, they get ASOS vouchers to cloth their family.

And before you say F***K them, remember it's only the excess death stats that told us there was a big coffin shape to the new vaccine roll out side effects. That saved a lot of lives. Keep on trying, people will remember you are an "anti-vaxxer" when they are in need, people came to me, when they do come to you give them this, they have some back issues to catch up on!


You are right though, they thought we would all be so terrorised we'd roll up our sleeves, and keep rolling them up for the price of a cheeseburger.

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Good Comment. Also good - https://denisrancourt.ca/. I find so much re-combing thru info. I'm sure I heard of him, but didn't read his essay until now.

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Yup, Totality of Evidence is an excellent resource. I have shared it with many.

I have woken a few jabbed, but not enough. I am now more focused on connecting more like minded people, locally, to build community. I’m in NY.

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in usa probably 55-80 % took 1 dose. hard to really tell.

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The only thing you can be sure of is that official figures are a lie. I read the EU ordered 10 doses per person, as did Australia... The UK halted their covid vaccination campaign due to lack of interest. Historians will be going through the dustbins for years trying to work out an accurate figure.

Or if Dr Astrid Stuckelberger was right and you can pick the vaccinated up with an old Samsung, we could get hold of some old Samsungs and work it out ourselves.

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The only platform I use is Substack.

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Same with me

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We listen to each other, leave the MSM to listen to itself.

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I think even if 'they' took Substack down, the effect that it has had will not be easily erased, in that we all know each other exists, that there is a huge body of people who are smart, self educated on the current genocide, and not too likely to fall for such things again. I also wonder how much Substacks existance keeps us here, instead of say planting our gardens or sitting in the sun. My work is all on computer as well, so some days I am online waaaay to much. Thanks from Oregon

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You are right, and we meet up in the most unlikely of places... I'm disabled and my gardener advised me just last week the problem with the planning laws wasn't the local council it's the WEF.

I work from home, in the garden when it's sunny. There is also something else I have noticed. The Substackers are intelligent, self educated and good at spotting patterns. Right after covid we all got that the vaccine injuries were caused by climate change. And that 5g is something which needs further study before we all get our mobiles surgically implanted.

Something else I noticed is that we are all patient and generous with our time in presenting evidence again and again. I personally have got around 7 people to believe me, persistence is everything, the stakes are life and death. My Mother took 4 doses of the Pfizer poison and is now battling cancer. My kids believed me and stopped at dose 2, fingers crossed they got a good batch or better still a placebo.

So in May 2020 the figure not believing the covid lie was what 10%? By the time the vaccine came out it was 20%? And we have all been chipping away ever since. Every soundbite doing the rounds on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Enjoy the Oregon summer and get some wifi that works outdoors - you need your vitamin D to do battle with the evil Bill Gates! Best regards Kat, Exeter, UK.

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Vaccine injuries by climate change? Climate change isn't real. Otherwise you're spot on.

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Climate change is real, we are in the middle of an ice age and are due to go back into it any day now, in fact it's about 60,000 years overdue. I did climate science after the law degree and before climatology became a taxation issue. 'They' are planning to shut all poor people airports by 2030, surely people will notice the inequity of climate change? How will this affect the US, especially if it costs more to buy petrol, so road travel is no longer an option for the poor? From the UK it's plane or boat if you want to get anywhere speedily.

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And we know the people down the block, that kind of thing. They can't win by killing the internet.

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Do not comply. DO look on INSTRUCTABLES and make yourselves a “tin can solar heater”.

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I remember a meme that essentially said;

In the case that the internet and power goes down (communications), meet at 9 am every Saturday at the local library.

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I think targeted shutdowns will occur, some with power, some without.

Plan accordingly.

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Seriously, how do you plan for this? Electrical power is literally our civilization as it is. I predict riots and push-back as folks would be pushed back into the Stone Age.

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I am rather certain that they are planning for outages, that is why Biden doesn't want gas stoves.

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Thank goodness we’re surrounded by sticks and fallen trees in rural areas. There’s always good old fire.

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And they can turn off the gas too! All utilities are public and, as a result, are fascist - what makes you think the gas company will 'fight the govt.' on your behalf so you can cook a meal?

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I was more thinking of a reserve of gas bottles stored beforehand. In times of gas pipelines being detonated I wasn't looking forward to uninterrupted supplies.

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Aha...Understood. Indeed...those with camping skills and supplies will be better off!

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That should work.

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Then you dig a hole. Put kindling in then bigger sticks or briquettes and cover it with a grill top-prepper stuff.

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lol you're right, guess how we cooked with no electricity.

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Get generators. I was using one two days ago.

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From a government's perspective understandable. Social media, if uncensored, can be very powerful if enough truth finally gets wide distribution. We know that's why our excuse for a gov't has been so active censoring and labeling all non-narrative as mis or mal information, etc. Trying to save its neck.

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If the world simply reneged on Central Banking debt, we'd be in a position to disconnect from their power-structure. Not going to occur however, at least not in a planned way. Reneging on that debt would also entail, by association, relinquishing any financial gains made in their ubiquitous monetary system however. That's why it won't happen. In the end, we'll have neither liberty nor the benefits of those financial gains. Likely only then will it occur to most what the solution could have been.

Either way, something's up and imminent. We're definitely in the end-game for the Globalists/Central-Banking-Cabal, who now are needing to take their plans to the next level on the groundwork that they just laid out.

No doubt the restriction(s) of commnication for purposes of psychologically isolating people for purposes of limiting adversity are a key element to that. Cyber-pandemic, as they've promised will occur, perhaps as one.

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I don't think they're dumb enough to violate the Law of Free Will.

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So the EU Digital Commissioner/NWO/social media shutdown proponents want to destroy their economy like China did: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-12/china-premier-meets-major-internet-companies-vows-more-support-ljznb85o#xj4y7vzkg

"Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with senior executives from the country’s leading technology firms including Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and ByteDance Ltd. on Wednesday, in another signal that Beijing is moving past its crackdown on the industry amid a weakening economy."

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LOL you guys didn't think the Arab Spring would stop there, did you?

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This is very interesting analysis by Shahid Bolsten on the owners and controllers of globalized financial capital destabilizing the EU and Europe to break it up (seems like a spook for someone, check out one of his heavy bag workout videos): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZALP9ePPJ6w

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