Truth!!! Keep on, keeping on....this is a perfect quote for what is going on right now.... "As long as I don't write about the government, religion, politics, and other institutions, I am

free to print anything." Pierre-Augustin BEAUMARCHAIS French comedy writer (1732-1799)

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Great quote.

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Go off of the contagious myth and a new better world will open.

Plandemic with all its different variants is the biggest hoax ever performed to humanity at least to my knowledge. No variants of the alleged ‘virus’ have been proven just like HIV never were. Luc Montagnier said already in 1996 that he never isolated HIV.

Have a listen to Nancy Turner Banks, MD and her view of contagion and ‘viruses’.

An interview from 2018


These experimental gene altering injections have the purpose of depopulation and/or preparing humankind for a newer ‘better’ version of a human as the lovely transhumanists says. The ones likes Harari, Schwab and Musk to mention just a few.

They are just thrilled when seeing numbers like this, injected that has a 400% higher risk to be sick of ‘covid’. Which for them hopefully means the need for more pharmaceuticals before they die or survive with some kind disability which in turn makes their profit higher and gets them closer to their goals of enslavement for the survivors, one hacked animal at a time.

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Start a garden now and avoid the rush. There are permaculture designers in NZ that are proficient at laying out garden plans starting from scratch. They will know who can help labor wise as well. Amortize out the costs over a decade, and the tomatoes will become extraordinarily cheap.

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How did it come to this? You can see those who have no clue do not do their research and will continue to wonder. Many of the clueless useful idiots cannot conceive of a small group of elites controlling the world. People who've been studying history of the evil cabal of overlords know exactly how this was orchestrated. Probably not the minutiae, but certainly the big picture eugenics depopulation agenda that's been carefully planned for centuries. As conventional war cannot be waged to cull the herd, other measures were needed, and so they've made their move.

The same propaganda tactics used, particularly in WW2, have been dusted off and ramped up by this group of inhuman genocidal criminals. But this, of course, has been many years in the making. The populace has been dumbed down through every conceivable method through such things as food poisoning, chemical spraying, weaponisation of weather, fake news, fake wars, stolen elections, worship of big pharma, fake climate change propaganda, fake pandemics, censorship, fragmentation and compartmentalisation of information, and it goes on. This is why "modelling" or "the science" become the perfect vehicles with which to hoodwink the unsuspecting public. Weirdly, even so-called smart intelligent people fall for this. Without turning to alternative sources for more accurate information, the mob will continue to be mesmerised by bread and circuses. They will willingly head to the carriages ....

Great work by the way! Love reading your stacks, keep them coming as it keeps me sane! One of my favourite sayings (not sure where I first saw it): "Don't call me a conspiracy theorist because you've not done your research."

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This is concerning in the long run... emphasis on the 'squeak of dissent' in particular.

"The public is equally hoodwinked, we are queueing up fully masked and fully vaccinated to pay through the nose for everyday items without so much as a squeak of dissent."

Why did we lie down and give in?

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1 FEAR of death

2 too much trust in government

3 mass formation

- as described very well by Prof Mattias Desmet from Belgium, although it is not a new phenomena, you can read about Gustave Le Bon who wrote a book in the late 1890’s, The Crowd:A study of the Popular Mind or look into the American psychiatrist Mark McDonald who wrote The United States of Fear, you also have The British author Douglas Murray whose Madness of Crowds is a good intro to what happens to people when they come into formation or crowds even though his book discusses gender/race and identity and not free floating anxiety, but I see it kind of in the same way, you have to follow the crowd otherwise you are an outcast which divides people in two groups

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Mostly we all know this Forbes headline is bullshit. LOL IF their shots worked it wouldn't matter who they are around and whether covid19 is lurking... nuff said.

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I am happy to say a know of one person who previously was mask shamed who went into a clinic without one the other day and was not given a hard time.

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It is disturbing Forbes is perpetuating this kind of psuedo-study/propaganda

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It is impossible to say anything meaningful about the effect of the vaccine itself just by comparing the health of “vaccinated” vs “unvaccinated” people because at this point when anyone who wanted to get vaccinated already has been, you’re really comparing suggestible vs stubborn people, particularly in the domain of health.

If it looks like the unvaccinated are making the vaccinated sick maybe it’s just the will to be healthy and the avoidance of doctors’ bad advice that makes the difference.

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First off, any finding which states, “unvaccinated people increase the risk of Covid infection among the vaccinated” tells me someone has no understanding of the Natural Immune system.

Beyond that detail, 1) Vaccines do not give immunity. The word “immunity” has no business in context of a vaccine. All vaccine benefits are short term. Only Natural Immunity provides “immunity”, which is permanent. 2) Models are not reality, but mathematical projections with various probabilities of accuracy. Key to a model’s usefulness are at least, fundamental assumptions, parameter selection, parameter values assigned, degree of comprehension of the involved sciences, and, e.g., background vetting of those involved in model decisions to insure no conflict of interest. This latter is a potential killer of model results, and it applies to this case.

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There’s a lot of evil stuff going on right now in MSM that’s NOT laughable. We need to speak up and counter it.

However, this contention, the idea that the jabbed need to be concerned about the unjabbed? This is hugely laughable.

Ok, so they got these shots, they have to keep on getting these shots, to supposedly have some sort of “protection” against severe disease (not even protection that’s real) and against transmission of a disease that cannot be prevented from transmitting by these jabs. this report (and the very recent Canadian one that has been referenced on Kirsch and on Gato’s stacks) both are implying and even stating like opinion pieces (at least the Canadian one read like an opinion piece, an op ed, not a science paper), that the jabbed should be cautious (implying fearful) around the unjabbed.

Really? LOL!!!!!

So I have a question for them: why’d you get jabbed?

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Intentionally "cluelessness" is baked in the government.

2SG, more proof it is just that much more, I'd say 500%, worse than we thought.

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The fact that a ten year old is educated in those two dystopian stories is a source for hope, at least. I would say we are more A Brave New World, but of course they’ve used a lot of the 1984 manipulation tactics - changing the language and erasing history, etc

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I can't help thinking we're so screwed. As 2SG keeps saying, we need mass compliance to fight back but will that ever happen? One day we'll wake up and be told all of our money is gone. Then we'll be offered UBI and debt cancellation in exchange for serfdom. This probably won't happen until after a lot of people die first from the clot shots and famine.

Another depressing article here:


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Thank you for sharing that excellent article. Have read all about this in different places, this took it up a notch by the way it is built into a compilation.

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