In spiritual terms it is to erase God's design. According to my bible, you don't mess with God. He will have the last say. In the meantime, Lock and load. I saw the cutest bumper sticker the other day. It said, "Live, Love, Laugh: If that doesn't work, load, aim, fire.

I'm 64 soon to be 65, if you would have told me 20 years ago that I would be witnessing this insanity I would have said, maybe you should stop drinking. But here we are. Unbelievable.

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The soy boy generation is here and they're queer and if they want to use my bathroom I'm going to kick them in their lady balls.

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These morons fail to realize if people do not procreate and reproduce we as species goes extinct eventually. Look at the crashing birth rates worldwide .

The elite scum also fail to realize the majority of the populace will not work under totalitarianism. This is America not Nazi Germany yet. I will not comply, I’d rather be homeless than be a slave!

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We lived in Illinois for a brief time to be closer to our extended family members. Four years was all we could endure so we moved to the Missouri countryside to be closer to other family members. We can breathe much easier in this state and feel more comfortable.

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The Club of Rome and their "Limits to Growth."

Just surrender all sovereignty and property and 'we' will take care of you.

Otherwise you are doomed to failure, to disease, to war, to famine!

I guess they were 'right' and it's still not too late! LOL

I laughed then, and you know what, I'm laughing now!

Remember I told you to buy that case of ammo?

Better buy two, I'll be right over.

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300 blackout subsonic sbr 1k cases incoming.

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this is the slow walk program for transhumanism. same m.o. as the deathvaxx rollout. start with the weak, the soyboys, the poor vax-damaged teen girls (gender dysphoria is a consequence of the childhood vax schedule) and then move on to the general population.

establish "trans" as a part of everyday discourse and then pivot.

redefine "human" as the genetically re-engineered, therefore homicide only technically applies when it's one of the vaxxed who gets killed.

but we still outnumber them let's keep it that way

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This has all been in my face since Sunday, when I invited my (triple-jabbed) mom over for lunch and swore to myself I would keep quiet about any topics related to deathvax and all related modern matrix crap so we could just FOR ONCE get through a hangout without passive-aggressive muttering. Especially since she told me last time she saw me that she's being monitored for tachycardia for "oh, no it was before the vax, it was a year ago" (i.e. after the vax). I'm a chiropractor/alternative healer and pissed that nobody in my family thinks I have anything educated to contribute.

All was fine until 3/4 of the way through our hangout when a bio-man hipster in a mask and plastic fanny pack knocked on my door, announcing themself as "Bridget," wanting me to sign a petition for more restrictions for cars on our main thoroughfare in the Highland Park area of Los Angeles. I said "no thanks I don't sign things I don't know about," and "they" said, "it's to prevent people from being KILLED" and waved the clipboard of signatures from everyone else in the neighborhood to try and shame/pressure me into it.

After I grabbed a one-sheet saying I will look into it but gotta go, my mom's here...and mouthed "OHMYGOD" to my mom as I shut the door, her response was, "what, was he cute?" She heard the voice (not the name) and assumed (correctly) the O.G. gender. What ensued was me mouthing off about the trans and the mask agenda - she was fine about the trans but of course asked re: masks, "can you just not criticize?" as she told me she's been wearing masks again too when in places she's unable to social distance. I was like REALLY! I swore we wouldn't go there today and hand-of-God BRIDGET has to come to the door and spoil it!!!! She said, "ok, well let's return to just not discussing it" after I told her masks don't work and why don't you try taking your glasses off and demonstrating that your breath will still fog them up exhaling through the mask, and realize virus particles are smaller than your breath particles and there are MANY studies and...she's like "Huh??" to which I said, "does your underwear contain a fart?" and we laughed and that was it. Fecking Bridget. Then J-Lo singing with her "them" daughter, then Elon, then this Pritzker article...thanks for weighing in, 2nd! Sanity is getting more difficult to maintain with the onslaught of f*cktardedness of all the INTERSECTINGPSYOP22 and beyond!

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Thanks for sharing. I had a good laugh just now. You’re absolutely right. Sanity is getting very difficult to maintain these days. Humour just might save us. 😁

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and thanks for replying and getting the humor in it - was second guessing what i'd written because a) i have nothing against any individual person including bridget and was coming from a humorous place as we're all doing the best we can, and b) with so many potentially identifying details wondered whether i could eventually get tossed in the gulag for a comment such as this at some point but it's all worth it to give just one person a laugh ;) have a great day!

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Hang in there doc. As a fellow chiro, I agree it's hard sometimes to talk to people who are utterly unaware, yet think they know something.

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Particularly sad when it's the family unit smugly sassing back when you're legitimately trying to offer up wisdom that could save them...but their choice, their lives. <3

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Preach it legend!

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So I posted this to FB and I got banned for another 30 days. That must mean the info is 100% correct! 😂

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Billionaires must be truly miserable SOBS.

All the money in the world and they gotta force there will for more greedy dollars upon the masses to steal.

What a boring existence when you literally can do anything you want for yourself and the greater good of humanity. Instead they want complete control and autonomy over the masses and make us serfs again. Well I say fuck you I won’t do what they tell me and if you come and try to make me you will pay. I was born free and I’m gonna go out that way!

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Thank you 2SG - this prompted me to do some checking on the Pritzker-Rothblatt team. A very fruitful search indeed.

Among other things, I found out that nanotech and NASA are not Rothblatt's biggest passions. He is a trans gender dude (biologically male), a trans humanist, and a fanatic missionary for "trans religion". Go to his "Terasem" site (he is founder, funder and CEO) and read through their "faith" page.

From his own perspective, the end goal for all the raging identity-bending propaganda is a future "god-man-machine" utopia.

But don't laugh - these ideas are being pushed by obscenely wealthy and mentally brilliant people who claim "they are inspired from the future age of cyber-resurrection." IE, they think they are being fed with knowledge from another time-space dimension. And I for one believe them.

They have orders to "Expand Terasem throughout the galaxy and the universe as rapidly as possible." They are essentially announcing the final offensive round in the Cosmic War.

It should come as no surprise for the Biblically literate:

"Go your way, Daniel, for these words will be kept secret and sealed up until the end time. Many will be purged, cleansed, and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand." -- Daniel 12.

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