My friend’s husband had at least 2 jabs. In the last year he has been diagnosed with both thyroid and prostate cancer and is now scheduled to see a neurologist for increased memory loss. Neither he nor his wife have put 2+2 together, I’m not going to do the math for them. They wouldn’t believe me anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I'd be glad to contact anyone.

Give me contact info.

I'm Irish

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Wasn't Judy Mikovits warning about the risk of the clot shots crossing the blood-brain barrier and causing prion disease at least a year ago - if not more?

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The Midwest Doctor has a great piece about this on his Substack today

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Gee, another conspiracy theory proven true, imagine that!

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Yeah, go figure.

Conspiracy theorists are batting 1.000 so far...

I bet that doesn't change.

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Actually, no. But they're good.

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1. If you really want to terrify yourself, look up Walter M. Chesnut on Substack and Twitter. He was talking about prions about two years ago. Maybe longer.

2. Bad driving... "vaxxidents," a term coined by a computer guy named Clif High (also on Substack.) He has also beaten cancer 3 times, and has a lot of knowledge regarding herbal remedies. Today he put out a substack about cancer; he says 20% of his emails are regarding his cancer treatments, which echo what is published here: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/ahimsa-first-do-no-harm

Two notes:

#1 guy is a researcher, and you may or may not understand exactly what he is saying all the time. I don't. What you will understand is really scary, since he doesn't always delineate between vaxxed and non-vaxxed that have had C0VID.

#2 guy has some really crazy fringe ideas that might turn many off. That being said, he does appear to have a lot of experience with herbal remedies, and much of what he talks about has been discussed on this blog.

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In very early 2020, I heard a Russian molecular biologist discussing the fact that the CoVID virus was prion-like. Given that, having had CoVID might be as bad as having been vaxxed. All the things you’re saying the vax might cause may also be a result of having been sick with CoVID. Soooo, I’m thinking a Fen/Ivy protocol may be recommended either way.

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The common cold doesn't cause Mad Cow Disease, but small protein molecules engineered in the lab may well be able to do so. Mooooo.

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Yep and the ACOG still recommends the genetic juice to pregnant women 🤬

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Horrible!!! And the recommending of anything to pregnant women was how I knew something evil was going on. Pregnant women really can't be taking anything. Way back my pharmacist husband who didn't let me take anything while expecting, not even sodas, would say 'it's unethical to do drug testing on pregnant women. No one knows how it'll affect the babies!'

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Miscarriages , placental abruptions , stillbirths , anomalies… and the list goes on.

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My like still does not work, LIKE x 3. I am of the opinion that the list of harms is close to endless.

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It is , sadly .

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Just write "Great Post John" forget everyone else

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God bless you. Pregnant women and unborn. Greatest care needed

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I’m definitely seeing people driving more erratic. Yesterday I watched the car in front on me who was in the right lane just turn left in front of me car on the left to enter a business. No blinker or braking. It was like he was the only car on the road. Fortunately the car was able to stop.

Plus Utah is having so much road rage it created a new law for punishment. 2 more arrested yesterday. Another driver pulled a gun, but got away.

Side note. Kamala flew in yesterday to get money and flew out hours later. The majority canyon road to Park City was closed twice. People were not happy!

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Sadly we are all being affected, since the self spreading technology is everywhere. It’s just the degree to which you’re affected. If you follow Dr Ana Milhacea she has other ideas as to what will help. EDTA, methylene blue, high dose vitamin C, D, E, NAC, glutathione. John Mulazo on facebook has a protocol that he recommends based on consolidation of lots of different experts research. He has videos out on Rumble.

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I'm not

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Great sub-stack and research about the vax's effects thank you for all the good info.

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Or were they brain damaged Before getting vaxed

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Are there anecdotal stories or studies showing harm to victims of shedding?

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Dr. Pierre Kory did a whole series on shedding. Tons of stories and how people dealt with it to get better. He's not the only one to cover shedding.

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Thank you for the tip. It took me a long time and I found a few articles. Just what I was looking for. Not the best researcher and sometimes persistence pays off.

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The mounting numbers of health problems, that follow the 'EXPERIMENTAL' injections, which they pretend are 'VACCINES', are all pre-planned and created to reduce population and to 'control' those that survived the 'vaccine' CULL!

US & UK politics have never been so corrupt, inept and embarrassing!

Bring on the next wave of honesty through JFK jr and Nigel Farage (Reform Party UK).

mRNA vaccines? = Gene Editing - and administered with no 'Informed Consent' being obtained.

Who could have been stupid enough to believe that an unproven 'experimental cure' for a brand new 'designer disease' (deliberately formulated in a lab), that was ready in a few months after the disease was launched, could be Safe & Effective'? 70% of the planet - apparently?

LIABILITY must be legally enforced before one more poisonous injection enters another gullible human's arm.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer and I'll make Big Pharma LIABLE for the WEF sponsored CULL!

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At the end an anecdote about Viagra and all ED drugs sales skyrocketing since the shots began...seriously?

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These ED drugs are super bad for men! As a single older women who has been ‘dating’ men in my age group I tell them…”I would never expect you to take those nasty ED drugs and don’t take them!”

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No premarital sex

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Hee! Hee! 😏🤪

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I’ve gone way past the idea of ‘mortal sin’…left that notion behind years ago! Never really bought into it…even though I have had a First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church!

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I think we are beyond the age of ‘the ban’ of premarital sex! 😀😎

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We, humans , making decisions is what caused all this. Abortion, "homosexual marriages", communism, etc

Rights, freedoms... A lot of times these are simply license to commit mortal sin.

Peace out

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They all do. My son suffered TBI from his childhood vaccines. I have the imaging & diagnosis. It took a cross country flight and brain imaging... About $10,000 out of pocket. Some bullshit

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Some humans being silly thinking they can beat a virus, and worst still, they manage to convince the zombie herd to stampede to get injections. Mad Cow Disease is now the Mad Herd Disease.

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