Thank you, Joel. I've downloaded the Nature paper.referred to in the article you posted. The conclusion is concerning to say the least.
As you likely know, the editors of Nature have posted a note inviting criticism. If there are criticisms, I hope Nature will publish them as comments instead of choosing to withdraw the paper simply because its conclusions don't support the dominant narrative.
I heard so many of these fools downplay myo/pericarditis as a mild inconvenience rather than permanent heart damage that will likely worsen with time, until it kills them.
It would be interesting to know how clinicians following vaccination or the actual infection to COVID 19 are going to ensure that potential harm is minimized. Like hand out epi-pens to keep in your pocket in case of harm. Sounds like rhetoric to me and magical thinking.
Gosh. Maybe there is something in the safe and effective ya think?
That's horrible. Too bad we can't get such news/info here in the USA rather than the usual nonsense.
We're getting it right here. On
Forget the Corp. media. When someone tells you who they are...
Yes, and most thankful for that!
It's all Putine's fault.
and probably climate change too
All the mRNA injected test animals died!
Thank you, Joel. I've downloaded the Nature paper.referred to in the article you posted. The conclusion is concerning to say the least.
As you likely know, the editors of Nature have posted a note inviting criticism. If there are criticisms, I hope Nature will publish them as comments instead of choosing to withdraw the paper simply because its conclusions don't support the dominant narrative.
Thanks again for your good work.
I heard so many of these fools downplay myo/pericarditis as a mild inconvenience rather than permanent heart damage that will likely worsen with time, until it kills them.
Does Anybody have a link to the actual study?
Best to download it before the editors decide to remove;
I don't pay too much attention to The Expose these days because I think they are far too sensationalist but this is interesting:
I expect Igor Chudov will be all over this in due course.
It would be interesting to know how clinicians following vaccination or the actual infection to COVID 19 are going to ensure that potential harm is minimized. Like hand out epi-pens to keep in your pocket in case of harm. Sounds like rhetoric to me and magical thinking.
Epipens aren’t gonna work for myocarditis. They’re for anaphylaxis.