NEW - Two-thirds of the 25 staff based in Belgium's Polar Station infected with Covid despite being fully vaccinated, passing multiple PCR tests, strict health precautions, quarantining, and...
…and living miles from civilization (Telegraph).
All of this reminds one of HIV “causing” AIDS and the PCR test that, as per its Nobel Laureate inventor, should never ever be used to diagnose infectious diseases.
The PSYOP-19 Depopulation Program rages on, even in Polar Stations.
You just can’t make this up.
Do NOT comply.
There was an unmasked polar bear.
He was a white supremacist.
The Dutch speaking part of the country did not need to know this I suppose. It was in a small side article in the main newspaper. Only the French Le Soir had a larger article. If you need to know something about Belgium don't even bother about the Dutch speaking press !