NEW - UN Secretary for Global Comms says they "own the science" on PSYOP-CLIMATE CHANGE & opposing viewpoints have now been pushed down in search results through their partnership with Google
If the One World Government and its criminal UN and WEF nodes were not blatantly lying in order to usher in their Great Reset societal collapse, then there would be no need for them to censor and manipulate the truth; to wit:
DARPA and CIA creation Google is yet another Cult node that is aiding and abetting this reality inverting unelected UN Secretary for Global Communications psychotic.
The absurdity of a technocrat claiming to “own the science” only further proves that these puppets are all part of the scientism cult, and in fact loath and fear actual science that must by its very definition always be debated, revised and ownerless.
The Club of Rome, CFR, UN, WEF, WHO, CIA, IMF, BIS, Trilateral Commission, illegitimate Federal governments and their unconstitutional agencies, and the various “nonprofits” of the Rockefeller and Gates foundations are the only bonafide emergencies threatening humanity and the planet itself.
Always remember that decarbonization is depopulation.
And “Sustainable Development” is just more reality inversion a la “The Patriot Act” whereby YOU are unsustainable and the development is the calculated eradication of YOU.
Because PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is the total encapsulation of technocommunist scientism as “owned” by the Cabal that wants YOU dead.
Do NOT comply.
They "own the science"... Truer words have not been spoken. Bought and paid for. These people are insane.
Any and all bipeds claiming to own or to be the science should be rounded up and corralled, as in fenced in, someplace far away from civilization centers as a safety measure to the rest of us. Then, one by one, they could have cranial examinations to determine whether their personal megalomanias are genetic or from being injected, etc.