Yes of course, the W.H.O. WILL BE MONITORING THE SITUATION CLOSELY. And if that gives you any comfort, I've got some beachfront property in Arizona I would like to sell you.

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The vast majority of the people I know, have asked me how much you want for the property?

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They are just planning for the future, when the evil that is California falls into the Pacific.

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You need to improve your marketing. The possibility Gavin Newsom's carcass may wash up on the shore should add millions to the asking price.

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I’ve lived in California my entire 52 years and have a deep love for this land, my family, and friends. Your insults are not constructive. I will defend this land from tyranny with all I got if I have to.

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"Why don't you just shut tf up". Californian I presume?

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Really? So Al Gore was right?!! The ocean level really did rise way up? Darn, all this time I thought he was full of sh*t. I should have had my money ready. How much property and how much you asking?

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It will be worth a lot more when California falls into the ocean.

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I have prayed for that since I learned about the San Andreas fault at around age 12. It hasn't happened yet, but I still hope.

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California has already all moved to Arizona, so the blue wave has already reached the shores of the AZ desert.

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Incinerate all the biowarfare labs!

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Yes, indeed. BSL3 and above, global.

Destroy every pathogen they have frozen in those facilities. Then destroy the facilities. Then trials for the biowarfare scientists, the Daszaks and Barics of the world.

Given every pathogen for decades that has been killing us has come from a lab - and has generally been patented - such an act would be self-defence for the human race.


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That's what Putin was working on, I believe.

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Do Australia first, please. Our GOF research is really humming along in plain sight. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

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???? I google the number and it is Chinese?

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

I don't know what irritates me more. Assholes like Tedros making these statements, or the idiots that lap it up.

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I would like to comment but I cannot.

I do not have the extensive four letter word vocabularly it would take.

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What a deluded prick. Release him in the wild and there’d be a bounty on him.

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They are modern day Pirates, therefore we should bring back Letters of Marque and Reprisal.

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Gates is oozing around Australia with zero consequences..."on holiday" https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/gates-meets-with-australian-pm-to

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I can't take another media fueled, 🐑 hysteria! Is there hope less people will be hoodwinked?

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If a similar majority is hoodwinked, I'll conclude most people deserve a life of serfdom.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

This is the 'variant' that infects everything? Just by chance? Not engineered, defrosted and released?

Like that FCS patented to Moderna but somehow spliced by a bat and a pangolin?

Are the victims dying with (euthanised) or from? Is the PCR 'test' any more accurate this time (trick question)?

These people are cultists. And they will never stop.

The idea that they have a sliver of credibility remaining beggars belief.

Literally everything they did for years led to death and injury. If they had any sense of shame or culpability they'd be killing themselves wholesale as a fraction of the atonement required.

Thankfully, more are awake now than in early 2020. But we need to continue the work, so they can't find a crack to leverage for their psychopathic Agenda.


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Make sure to keep a supply of eggs. The Yolk blocks the spike, that's why they are making them hard to get and limiting supplies.

I don't recall exactly who did it, but its peer reviewed and all of that.

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So when a bird in a flock gets bird flu, the whole flock does not automatically get sick. Just as with humans. However, the protecol for bird flu vectors, is to euthanize the entire flock, because of that one bird, INCASE it infects the whole flock AND/OR crosses into humans.😐🤨😉 Purely, a cost risk analysis for large farmers. It's expensive to replace the flock, but not as expensive as to feed and water birds that ultimately can't get sold. It also wipes out smaller egg producers.

So the question is, what are they trying to distract you from?🤔🤨

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Apparently they have distracted you from the fact that the birds have ADE from their own vaxxing and very few actually do survive, as a percentage.

It is true that hundreds are needlessly killed, but its the thousands that spread it among themselves and die because the ADE makes the vast majority succumb that makes the culling a true catastrophe.

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Apart from stating the obvious re the initial problem being the very vax given for bird flu prevention actually weakens the birds immune systems, creating ADE if you will.

Whats your comments point? 🤔 Im not really understanding the reference to myself??

I was inferring that distracting the populace from the fact that they want to do away with poultry production for the masses, ultimately, means that peeps should be less worried about a flu that has been existing for a million years or so and wasnt even a thing until it was isolated in 1997 at a goose farm in China. Or a global problem until 2007 when the vaccine was licenced. And instead focus on retaining their access to vital nutrients as found in eggs by supporting their local producers and telling their political representatives to not allow fear-mongering WHO to scare them into giving up agricultural autonomy!

I prefer to keep things respectful on Substack, so I'll assume you werent being narccy with your commentary.

#playnice #kindnesscostsnothing #rememberurmanners

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These psychopaths are signaling that they intend to launch a new lab-created, turbo-charged, mRNA-based bioweapon in the form of an influenza chimera (SARS-CoV2 + 4 HIV inserts + 1 or more deadly revved-up influenza variants).

Many of those who have been multi-jabbed with the Deathvax™️ now have vaccine-induced A.I.D.S. Their immune systems cannot battle against the The Genocidal Globalists’ ‘Flu.

We can count on their money-grubbing Pharma co-conspirators to, totally by accident, produce a “vaccine” against the GG ‘Flu almost instantly...just like a miracle!

And, of course, the surviving multi-jabbed will be terrified and propagandized into taking the jab...unto the grave.

These past three years have been a planned, coordinated, organized campaign of worldwide GENOCIDE at the behest of globalist psychopaths. These demons from hell intend to murder over 4 billion innocent souls...and clearly they are growing impatient. A lab-created influenza chimera is their next bioweapon of choice. Get yourself and your family prepared for their attack. World War III is well underway against the civilian populations of the planet using bioweapons. Everyone you believed would stand in the way to protect you and those you love are complicit. They have betrayed us all. I urge you to quickly adapt to this new paradigm and safeguard those in your care. We are alone...yet we are together.

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Please purchase several AC-powered nebulizers, masks and tubing for your family. Look into nebulizing using saline + iodine or saline + food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Do this EVERY DAY.

Every family member and loved one should be killing off the pathogens in the nasal passages, the mouth and the throat that they may have been exposed to in the course of the day. In this way, whatever pathogens are circulating will NOT be able to work their way down into the lungs. Get in the habit of rinsing with mouthwash a few times per day, too.

Daily disinfection of pathogen entry points is, I believe, one way we keep ourselves healthy, in spite of the genocidal globalists’ best efforts to exterminate us - the “useless eaters” insolently breathing the air on THEIR planet.

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“How Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide is Being Used to Help with Respiratory Infections - like COVID”


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“Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide for Respiratory Health”

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That is excellent info. Thank you.

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And the really sad part is that the UN announced Population Reduction as a goal decades ago, and hardly anyone did anything except claim NWO is a conspiracy theory.

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Well, if we look for the "drills" and "simulations," it should be there somewhere.

Should be interesting.

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This is a scam to kill all the backyard chickens of the American countryside communities

For those who have been paying attention Purina was just caught poisoning chicken feed , and they’re partnered with the largest commercial egg producer hmmm

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Who is going to stop these psychopaths? They get little to no pushback, they are supported and funded by international organizations. They are not afraid of keyboard warriors.

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In the short term, you and your family members can get (and stay) healthy and fit. Eat organic. Drink and cook with filtered (Berkey) or distilled (Waterwise) water. Instal shower filters, too, so your skin is not exposed to chlorine/chloramine/fluoride. Grow for yourself in a garden or in pots whatever fruits & vegetables you can. If it’s allowed in your area, keep 3 or 4 hens for egg production. Bantam breeds (e.g. Buff Orpington) are a manageable size.

Shop at local vendors (using CASH) and avoid buying anything from the big box stores whenever possible - particularly Regime supermarkets. Buy your gasoline at a family-run gas station. Get a local mechanic to maintain your cars rather than going to a dealership. Remember, a lot of things you need for your kitchen like spices, mustard, ketchup, maple syrup, etc. can easily and economically be purchased online from your approved vendor of choice. Clothing, outerwear and footwear, too, can be purchased online new or gently used from smaller establishments.

Do some online research into natural supplements to treat and maintain your health. Little by little wean yourself off of pharmaceuticals whenever possible. Switch to a local GP (General Practitioner)or a naturopath. Asking for a physician recommendation from an awake mother with a vaccine-injured child is a good way to obtain an excellent reference, but be prepared to travel an hour or more for an appointment. Doctors who refrain from pill-pushing and who actually care about their patients’ health are a rarity these days.

Gradually and steadily withdraw from the Regime’s Techno-Medical-Industrial complex control mechanisms. Absolutely DO NOT allow them access to samples of your or your family members’ DNA. And please don’t fall for 23AndMe or any of the other DNA-harvesting scams. Never again - ABSOLUTELY NEVER - take another “vaccine”, nor allow your children to be jabbed. They ALL now contain toxic mRNA deliberately intended to result in your demise.

If you need to make a big purchase, first hunt around for secondhand items (from cars to furniture to dishwashers) that are 1-3 years old but in excellent condition or which require minor repairs. 💯% of the profits go to the seller, NOT the Regime. This includes iPhones, Android phones, laptops and tablets. If you’re willing to invest in getting a new battery installed, used devices (1-4 years old) in excellent condition can be purchased for HALF the price of new...and Big Tech derives ZERO profits from your purchase.

Wean yourself off of THEIR media...or at least be very selective about what you view and listen to. From watching videos on Rumble, to using this platform (and many others) to thousands of podcasts to download, you can fill your leisure hours with excellent content and severely limit your family’s exposure to Regime propaganda. Look online and see what your local library offers for free in terms of video entertainment. If you’re looking for wholesome programs for young children, ask the mothers on a homeschooling forum. They’ll have dozens of helpful suggestions on videos as well as kids’ books.

Get a VPN and use it religiously. Frustrate and confound Big Tech’s efforts to track your every move and turn you into a digital slave. Your data is THEIR treasure...which they sell off to the highest bidder. Deprive them of their ill-gotten gains at every opportunity. Use Brave, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia or Yandex as your search engine. In fact, use different search engines for different activities to confuse the depraved Tech Overlords even more. Anything but using Google. In fact, look up alternatives to ALL Google products. There are many non-Google offerings and they are comparable.

In this way, as each year passes, you can systematically remove yourself and your family from the Regime’s control network by declining to do business or to interact with them. You might eventually want to consider changing banks and credit card companies...but frankly, you should be making all your local purchases in CASH whenever possible. Reject the Regime’s efforts to impose CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) upon us...it’s tantamount to digital servitude! Maybe even consider refinancing your mortgage at some point with an institution whose business practices meet with your approval.

This is how we methodically build a PARALLEL ECONOMY and rob the Regime of money, influence and power. It requires a new mindset backed up by action. It takes hundreds of big and small intentional behavioral changes on the part of millions of pissed-off, fed-up Americans, but it CAN be achieved! Please start today and keep at it!

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Qu'est-ce que c'est?

fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better

Run run run run run run run away

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Dear Smart Guy,

I am currently looking into body language analysis to better assess the situation in the "enemy camp" and stumbled upon something interesting.

This video from the Munich Security Conference 2022 brings me to the following conclusion:

Bill Gates has completely failed with his "vaccination program":


When he comes to talk about the "Omikron Variant", it becomes clear that he failed exactly on that.

The "Omikron Variant" was allegedly discovered on 09 November 2021 by the South African (family) doctor Angelique Coetzee and classified by the WHO 17 days later.

Quote from Wikipedia German:

"On November 26, 2021, this variant was classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a "variant of concern" (VOC) and was given the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet Omicron as its name."


The Munich Security Conference was held on February 18-20, 2022, about 100 days after the "discovery" of Omicron. Bill Gates seems to be still very upset about it after those 100 days. Omikron has put a spoke in his wheel.

Since I am not convinced of the existence of any virus, because viruses have not been proven correctly so far, I assume that there must be some grouping that must have intentionally burst this "vaccination program".

I don't believe in "white hats" or any other "wimp hats" who are supposedly fighting for mankind, but something must have taken place here that has brought the plan of Gates and Co. completely out of control.

Recently he admits that it didn't work out as planned and sells his shares.

Now the question arises who could have rushed to our aid with "Omikron".

What was really going on back then?

Furthermore, we must of course prevent the planned "decade of pandemics".

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"Pandemics" will continue as long as 1) there's money in them and/or 2) enough ppl continue to believe in Germ Theory.

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