Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

Sounds like Denise is the only AG taking her oath of office to prosecute without fear or favour seriously.

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When you get too close to Pedo central.

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It’s time for “a leak” of that “secure” list of pedo associates. I wonder who, exactly , has possession of said list? How safe can it be in this world of “traitors for pay”?

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Yeah, it’s probably only in the personal possession of the officials using it to blackmail whoever’s on it. I’m sure several checks have been cashed already. The FBI got a free pass to use all of Mossad and CIA’s underhanded work, and they will of course. It’ll be used exclusively for monetary benefit and politics in secret.

There’s no way they’re leaving it around, risking some rank-and-file fuck forwarding it to the Post...

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Do you believe the Post would print it?

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They have managed to suck the soul out of every corner of this universe

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The Killary Klinton tweets are hilarious to see. I simply don't use twitter, so I'm mostly oblivious to what is typically on it.

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The world loves their minor attracted rich people.

I don't get how a grown ass adult gets off, while raping a screaming minor.

I can hear the bar talk now.

"You haven't lived until you did that while draining their blood. That was fun Jerry. When can I come back? My wife would enjoy this."

It really is time for (insert adjective) revolution. It is the only thing they understand. I am sure the lineup for retribution would be long.

Our problem is words. In these cases they just talk too much.

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Is Epstein wearing his white CIA Uniform and medals 🏅?!?!

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Of course I know that he is posing as a Navy Seal , the absolute worm.

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Here's a direct link to Biden boasting to his superiors at the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which has controlled US policy since WW2. cfr.org/event/foreign-affairs-issue-launch-former-vice-president-joe-biden

The focus of the presentation was an article in the CFR journal Foreign Affairs allegedly co-authored by Biden talking about how to get tough on Russia, confirming that he's a "team player" and firming up CFR support for his presidential run.

CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, the Fed chairman, the secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force; and dozens of deputies, advisors, ambassadors, etc.

Note that Jeffrey Epstein was a member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, along with his good buddy Bill Clinton, for 15 years. He was publicly banned from the club after his embarassing wrist-slap conviction in 2008. Leon Black is also a long-time CFR member.

JPMorgan Chase is a CFR corporate sponsor, along with the other major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corporations. Many of their execs, including Jamie Dimon, are CFR members.

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What happened there? I was glad to hear the news about the charges filed, then oops, she's fired.

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Yep and "the resident" was down there at about the same time. So much corruption, you can now shovel the stuff freely.

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Gawd. When will Biden and company be arrested!

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Biden is just a two-bit actor. The "company" owns the entire theatre.

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All banks in the VI use J.P. Morgan to wire transfer

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