somebodies depop agenda took a big hit today

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We keep focusing on the vaccines being a depopulation tool but keep forgetting about abortion. This is a multi-pronged effort to kill us. They won’t stop unless we stop them.

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We focus on it all here.

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Fosho Soros and Baal Gates are crying a river already. Why are billionaires allowed to influence our government and politics?

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Because the Catholic Church is in eclipse

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It is very clear you do not like Mr B. Since I'm from further north, I've done more anti-celebrating of Mr T (many say that is short for tyrant). You might enjoy my anti-tribute:



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Elsa, this substack has been exceptionally critical of errand boy Trudeau in the past, it's just that he has slinked back a bit in the news cycles post trucker-gate and their seized bank accounts. The man is a criminal no better than Biden, except that he's younger and was not CIA creation Obama's partner in crime so less access to pillage, plunder and military adventurism murder that the USSA has more access to.

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Hi 2nd smartest, I've only recently come across your writings. Thanks for making me aware that you've "been exceptionally critical of errand boy Trudeau."

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Oh yes... America follows this little bitch

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We despise Trudeau, Macron, Jacinda, Dan Andrews, Boris etc here in America. When you hang Trudeau : PAY PER VIEW IT, CANADA

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Supreme Court makes it easier for everyone to arm themselves and open carry! Yeah, leftist nuts can have shoot outs with Pro-lifers...saves gov's from doing that LOL

SCOTUS strikes down Roe, giving HUGE victory to pro-lifers; Brace yourselves now for violent left-wing extremism that will shock America and reveal the true face of evil


SCOTUS Strikes Down N.Y.'s Century-Old Gun Law, Making It Easier for Americans to Bear Arms in Public The 6-3 decision was split on ideological lines, Justice Clarence Thomas writing for the majority

Beautiful ruling! I see Kav has got his gonads back and so has Roberts, though not so sure on Roberts YET, but we take this; great day in America, some sanity returns!


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Here in Georgia, Stacy "Tank" Abrams is saying we have increased crime now because Kemp signed the constitutional carry bill. "Kemp makes it easier for criminals to carry a gun!"

Like the criminals gave a damn before!

The Democrat Socialist Marxist Fifth Column Commie Goon Squad is close to turning Georgia into Illinois, and the damn Republicans are backing them up!

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You have to realize the elite class do not represent the people anymore. They are all captured by corporations and special interest groups to enrich themselves. Greed has taken over our government.

It’s an illusion of choice, if voting mattered it would be outlawed.

Nothing will ever change without term limits in place.

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It won't change with term limits in place.

Follow the money.

Obviously, from seeing the AOC situation alone, there are an unlimited number of 'actors' ready willing and able to take up these 'elected' positions.

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Thanks for the laugh, much needed.

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Massad Ayoob - How to answer the door at 3:00 AM - Critical Mas Episode 30


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Will abortion even be an issue if everyone’s been sterilized by the shot?

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That's a really good question. Maybe that's why the decision came down the way it did (I must stop being so cynical).

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Call me cynical but what's the deal with this one?

Don't get me wrong...I think Roe vs Wade was bad law and I am glad it is gone.

BUT, what's the deal here?

Why would the US govt. upend the established order for this?

What is the end goal here?

What is the agenda?

Maybe there is no agenda but lately everything appears to be choreographed.

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Nothing that happens in politics is an accident.

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Seems like there is always an agenda. Dunno yet but this one will rear its ugly head too.

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2nd Amendment win and an abortion will... not everything is completely fucked up.

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Corrupt pedo-idiot Is clueless

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It is the adrenochrome that makes them "crave" ice cream!

Piglosi too!

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These Leftist clowns are furious over the 10th amendment giving powers back to the states but being forced to take an experimental big pharma poison is perfectly fine.

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Have you seen this? Not like anyone would be surprised, but its just more proof how OFF the current Pres of USA is.... He is an incoherent shell of a human...


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Founders never would have dreamed of abortion rights. Russia legalized abortion after commies took over, 1917.

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Gotta get the emotion hot in the easy to lead tools. Self control, sanity, and facts are irrelevant to the agenda at hand. It's a shame that there are so many who are easily manipulated, weaponized, and set off to work diligently against everyone's Best Interests. But that would take some emotional maturity, less narcissism, critical thinking ability (just a bit). I really detest this new normal.

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The pleasure/dopamine addicted society, finally has a "No - Consequences" attached to one of their lifestyle decisions. Oh dear. How horrid!

It's really a test for how balanced/unbalanced a society is. We are so addicted to pleasure, power, position.. It's disgusting. I can't even be angry, it's all revulsion. We have been so far away from a good lifestyle. I weep for the children, for what have we done to their future - and to them. Look at what is being normalized even now.

I can at least hold my disgust to myself, and not be rage stricken. There are those who will not have the self control that so many of the awakened have. I worry for what comes when those people break.

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Jun 25, 2022Edited
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Bodily autonomy has no place in abortion issue.

A baby is Not part of woman's body.

Only because objective reality is near death do I have to say this

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Jun 24, 2022
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I agree. Nothing is as it appears on the surface with these entities.

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It keeps the country divided and they fear being voted out during midterms.

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