Ohio's Historic Toxic Train Wreck: It's The Government, Stupid
Apologies for the many posts today on this breaking story, but this is one of the most devastating events in recent times, and the fallout will only get worse.
Democide by slow kill bioweapon injection.
Democide by releasing the most toxic chemicals all across the USSA.
Democide by taxation.
Democide by “laws.”
Democide by policies.
And so on and so forth.
At the end of the day it all comes down to an illegitimate Federal government waging a full spectrum soft war on We the People; in other words, it's all democide by varying degrees and rates of execution.
It is very possible that the entire Northeast of the United States is, for all intents and purposes, completely poisoned now as a direct function of government response.
Here is perhaps the most succinct and on the nose summation of what exactly has been perpetrated:
And exactly what has the EPA, yet another unconstitutional government agency, done to prevent and address this chemical disaster?
Because the individuals and their Mockingbird outlets that are refusing to report on the worst environmental catastrophe in American history claimed to have had your health as their top priority over the last 3 years.
Because “climate change” and UFO’s and insert the latest (______) psyop:
Do NOT comply.
I was thinking about this yesterday. I have a good educational background, some in chemistry. I am not young so was a while ago. One thing that would happen in a chemical spill is that efforts would be made to collect the poisons ... carefully. And then safely dispose of them, one would take as much time as needed, being careful to not stir things up.
If the goal was to safely handle the spill, what one would NOT do .... is cause an explosion. Just would not happen.
it is not too many articles. Beyond appalling that this is hardly being reported on (and is minimized, if so), by the MSM.
I ask many people I run into, what have you heard about the environmental disaster unfolding in Ohio? And I get only blank looks. When I begin to describe the very real potential for catastrophic devastation, there is no dawning light of understanding, how massive this is.
This horror movie only gets more and more horrifying. How do we "not comply" with something like this?