As you said, never underestimate their capacity for evil.

I’m genuinely freaked about their wet dream of perfect surveillance and control. This ends both the market system genius that has given us so much but also human creativity and agency. Not to go too far down a metaphysical rabbit hole, but I believe that there’s a spiritual realm that’s every individual’s birthright should he or she (yeah I binaried it, ha) acknowledge it. From Their own words it appears they want that too. To estrange us from ethereal energy. Their transhumanistic dreams are no secret. As one of their scientific visionaries recently said, paraphrasing: “Humans are now hackable animals… that they think they have some sort of soul and free will, That’s Over. “

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It’s why they will fail, as all departures from reality eventually do.

We can wish for, and envision a world where there are, square circles. But there will never be square circles no matter how hard we believe.

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the world is a far stranger place than most can ever imagine. their downfall is hubris.

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Besides, the illusion we inhabit tends to fall apart when scrutinized in far too little or far too big scales.

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You should do another article on the evidence for Hitlers escape to Argentina where some evidence shows he was alive into the 1970's. You'd be surprised how the whole suicide story falls apart now that the bones were released post Soviet Union collapse. US intelligence had full knowledge, and there's evidence for that too. Last I knew his run down chalet was going for a totally unexplained 26 million. My mom grew up in the area, and said it was fairly common knowledge, along with hundreds of top Nazis. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/hitler-house-argentina-for-sale-2011-11%3famp

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Perhaps Epstein is now living there? Looks to be a stunningly beautiful property too!

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thought that first picture was probably Ukrainian forces.

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having seen a couple of UAP's i wouldn't be at all surprised

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Pal posted this. Ran the data into google earth and that's what I see as well..


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i don't do facebook. sorry.

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No one should. Wouldn't it be great if it and him disappeared! Less people like him censoring, aiding pedophiles, etc., is something society can do without.

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Yep. One of the least know yet best documented navy campaigns in US history. Von Braun or one of the Paperclip scientists alluded to the Nazis having had "off planet help". Whoever "they" are, there are many reports from highly credible people that indicate they are alive and well in cities under the polar ice. Sounds nuts. I know.

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Reading this when I wake up, good find.

So what's with Hyperborea in your opinion?

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could very well be germane a la Ridley Scott's Prometheus...

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