I wonder if any country is safe for these people. Sounds like all governments are just puppets that are being played by people behind the scenes, who have all the money and the power. And the common man is cannon meat, can be starved, poisoned or even gassed if needed.

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The power of a Satanic Cult obsessed with death and destruction and fuelled by a multi generational hold on the levers of monopoly finance.

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It's definitely Faustian, but is it Satanic? The evidence points to Moloch (his avatar is an owl, which symbolically means he can "see in the dark", a clear reference to occult knowledge).

Do they worship the "Demiurge" of Gnosticism?

The evidence seems to point to Moloch (a Clinton email, Bohemian Grove) but this seems symbolic to me. I don't think these people believe in spirituality and therefore, they have no morality.

I may be biased though, I'm practically a Buddhist at this point.

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You don’t have to believe in Satan but it appears they do.

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I haven't seen any evidence for Satan as I said. I see plenty of evidence for Moloch though.

Satan comes from Abrahamic religions, which these people clearly don't believe in. Why wouldn't they worship a Canaanite god (Moloch), which (likely) goes back to the birth of Mystery Schools/secret societies instead?

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They worship Babylonian and Egyptian gods as well as Satan/Lucifer. London, Washington DC, etc. were built with their symbols in plain sight. They practice child sacrifice and drink their blood and yet they run the world!




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Unfortunately, you nailed it Ingrid.

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Not much happens if the globalists do not make it happen. Everything goes past their desk.

And nothing happens that does not benefit the globalists by furthering their strategies, increasing their options, and consolidating their power. At their level the application of power is scientific and both income and power inequality continually accrue in their direction.

It's a mistake to believe the media programming that China or Russia are at fundamental odds with the US as all are working together to benefit the globalists. Much of what affects us originated from China or Russia and happens via the agency of the US government. The US government (which is not Our government) affects China and Russia with their coordination and agreement and consultation. The CIA and the KGB are best buddies. The one world government has been a reality for decades.

It's also a mistake to believe that Democrats versus the Republicans is anything but misdirection from the top. It's the age-old Divide et Impera used with profit since 350 BC. We, in every generation, fall for it every time because we are programmed peons and see things from the ant-level viewpoint. It's like we believe Coke and Pepsi compete with each other because we fail to realize they're part of a single portfolio owned by the same investors.

Consistently applied long-term global psychological moves directed from above are beyond our day-to-day imagination so they are conspiracy theories to us. When you are at the top with unimaginable power in every global area, it is easy to further your interests. Since you control the field of action, you're always ahead of the game. As in golf, a small wrist movement has a huge effect down the fairway. The ultra-powerful - the globalists, institutional investors, industry groups, media, and government policy makers - act on us continually with expertise and massive budgets. It's what they do. They'll do so even better once we are digitized.

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Very based post BUT...these people suffer from hubris, and thus make many mistakes.

Now, the normie will never notice but WE do. And I think they made so many mistakes with Covid and the death shots that they are now up a creek without a paddle.

I was predicting many of the key players to be thrown under the bus a year ago and am amazed they lasted this long. Just remember, if Fauci or Gates falls on their sword, they are mid-level PUPPETS. Never take your eye off the prize of the people actually pulling the strings.

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They can afford to make mistakes. Their strategy has built-in contingencies and slack. They cannot lose. It's like when either the Dems or Repubs win, the corporations always win regardless. Things are not left to chance - when you have real power or money you do not lose, like the hedge funds never really lose as they make money both ways. They do not bet their billions except on a sure thing, which is easy since they own the markets. Risk is for the little people.

Same with the ultra-rich. Mistakes do not matter. They are not like the little people where every success or failure counts because they do not control the game. If Fauci goes, no problem, they have contingencies and the system will remain robust. Won't even slow it down. Remember, they own both the judicial and the political systems.

It's like how a smart business is run - by the policies, processes, and systems - not by the people. They're just there to monitor and improve the systems and are replaceable. The system runs itself.

Those in charge are not worried at all. If necessary they can easily deploy hemorrhagic fever and the conditioned people will comply completely. Imagine if they did that now; they could run the table.

Another possibility is the brilliant planning, which is way beyond what we little people can comprehend, is being run by an artificial intelligence. China has a leg up on that. Their authoritarian system is perfectly suited to an Ai managed command economy. Ours is not (yet). That may be why it's the western countries that are most experiencing the march of totalitarianism.

I'd also not be surprised if outer space aliens are in control. All possibilities should be on the table. Those UFOs flying around absolutely must be up to something - and there is no doubt they're real. The UFO evidence is overwhelming which means everyone has to reevaluate their unexamined assumptions. We must reconfigure all possibilities and probabilities. To not do so is being as lazy and dumb as those who cannot get past their Narrative programming. The red pill is difficult to swallow but it's the real reality, whereas the blue pill is programmed delusion for weak minds. And beware - the blue pill has a subroutine that tells you it is the only real reality, which is a fundamental lie.

This ain't your grandfathers' millennium.

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"The red pill is difficult to swallow but it's the real reality"

You have no idea how red-pilled I am my friend. 😊

I agree with everything you said, but with one problem. These people are NOT omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent. They are weak, lazy and pretty stupid. They probably have a mean IQ of about 125. Pathetic. They rely on corruption, coercion and blackmail. I have met these people face to face and know what they are (yes, I have met several heads of state and none of them impressed me).

I'm going to say something which is likely very controversial. Our true enemy isn't "the elite", it's normies. When Talmudic Jews go on about how much they despise the goyim, they mean normies. The only reason any of this BS happens is because most people are midwits with 100 IQs who believe whatever they are told reality is. And yes, I know normies who have PhDs from Harvard and Oxford. They are thick as pigshit and are uber-normies.

Our enemies are, generally speaking, idiots, and the only reason "the elite" get away with their crimes is because most people are stupid.

t. 147 IQ, tested.

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178 tested. partially clinically insane at times. i have met similar and you are 100% correct, which is why at times i appreciate the concept of the depop program, but then morality kicks in. as my fellow un-mensa friend who is ivy league grad is fond of saying, some of the stupidest people he's ever interacted with are from ivy league schools.

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I suspect I'm actually in the high 160s, since I can basically take on any problem and learn it and become a master at it in no time at all. I'm a musician, writer, financial trading system creator, web designer, historian, geographer, artist, chef, techie, marketer, salesman, mountaineer, etc, etc, etc; if I'm interested in something I can master it pretty quickly. This is not a comprehensive list.

178 sounds crazy. I'm already probably insane. People tell me I'm eccentric. I also have a near photographic memory, which infuriates me as most people can't remember two days ago.

Yes, the "the eugenicists are right" conversation has popped up quite a few times on 4Chan (/pol/ cracks me up, I can at times take over the thread and people look to me for insight, which is hilarious if you know how 4Chan works). I'm not autistic though, so sadly don't have that pattern recognition, I just torture myself by thinking a lot instead. I have no doubt you know exactly what I mean 😂

Yes, I dated two girls who had Masters degrees from Oxford and they weren't that good at critical thinking. Their friends who had the same qualifications were also a bit dense. Academia is either about cramming as much information into your short-term memory as possible (a useless skill in the real world) or writing a thesis based on what your peers will accept. In both cases, complete BS.

In the same vein, IQ is multivariate in my opinion. MENSA is, in my estimation, a load of bollocks. They might be good at solving puzzles, but ask them to cook a restaurant quality beef wellington au foie gras, aux truffe with a gratin dauphinois whilst listening to some music they composed and you might draw a blank.

Ugh, since you didn't ask: https://www.reverbnation.com/ouroboros/song/3246900-dark-clouds-yellow-sunshine (I'm signed to a record label and they have moved everything to Spotify, which makes sharing my best stuff very difficult)

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Yup. I live 2 miles equidistant from MIT and Harvard. More than once have I saved future Nobel winners from cluelessly walking out into Mass Ave.

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I often say that the average person has a below average IQ. Average was okay until the world got complex, but now the 84% majority (the 68% +/- one SD under the curve, plus the 16% left tail) - in a democracy are easily manipulated. That's why democracy does not work.

Makes me wonder if authoritarianism is the way to go. Also wonder if maybe the normies, who can be highly educated yet easily programmed (see the Perception Gap Study) maybe Should Be Greatly Reset.

Seeing everyone complying with their masks, some with two masks and some with a face shield, and getting upset if you question the Narrative makes me have some sympathy for global genocide. Does that make me a bad person?

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ps usa is not democracy as per founders, but a constitutional republic precisely due to intelligences and experiences and worthiness to vote and lead. the wef program is a wholly different system and must be stopped.

and DeCaprio is maybe on a good day 110.

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no, it makes you a thinking person. i've dealt w/ entertainment industry where 120 is the equivalent of extreme right tail and it was frustrating to say the least, but then we factor in EQ and humanity and notions of enlightened interdependance and it all makes sense.

super high IQ that are not complying will be prioritized for eradication w/out even attempts at reeducation. interesting times no doubt.

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Holy shit this guy sounds like me!

"It’s important to understand that most conflicts between the East and the West are engineered conflicts and the leaders of BOTH SIDES are not really at odds with each other. Rather, these wars are Kabuki Theater"


"The strategy of order out of chaos is nothing new"

I posted this in Latin in your last article....

"In reality, citizens of Kazakhstan were angry over a spike in inflation and high gas prices which continue to grind down the middle class and those in poverty (sound familiar?)."

According to anons on 4Chan from Kazakhstan (also sources on Bitchute) this uprising was over Covid vaxx passports that had been extended to entering banks. I have no way of verifying that but it seems plausible given their actions.

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Sigh. We should have fenced them in at Davos.

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Well is the jury in on vaccines time to death? The globalists may well kill a billion people via vaccines over five years. We do not know even based on illness and death so far. So in my opinion better to see the low intensity war aspect of Covid as the strategy where illness is the burden on the system.

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the fact checkers will be hard at work again, the propaganda machines will be at full speed

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