Fabulous to see. Here in Canada, we saw this with the Freedom Convoy - the estimate was that between 500,000 and one million protesters went to Ottawa that first weekend. In that case, the media utterly misreported (UNDERreported). Damn - they did not report - they falsified!!!
Fabulous to see. Here in Canada, we saw this with the Freedom Convoy - the estimate was that between 500,000 and one million protesters went to Ottawa that first weekend. In that case, the media utterly misreported (UNDERreported). Damn - they did not report - they falsified!!!
Fabulous to see. Here in Canada, we saw this with the Freedom Convoy - the estimate was that between 500,000 and one million protesters went to Ottawa that first weekend. In that case, the media utterly misreported (UNDERreported). Damn - they did not report - they falsified!!!