Kinda like the Barrington Declaration. The tyrannical, unelected investors in this scam, like John Kerry, will use their censorship industrial complex to quash this and those involved and profit in doing so. Great ROI opportunity for the climate grifters.

Both appreciate and respect the efforts to dispel these nefarious climate myths. Sadly the hoards of people incapable of thinking for themselves will believe whatever the expansive marketing campaign messages are targeting them for.

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But there is man-made climate change: they have been seeding the skies with chem trails plus shoving unlimited energy/plasma and nuclear product into our ionosphere for decades.

When do we get to discuss this?

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These CO2 is a 'pollutant' types are going to lead to extermination of us, the people. Ever wonder why greenhouses raise their CO2, plant grow better with less need for water.

A green earth is their enemy, despite what they tell you.

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But without the “99.9% of scientists agree” fraud, how will they perpetrate Climate Change mental illness on our kids?


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As with all things it is up to us to teach them.

My Primary school age son already thinks transgenders and gays are perverts, he and his friends refernce transgenderism and homosexuality as inults - as is proper.

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This is marvelous, thanks.

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I know I keep repeating myself on this subject but the song remains the same. It's not global climate disruption, It's a global control mechanism by the tyrants controlling the countries of the developed, supposedly free world. With the scamdemic as a trial run too see if the lies and indoctrination could turn enough people into useful idiots, it's now balls to the wall, full speed ahead. In Europe, they're fallowing huge areas of farmland. Ireland for example has proposed slaughtering two hundred thousand head of dairy cattle. In the good old USA, the a-holes currently ruining the country are proclaiming, "If we raise your taxes, you will never see another tornado". Total insanity! I could write a comment the size of War and Peace on this scam but you all get the picture. What I am thinking though, is maybe it's getting time to start sharpening the tines on the pitchforks. No compliance, No cooperation, No mercy

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I used to live in New Hampshire USA. It had what I used to call four perfect seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

What if every winter, the entire world government propaganda machine started warning of upcoming "warming" non-stop. Eventually the sheeple would forget that there were once something called "seasons"!

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When you think of it, more CO2 = more cheap plant based foods and feed for farm animals. That is NOT what "elites" want. They need worldwide hunger. Hence their attack on CO2 and methane( that is converting quickly to Co2) gasses.

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And, back in 1998: APRIL 21, 1998---More than 15,000 scientists, two-thirds with advanced academic degrees, have now signed a Petition against the climate accord concluded in Kyoto (Japan) in December 1997


“... In signing the Petition within a period of less than six weeks, the 15,000 basic and applied scientists -- an unprecedented number for this kind of document -- also expressed their profound skepticism about the science underlying the Kyoto Accord. ...”

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You might want to check this out.


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Thank you!

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The Elites are bringing in their 15 minute cities, restrictions on car ownership and use, restrictions on air travel, restrictions on meat eating etc. etc. This will bring the debate to EVERYONE'S doorstep.

Here's the thing - if someone blindly accepts the narrative of anthropogenic climate change, then they HAVE to accept the above privations without complaint - after all without these privations WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, aren't we? That's what the tell-lie-vision and the 'experts' say.

Here's another thing. Unlike covid, where the normies accepted privations because they knew these restrictions were temporary ("we'll be back to normal soon, once we get the miracle vaccine"), the climate hoax privations are to be PERMANENT. For all time. No going back. Ever.

Once the normies get THAT fact into their heads, they might - just might -start to wonder if all us "crazy tinfoil hatted conspiracy theorists" could have been right all along. Because if we are, then the normies won't have to accept any of these "climate change" restrictions, will they?

IMHO the Elites have made a blunder, by thinking that the TEMPORARY submission of the normies under covid, will mean their automatic acceptance and PERMANENT submission under the climate hoax. I think we are going to see an enormous awakening very soon. Let's hope so.

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There is one definite thing we can do to help the environment...STOP cutting down our trees to put in "green energy" solar panels. The amount of land that used to be forests and farmlands but is now nothing but barren deserts of solar cells is just horrendous. So much wildlife has lost its former habitat for these false "green energy" fields.

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Thanks again! Lots of nice work by you and the 1501 signatories. Two suggestions: that the date of the World Climate Declaration be more prominent--FEBRUARY 18, 2023, wherever this news appears, and that folks check out wattsupwiththat.com for day-by-day information. This one is a WEF-steered Scam we can repudiate day by day, too, while we grow our own food and take down the Central Banks.

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At one stage in the 80/90s we had over 2000 scientists who wrote a petition on HIV /AIDS issue and they were buried alive 40 years down the line almost 40 millions are living with HIV and 40 millions have died

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