No not a horse Not a cow But as stubborn as a mule and as wise as an owl,

Thankfully, and not as blind as a bat, to be able to see the one sided narrative been pushed by all including the medical profession /MSM , when science becomes politicised it becomes a for profit business

Follow the money trail , to see who benefits !!!!

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Jan 26, 2024
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fuck off i am going to take down your entire site now.

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Thank you. Can you elaborate on the Tippens protocol update, please? Can’t find anything on his site.

Thanks again for your initiative in making these invaluable products available through your sub-stack. You’re helping so many people who otherwise have no source, with mail being opened and contents like IVM being confiscated in many countries.

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He takes Onco Adjunct products. At least that's what's on his blog.

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Thanks Judy - yes, I saw that. It’s the change to Fenbendazole from 222mg to 300mg that I was wondering about. Probably won’t hurt since it’s so safe - just like to keep up to date on Joe’s recommendations.

Thx again.

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That's what I've been giving to my husband. He's been taking 300 mg daily for a month and hasn't had any side effects.

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Well, that’s more than encouraging and ‘seals the deal’.

Thank you yet again. Hope your husband continues to do well with it. Wishing you both all the best, and more thanks for your help.

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Jan 25, 2024
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I was doing it once a day, but after reading the comment about it's half-life, I'm going to give him 150 of fenbendazole and 12 of ivermectin twice a day seven days a week.

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Also, I saw a commenter on one of the many articles I've read say that he takes 444 mg daily, and has been for quite a while with no side effects.

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Jan 25, 2024
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He now takes Onco Adjunct products. I'ts three supplements and a CBD oil. I'll try to find it. I believe I read it on his blog.

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Just something to think about --- I've been reading about tocotrienols. Very beneficial, with a host of great things for the body. But some studies show that your body will preferentially absorb tocopherols when both are present at the same time. It may be better to take tocotrienols and tocopherols as separate supplements at different times of the day, rather than in a single supplement. I'm not a doctor, so please do your own research, as ymmv.

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Also, I don't know if this has been mentioned but both forms of vitamin e are fat soluble, as is Fenbendazole, so need to be taken with some fat. It would make sense to take them at the same time as the CBD oil.

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Is there a prophylactic protocol for the prevention of cancer using Ivermectin?

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Does anyone know if the ivermectin should be taken with fat? 99% of what I've read says take it on an empty stomach, but that could be just if you take it for parasites. I did see one article that says take it on an empty stomach but in the next paragraph said it's 2.5 more absorbed if taken with a fatty meal. Thanks for any advice on this

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Jan 25, 2024
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Thank you! That's what we'll do from now on.

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With thanks (again !) and a tip of the hat to 2nd Smartest Guy in the World for outstanding posts, warnings and product/protocol suggestions. You must be a mathematician because you sure have their number !!!

Are you s ure you're not the 1st Smartest Guy in the World ??? ( !!! )

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You should expand your business, start selling OTC 'pills' that work better than Statin drugs. By the dozen:


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Thank you so much for all of your articles. 🙏🏻 Could you please reprint the JT Protocol with the length of time to take the recommended dosages? Thank you

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Ivermectin was an "Enemy" of the state, it prevented EUA status of kill shot, which have the fraudsters blanket immunity for mass murder. Like the chaos around the world perpetrated , the DOD had to wage a war against it. Its a good price, cause the prescription price (only way to purchase it in pharmacies is 6.50 a pill!

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For whatever reason, some people I have spoken to really object to using CBD oil. Is it really necessary for the Tippens protocol to work?

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It is the least important, but he used it so extrapolate as you see fit.

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Why? Do they not understand that the THC is only a tiny, tiny, tiny bit in the CBD oil and they think they'll get "stoned?"

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Who knows? Your guess is probably correct but in any case, based on the comments and success stories I've gotten back it's probably not a vital element to the workability of the protocol, overall. Sometimes I have to work around various ideas in order to get the basic communication through. I'm finding that I sometimes need to decide the relative importance of the idea I am attempting to communicate and not try to get agreement on every single aspect with each idea. Changing or broadening a person's reality seems to be a gradual process these days. Maybe that's always been true but it's so much more obvious now.

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Love it 2nd Smartest Guy in the World! Keep it coming!

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What are the pet dosages for a 25 pound dog?

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Suggest you look up the dosage on websites for other commercial products, where it’s readily available. Merck does dog dewormers with both IVM and Fenbendazole. Hope this helps.

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Is this protocol just for 7 days, or for continuous weeks? if for weeks, how long should one continue taking this protocol?

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Do you need to ease into any of these or just go start ‘em all and at these dosages?

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Sooooo, if I order the petmectin, fish cycline and petdazole, how do I use them? I see ivermectin and fenbendazole with amounts listed for "7 days a week". Just use them for one week? And I don't see anything for fishcycline. One a day for a week?

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Is it possible to get it shipped to Norway? In discreet wrapping/gift package? I have a friend that is obviously harmed by the vaccines, and I want to help him.

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Contact the company directly: info@virex.health

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