
Edited, with added 'globapedo' term.

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May 8Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Big pharma playbook.

Cause the problem. Sell a solution.

BioNTech had an mRNA cancer vaccine trial in 2002 that suddenly stopped and no results were reported. Off the record leaks from some of the NDA hogtied investigators revealed how tumor growth exploded after administration. The globopsychohomopedo brigade led by #BillGatesBioTerrorist needs to ramp up their depopulation agenda.

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Corretion: sell EXPENSIVE solution that doesn't cure and you die miserably anyway. It will be a cold day you know where before I'll EVER do chemo or radiation. Take Ivermectin or Fenbendazole and call it good. You go when God says it's time REGARDLESS! However, chemo and radiation are like stepping onto the tracks of a fast moving train...might not be your time, but God gives us free will to be stupid and die anyway! Cancer is a multi TRILLION dollar operation. Maybe more. Can you imagine just what they receive in donations and grants ALONE??? They won't see a dime from me!!!

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I'm sorry to say, people are stupid and afraid. Especially women. And I say that as a woman.

Story #1: vaxx injured BIL gets diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer. We give them info on Fenben. They wait. He is interested, his wife is not. Doctor says no. They want to do chemo. BIL gets too sick for chemo. SIL says "hey, let's try this." It's already metastasized and spread a lot. BIL dies a about a week after saying "let's try this alternative therapy that might have helped four months ago". Not sure if Fenben would have helped, since he got diagnosed late, but I doubt it would have hurt.

Story #2: BIL has a daughter. Her husband (alcoholic, non vaxxed) gets liver cancer in Jan. We give them the Fenben info. Doctor says... "no supplements." He died Sunday, well ahead of schedule. BTW... he was being seen by an oncologist at a Big 10 university.

Many oncologists just follow orders and are mainly interested in their profits.

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God didn't put 'the root of ALL evil is the LOVE of money' in the Bible for kicks and giggles. I seriously can't imagine people AT THE VERY LEAST saying...hey, tried and true years and years old medication wouldn't hurt to add it?! 🥴 People seriously trust their doctors in such an unhealthy way! There's this thing called the www where if you dig deep enough...or hey just get on Substack...you can read for yourself about remedies. Plus doesn't it dawn on anyone why goo goo only pulls up crooked fda and cdc or like you said big 10 universities first??? Especially Harvard which has had how many caught using AI or plagiarizing their dissertations?! My friend and I say daily...common sense is not very common anymore! This reminds me of the clinical trials paper written on Remdesivir I found during the beginning of the scamdemic when goo goo hadn't taken such strides to scrap everything yet. I knew something wasn't right when first search pulled up produced by Gilead!!! It basically said Remdesivir had failed so miserably during clinical trials for initial intended use...mainly due to kidney failure...they were suspended early. Posted that on Fascistbook before they started censoring big time. Know who listened...NO ONE!!! You have the absolute right to DENY any medication or procedure! You sign a paper agreeing to be diagnosed and treated. It does not keep you from being able to refuse something nor give them the right to do WHATEVER! IOW force! This is EXACTLY why they kept family out! NO ONE SHOULD HAVE AGREED TO THAT AND WOULD HAVE ONLY TAKEN A FEW TO PITCH A BIG OLE BI-ATCH FIT TO STOP THAT CRAP! Nursing homes included! People PAID those facilities to keep them from their loved ones while ALLOWING their staff to kill them! Horrid! I STILL can't believe people allowed that! I STILL can't believe people seriously believe rona killed their loved ones to this day!!!! Gosh it raises my bp! 😡👹

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It's interesting, the people I've found the have refused the vaxx, are now questioning the vaxx or have rejected chemo are people who are non-conformists. It's NOT about intelligence, it's about conformity.

What's interesting is that several of the people I know who are vaxx compliant are old hippies who have moved to the country and rejected many parts of "modern society." LOL.

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It is about intelligence. It's the ability to learn. 15 years ago I didn't think much about vaccines. However, when you LEARN ingredients, see people damaged by them, or realize the schedule your children took has QUADRUPLED, so has kids being sick ALL the time, and autism has SKYROCKETED you have to stop and THINK!!! It's not rocket science! I also believe 5g, chemtrails, the DISGUSTING ingredients our crooked fda allows in everything, bpa in plastic, etc...we almost don't stand a chance. With God on my side I darn sure won't quit trying though!

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There were people who got sick and went to the hospital and said NOOOO Remdesivir. They still got it anyway. Sometimes they tricked them up. The patient was alone and sick and was easily fooled. They told the patient the generic name instead of using the name remdesivir They said this is the med that Trump got. They lied and told the patient it was an anti-biotic or a steroid. Here is a clip of a person who said no remedesivir and got it anyway. I guess she lived because she only got one dose and had a fighting spirit and along with an awesome supportive family to back her up.


If they wanted to kill the patient and didn't want to go against the NO Remdesivir order they killed the patient in other ways. Again there were no witnesses so they could do what ever they wanted. They used Baricitinib which carried a five black box warning. In the Uk they used Midazaolam and heavy duty narcotics. Cranked up the oxygen unnecessarily and got the patient dependent on oxygen then said they needed a vent. Give no food or water etc.. There are many ways to kill someone in the hospital.

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Oh Dee all that makes my blood boil! And I'd believed EVERY BIT of that without a link! God forgive me, but I hope they all rot in HELL!!!

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After hearing so many stories like this, it's so horrific. I will never step foot in a hospital if I can help it. It's become very dangerous with doctors breaking their oaths, murdering their patients all for the filthy dollar. I hope they get their due karma.

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Have watched friends go through cancer treatment, feel awful their last 6 months alive and die anyway.

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Years ago, I watched my Mom battle lung cancer for a year and a half. Chemo ruined her quality of life.

I will NOT do chemo. EVER. Even before I learned about the viable alternatives.

Here's an interesting story from a guy who has beat cancer 3 times:


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Absolutely spot on! Or SUPPOSEDLY go into remission to constantly face scans that PROMOTE cancer while waiting for the other shoe to drop! I wonder how many "remission" folks didn't have cancer AT ALL?! I won't do a mammogram ever again either! I found a place that does Thermograms. Guess what though?! If they find anything suspicious the only alternative to follow up is sending you to another doctor that will follow CDC Protocols. Can you guess what that is?! If you guessed a mammogram or other cancer boosting test you are correct! IOW your insurance won't pay NOR will a doctor even remove it! If an xray tech has to wear a protective vest AND stand behind a shield while preforming it why would a woman do a sonogram every year when mammograms are the equivalent of a 100 x-rays!!! I just pray daily, before I learned, the damage hasn't already been done!

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I know someone who had a colon blockage. They did surgery, and found some cancerous cells. Said he needed to start chemo immediately.

He said no, and they did CT scans. Found no cancer.

Doctor said... you MUST do chemo.

Second opinion said... you MUST do chemo.

Even though there was no evidence of chemo.

He said no.

BTW... put him on Tippins protocol, his tests keep coming out cancer free.

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Have a friend who is currently being told he must have an ablation for afib. He checks himself multiple times a day with Cardia mobile device and no afib. He’s been told he has cardiac disease, had multiple tests, the final one said no you don’t. But main doc still has him on meds insisting he does. I keep encouraging him to ditch the whole bunch but somehow he still has faith in them??? And plenty of money to seek alternative care. Go figure.

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Does he feel like he is in A-fib? My husband gets this and he can feel it before the doctor confirms it.

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Damn, I’d get all my Fing records and SUE the S out of these doctors and hospitals…anyone and anything that was involved in my wrong diagnosis.

I cannot express the importance of getting your records. He needs to get his records asap and contact counsel and/or get me a nurse to review and get a damn report of their findings.

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I said that during scamdemic! If you had a healthy relative die "supposedly" from rona...get a copy of detailed billing from hospital! People would be SHOCKED! I remember when hospitals sent those out as a standard!!!

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Dang...like what part of NO CANCER are these doctors not getting??? Oh yeah so they can say...oh look I cured you! Thanks for the wasted money and you're welcome! 😡 To probably wind up with cancer eventually due to not needed treatment! Creating furure clients! 👹

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Fun fact: oncologists are the only doctors that buy medication (chemotherapy) directly. Consequently, they can charge whatever they want, since they are essentially the distributor.

No cancer= no money from cancer treatment

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The last time I had a mammogram was about 17 years ago. I was going every 2 years, then my woman gynecologist wanted me to go yearly, even though I never had any problems. I told her I'm not doing that, telling her I'm increasing my chances of getting cancer. She disagreed with me saying this was all about prevention. Yeah, prevention my ass!! Thankfully, I've been fine since. It's all about the $$$$$.

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Good for you👏👏👏👏👏Don’t you love it when YOU can educate some of these damn robots!

I haven’t seen a physician in 20 years except when I broke my finger two plus years ago and he could not even look at me when I told him “I know what’s going on”. The coward could not say a thing but only grinned while examining my finger. He knew. They all know unless they are really so damn stupid. They’re not🙄

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They didn't know any better. They were all indoctrinated in medical schools. They knew little or none about nutrition. They were trained to do surgery, chemo/radiation treatments and prescribe toxic petroleum based drugs, never to fix the underlying problem. This is another reason why Rockefeller took away holistic care over 100 years ago as they didn't want the competition, as holistic health works for the body, not against it like allopathic medicine. They want you going to these doctors in the white coat (God complex) from birth till death never to be healthy, but die a slow death leading to premature death for all, keeping the doctors well paid to keep up with their lavish, expensive lifestyle.

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Exactly! I started reading about the dangers a few years ago and still got one last year. Never again! I did a Thermogram! Sweden has been trying to do away with those since at least 2014! And like we've all stated...what can you do if there is something...take Fenbendazole or Ivermectin, but chemo and radiation are like putting a down payment on a coffin!

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So you haven't heard this yet? They no longer tell a patient who get x-rays that they need shielded. They say shielding the patient from radiation actually traps the radiation in so they don't recommend that anymore, however the x-ray tech may still wear a shield if they want to. I am not sure how the radiation knows to stay away from the x-ray tech when they wear some kind of shield. I guess we need more studies to explain this new phenomenon.

I would be surprised if they didn't crank up the radiation that people get during x-rays just to make it more poisonous and then say this.


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Wouldn't surprise me either! Sad nothing shocks me anymore. 🥺🥴😫

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Here's a good Substack I like and learn alot from!


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I agree. This is a good site. Thanks.

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One of the biggest problems in the World is Bill Gates. What a monster.

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He is one creepy SOB, someone should do a body language analysis on that first clip, he looks like he is full of deception.

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May 8Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Create the problem, sell the solution.

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Make profits while killing people. Sounds like the military industrial complex.

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Problem, Reaction, Solution playbook. Works every time!

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I can hardly believe how blatantly corrupt and evil these PhramaCrooks are. They may as well hang a sign around their neck that reads: "We are evil and we are trying to kill you."

I am reaching the point where I am actually beginning to wonder if what we are witnessing is reality or is this some kind of Matrix-like artificial reality we are living in.

How can so many people not see what we are seeing?

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In answer to your last question. It's because many are brain-washed and dumbed down by govt indoctrinated schools/colleges, not being able to think on their own, so rely on govt lies. Also, many have chronic diseases, poor health, they can't think about anything else. That's how bad it's gotten. I've been awake for over 20 years and it's been a real eye-opener how much I've learned about history, the parasitic global elites, royal bloodlines and so much more. It's very ugly.

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I believe many people do see it, but the reality is so terrifying and does not align with their manufactured worldview that if they acknowledge this reality they would not be able to function. In short, they would go crazy, go use drugs, or go to the mental ward.

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May 8Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

"A Recurring Fountain Of Revenue": FDA Exec Admits Biden Planning Annual Shots, Including Toddlers https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/recurring-fountain-revenue-fda-exec-admits-biden-planning-annual-shots-and-vaxxing

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Touching his nose so often is an indication that subconsciously he knows he is lying.

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The Pinocchio effect: Your nose says you are lying

“when we lie, chemicals called catecholamines are released, which cause inflammation of the internal tissues of the nose.

Lies increase blood pressure and, consequently, the nose becomes inflamed, appearing slightly red. Non-verbal language experts have observed that those who are lying often rub their noses, either with a quick rub under the nose or with a quick, almost imperceptible touch.”


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This is Satan's egregious Master Plan delivered to humanity by Demons; beings like Gated, Fauci etc, are demon-possessed; burn on a stake

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Making Godless sinful suckers & fools sick, then selling them remedies is the mission statement of our Godless 5 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma's! Who also are the leader in the cause of Death, according to the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study or the book, Death By Medicine by Dr. Null. (Godless nations deserve no better!) I.e. "The wages of sin is Death." I.e. fraudulent "medicine" killing 250,000 to 800,000 annually, year in & year out! (All not counting Coved's biowarfare, harm & Death, or our 50 million Dead/ murdered babies!)

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Bill gates is invested in Danaher (DHR) which owns Aldevron that makes and distributes mRNA. Co founder of Moderna is on the board of directors at Aldevron….

Investigate the mRNA biotechnology companies...Start with Aldevron...owned by Danaher (DHR). Bill Gates has investments in DHR which bought Aldevron for $9.6 Billion in 2021. Gates invested in DHR in 2022. The three locations of Aldevron are Fargo, ND, Madison, Wisconsin and Lincoln, Nebraska and have a presence at North Dakota State University, University of Wisconsin and University of Nebraska. Investigate Aldevron and the mRNA research at each of these universities. Investigate why Bill Gates has bought farmland in Nebraska, Wisconsin and North Dakota. Is all of this just a coincidence? Cofounder of Moderna is on the board of directors at Aldevron.
























Gates Foundation bets big on Moderna’s mRNA technology | Drug Discovery News

In the News: AAVCOVID Partner Mass Eye and Ear Releases Preclinical Data on Single-Dose, Room Temperature-Stable COVID-19 Vaccine, and Announces Grant Award.


Moderna and Aldevron Expand Collaboration



2024 Bill Gates Portfolio Stock List | All 24 Stock Investments Now

Codexis and Aldevron Enter Exclusive Licensing Agreement for Codex® HiCap RNA Polymerase

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They have never seen cancers behaving like this with the 95% destroyed immune system, at least not until now. For those will still some immune system function, please take advantage of 2SG's offerings, while you still can and it is legal.

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Project Veritas every year


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May 8·edited May 8


'Patients Develop Severe and Critical COVID-19 Infection Despite Being Vaccinated': Journal 'Bioinformation'

Vaccinated are 41% more likely to be infected than unvaccinated.


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Open call for Albert Bourla’s head

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It's not just Covid shot turbo-cancers.. this has been coming for a long time, for all cancers: https://brownstone.org/articles/of-cancers-cures-and-lnps/

In fact, I think that at least some mRNA technology was developed by cancer researchers.

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More evil than the original perps are the dumbass doctors using this protocols!

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