Pfizer is the Most Corrupt Corporation in US History based on their Criminal Settlements to date, so is Anyone at this Point Surprised that they are Bribing Everyone They Can Re: their DEATHVAX™?
Dr. Paul Alexander says he rejected Pfizer’s $1 million offer to stop questioning COVID vaccines
by LifeSiteNews
The Canadian health researcher and former Trump administration official said that 'Pfizer offered me $1 million & $50,000 month wage; essentially to stop writing & hammering them.'
Dr. Paul Alexander, Canadian health researcher and former Trump administration official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the Covid-19 pandemic, published an article on Monday in which he revealed that big pharma had tried to pay him out in order to silence his public criticisms. “Pfizer offered me $1 million & $50,000 month wage; essentially to stop writing & hammering them,” he wrote. “I said NO!”
Speaking to the manipulation and fraud that is now becoming publicly known with the release of Pfizer’s documents, and the heavy price those fighting for medical transparency have had to pay, Alexander said, “For each person there is a time in life that we chose to stand up or not.”
“Money is not the key in life,” he continued. “There is something called a line of integrity that must not shift based on money.”
Dr. Alexander has done celebrated work internationally in epidemiology and infectious disease research in Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia. He did research for the Infectious Diseases Society of America in Virginia, worked for the government of Canada as an epidemiologist for 12 years, and was appointed the Canadian in-field epidemiologist for an international project on TB/HIV co-infection and MDR-TB control. The project involved India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan, and Kathmandu.
Dr. Alexander currently works as an “independent academic scientist and COVID-19 consultant researcher,” according to his website. Dr. Alexander has been publicly critical of the government response to Covid-19 in the United States and Canada, joining fellow colleagues Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and others. His many articles on Covid-19 may be found here, and related articles on the medical research done regarding Covid-19 and vaccination published by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons may be found here.
It's kind of like an old fashioned mob protection racket. Guy comes around and talks to store owner: "I noticed that big front window that you have was broken 3 times in the last month. What does it cost to replace those? 500? 600? What a friggin shame, 1,500 balloons a month. I'll tell you what I can do. I know some people. You give me 600 a month and I get it to them and they make sure you never have a broken window again. You end up saving 900 or more a month. What do you say? Let me help you out."
Similar to big pharma. "Why pay these ridiculous fines when you can spend less than half by donating to the right people?"
2nd Smartest Guy, We see eye to eye on Pfizer! Please check out my latest cartoon: