In his "Real Anthony Fauci" book, RFK Jr. says he believes HIV causes AIDS and then he presents overwhelming evidence that HIV has nothing to do with AIDS. Perhaps he's worried about getting cancelled.

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I admit to having trouble understanding when he's speaking, but understood enuf clearly the 5:1 vaccinated to placebo ratio which was a large red flag. JFK Jr. knows, as further evidenced in his excellent book, and has the courage to continue telling it as it is. Good man.

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Yes the did know. And they know we know, and still it is a cover-up.

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House of Numbers is a must watch, by some miracle it is still on YouTube.


HIV, I am certain, does exist, but was either deliberately made in a lab or was the result of a live attenuated vaccine in Africa that went horribly wrong (the latter sounds like a cover story to me).

I do not believe that AIDS exists, it was likely another cover story for the reaction to the poison that is AZT.

The fact that the UK government is now encouraging the general public to take AIDS tests (likely a cover story YET AGAIN for vaccine induced AIDS) tells me all I need to know.

Scam upon scam upon scam.


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The deeper the evil becomes, the greater the cognitive dissonance. Despite the last century being replete with examples of genocide, we just can’t accept that it is going on right now in our town. Modern man does not acknowledge objective truth, much less transcendent truth. Without God, there is no standard for good, so there is likewise no existence of evil. Therefore, we are unable to see it and name it. Our ability to see anomalies is particularly crippled. For example, this international and corporate-government coordination is right before our eyes, yet not a peep from the massive intelligence and military agencies charged with our defense. There is no way that events of this scale are not on their radar. The only logical conclusions is that they are directly involved.

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I'm getting angrier every day. And i'm not an angry person.


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So lethal injection or the firing squad for Bourla? Should he be given the choice? Discuss

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