If Trump had committed 0.1% of the crimes that Pedo Pete has, then he would deserve to be indicted.

As it stands, being President with both hands tied behind your back, every single person in the administration undermining you, the entire opposition attacking you, while the Pentagon acts against your orders and the media slanders you 24/7; means that every achievement is a incredible one.

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Bingo! How about the likely bugging of the White House his first weeks in office!? Recall every conversation was made public!? Unfathomable! No POTUS has had to deal with such chicanery.

I believe President Trump remarked about a subsequent WH remodel down to the studs. "You won't believe... they found gold in the walls." (Hint hint. Gold?)

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Things were so well bugged that our Deep State Gov./ FBI had thousands of coded phone transmission to Russia from the over 200 commies spies working here to get A-Bomb secrets As hero Joe McCarthy told Leftist FDR [free stuff] adoring Americas! All revealed by the FBI’s release of the Vennona intercepts’! Yet McCarthyism is still a pejorative noun, in Godless brain dead/ Hell bound USA!

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Yes, McCarthy was cancelled. And ‘anti-communist’ is now a pejorative term like anti-zionist. The doublespeak has worked on the masses.

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God Jesus talks about anti-Israel people in his Bible! But Anti, Godless mass murdering Marxist communists is not mentioned! Romans 12:21, advises.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. 21 Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good!"

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They successfully fooled you into believing Israel was a land, not a man. Christians are the Children of Israel and God's Chosen People. The land where Israel lived was The Land of Israel, it's not a State. Khazaria, now known as Ukraine, is where the Synagogue of Satan hail from and they went on to pervert Russia, Europe, and now US, like they do everywhere they go...

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Israel and Zionist are as far as east is from west. Zionists are godless mass murderers in their own right. And Jews believe Christians should be beheaded. You should study up on Noahide laws and the spread of them throughout the world, including the USA.

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I take it you do not believe that the military, knowing the treason being committed by Obama and the deeps state, asked Trump to run? There is much more to what has happened over the last 8 years than the average person knows, even if they consider themselves to be informed and awake.

Do you think the deep state would have gone to the lengths they did from the very beginning of Trump's candidacy and Presidency to utterly destroy him and his ability to accomplish his goals of restoring our Republic IF Trump was one of them, one of the UniParty?

They are so afraid of his return to the White House that they continue to this day to arraign him with FALSE charges, brought by corrupt DA's and judges, in an attempt to prevent him from returning. They are clearly committing election interference and malicious prosecution.

Many of those "count" you cite are things Trump had nothing to do with. And the way you worded them shows extreme bias, and even ignorance of the facts.

He "lured" patriots to DC? Do you know why? You surely know that the coup against him and the American people was finished that day by those who perpetrated the events on J6, and followed up with the propaganda show trial of the sham J6 Committee.

Trump was out of office and could NOT pardon any J6'ers, but has said he will. HE is NOT responsible for the actions of the Capitol Police, the FBI and Pelosi who committed treason.

So WHO do you propose has a better opportunity to RETURN OUR REPUBLIC to the people than DJT?

Sadly, there are too many supposedly intelligent people who are blinded by the overwhelming events of the last four years, and the propaganda of the MSM and Neo-Con pundits, and have become black-pilled, and insist on black-pilling everyone else. Exactly where is that going to succeed in helping?

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Totally agree here. Operation warp speed was created LONG before Trump. It was just pushed forward. By everyone. Trump was the only person saying anything about HCQ and ivermectin and the MSM was so loud few people heard him.

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Operation warp Speed was created in the 70s I think

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Be that as it may (creation of warp speed), he still will not acknowledge the death & damage they’ve caused. He only stopped bragging about his “beautiful vaccines” SAVING “millions of lives” because people boo’d him every time he said it.

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Mar 27Edited
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With all due respect, Liberty, he has NOT been talking about HCQ as his “beautiful vaccine” created by “warp speed” bullshit

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One should understand that vax scamming was invented in the 1700’s! (Citations on request!)

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A pox be upon you, sir. (Just kidding!) Just go watch the John Adams series that came out back a few years ago and you’ll see Abigail Adams doing the scraping of sores and inoculation of her children from a dying victim of the pox…risky business, that…

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Excellent points! I'm forced to rethink my post.

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Did you know that our deep state pro Marxist FBI had decoded recordings of over 200 commie spies working the State Department, for A-Bomb secrets (Just as hero Joe McCarthy was telling stupid pro commie FDR & America) all revealed in the deep state/ FBI’s secret venona intercepts, & their FOI release, yet stupid people still use McCarthyism as a pejorative none!

He was a Hero, with some PTSD you stupid brainwashed suckers & fools!

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Well said!

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The one thing I agree 100% with is that the RINOs are dangerous snakes.

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The one good thing is that Trump proved if we push hard enough we can break apart the uni-party and get rid of the Rinos. That’s why his own party turned on him when he was elected. The Dems are totally lost forever … long ago. There’s a slim chance the Republican Party RINOS can be purged; hopefully.

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Trump, despite his faults, seems to me to truly love this country. This is very rare these days. And since, as doubtless many will point out, there is no one else, what do you propose to do?

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The others are incompetent, bought off, and compromised.

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No, Trump loves first Israel. He even said the US military is in the middle east to fight Israel's wars. Who is John Galt?

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John Galt is the hero in the Book Atlas Shrugged by author Ayn Rand.

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As the saying goes "we never learn from our history" and the "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again." Don't use your head as a hat rack! "And the government is on his shoulders" if you are living and not a governmental corporation dead entity - first middle last name or omission of the middle name!

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Trump had the ENTIRE US Deep State Working against him. They even got themselves appointed to Cabinet Positions in his administration. In a recent documentary, Deborah Burke was knowingly doing the opposite of what Trump directed her to do when it came to official US GoverPandemic Responses. Imagine working under those conditions. Every 3-Letter Agency working against you. Then imagine what he could have accomplished if they were all on his side. Keep those working conditions mind when making judgements.

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Yes. It's important to read what SenateAnon wrote in 2017 --  here's the archived link:  https://archive.is/SMiOt

An excerpt --

"I’m a high level staffer for a US Senator. Both parties are trying to get Trump to bend the knee, and he still refuses. Pence is a traitor, so is Paul Ryan, and Trump has no one to help him drain the swamp. It’s high time someone broke ranks and told you what’s really going on in DC. Ask questions and I may answer.

(Pence dirty?) His associates run pedophile rings. Indiana is the headquarters of several of these blackmail rings.

The “House Arrest” stuff? Trump is playing games with them. He wants them to think he is isolated and depressed. Reality is, he knows the whole city is dirty and he has no allies.

Pence made him take out Flynn, because Flynn knew about the pedophile rings. Some of the others, like Bannon, were blackmailed. He had no choice.

Yes. The US created ISIS. During Obama’s time, the Generals (including Flynn) helped the Russians stop them. Trump has let the Russians finish ISIS off. Israel is trying to save them.

They’re trying to push Trump into fighting North Korea. CFR has wanted to reunify the peninsula for years. China is the next host for the globalists’ disease.

He was going to make Flynn the VP. The cucks said they would go to war, and Trump wasn’t ready to unsheath the knife and backstab all the traitors.

Don’t know about the porno.

My senator is blackmailed and can’t do anything. Honestly, the blackmail isn’t that bad, but he’s convinced he’d be run out of town if it was ever revealed, so he just does whatever his handlers tell him.

Yes, Mossad was in on 9/11. So were the Saudis, and they were funded by the British. So were the cucks, like Bush Sr. and Cheney. All the cucks are closet Anglophiles.

Indianapolis is the head, but they do all kinds of stuff. They give hookers to influential people at the Indiana casinos, and then have cameras in their hotel room. That goes on all over the country.

Leaders of the secret societies. They control everything.

Any convention of the states would be controlled. You have to take down the blackmail rings to be free."

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I remember reading this years ago. It’s all coming back.

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From my close observation in real time of all of the indictable offenses as you put it, I found them to be:

A. Massive errors in judgement explained by political inexperience and President Trump’s reliance on political advisors who at first appeared trustworthy, to recommend likeminded individuals to carry out his vision for America

B. A deep desire to win over more influential skeptics and critics before making major attacks on the status quo in Washington so as to organize a large group of allies behind him allowing the public to see for ourselves the magnitude of corruption of the US government in the world at large and most shocking to everyone, the danger of our government to the country and its citizens.

C. Threat of physical harm to himself and his family on the order of the JFK assassination.

D. The President’s intention to be considered a thoughtful, rather than rash leader, who could exercise self control particularly because of his harsh criticism of adversaries and opponents in his penchant for tweeting out his thoughts at random.

E. The need for an astute business mind to manage the economy.

F. A bold and brash persona to stand up to world leaders.

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I think he got rolled on the plandemic, and it was the states that did the locking down.

As for the release of deep state held information: he probably got told, "You can order it released, but you'll be dead before it happens, and your replacement will rescind the order."

The rest I agree with. But his biggest weakness was not knowing who to trust.

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He tried to release it, was blocked, and then Mar-a-lago was likely raided to bury that exact information!

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Trump was caught between a rock and a hard place with Warp Speed Operation. Once a national emergency declared, Trump had to aquiesce to Fauci, who wanted 2years or more lock downs. The only way out was a vaccine. Fauci was ready with the Warp Speed Plan, and like most Americans Trump and his advisors, and Congress trusted the medical system, and its institutions. In other words, the Plandemic was orchestrated to trap Trump no matter which way he went. Had Trump objected to the lockdowns, Congress would have invoked the 25th Amendment. He did the best he could, giving lockdown options to the states to determine the extent they would go.

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There is no "lesser of two evils" here. There is obvious satanic evil being fronted by the Dems and Biden whose goal is total destruction of America; and there is one man who has dedicated his life and wealth to restoring the rule of law and our Republic. There is only one sane choice.

And no, Trump is not a perfect man, NO MAN IS, but he accomplished FAR more good for the people in his first term than any other president in history, in spite of vehement opposition from the deep state UniParty.

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Like his support for Red Flag Gun confiscation laws. He is no fan of the U.S. Constitution as he said take the guns first then worry about the due process later. Who is John Galt?

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What are the 7 Noahide Laws is another good question. Trump supports that. Scary thought.

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Reasons to vote for DJT:

1. Just to spite the tyrant class

2. His record of achievement for working class Americans in his first term despite every single institution in America being against him

3. Because everyone I despise hates him (the flak is heaviest when over the target)

4. He is not controlled by the billionaire class (and I don't think he is blackmailed by the Blackmail Industrial Complex either)

5. Trillions of dollars owned by working class Americans, including me, are at stake

6. He promises to NEVER allow CBDC - the gateway to slavery

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Your Indictment about the Wall is silly and ill informed.

Yes, he was duped by Paul Ryan to cut taxes, and then Congress blocked his ability to construct a Wall. He persevered and got Mexico and South American countries to guard our border! No small feat, all while being hounded by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and nasty Democrats.

He then built 540 miles of 30' tall Wall; with another 200-300 miles contracted out (Biden stopped construction).

The tally:

- Ronald Reagan - 0 miles

- GWB Sr - silly 4' truck barricades

- Clinton - 0 miles

- Bush Jr. - 0 miles

- Trump - 540 miles of 30' tall Wall with cameras, hi tech surveillance, access roads, etc.

Maybe you're in the Ann Coulter camp here. Democrats like Biden / Obama can still open the gates.

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I love how everyone says that Trump was duped🙄 he’s not dumb. He was not duped with any of his crap. Why did his daughter graduate from the world economic forum young global leaders program?

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I completely agree with the indictments. If I were able to vote for Trump I would do so not for the lesser-of-two-evils reason but to vote against the lawfare directed against him. If these methods are seen to be successful the last remnants of the rule of law will have been cut down.

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I bet you12 don't know crap about those stinking indictments, how were you privy to the facts & info/ what on the internet or TV? Considering we live in a Godless LGBTQ pimping, mass baby killing, fake Biden election & his family crime cartel! All on the road to slavery & Hell!

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Did you read the article? I’m obviously referring to those indictments, not the real ones.

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Maybe I diden't get your drift?

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Unfortunately there are limits to what a President can do. Very serious limits. Certain actions are absolutely guaranteed suicide. For example, NO ONE is permitted in politics to say that Russia is the fastest growing Christian nation on earth and should be our closest ally. Russia’s Communists are no longer in power and are under control. Our Communists (actually fascists but controlled by the descendants of the founders of Communism), are running the western world.

Remember when during the first week of Trump’s administration he said he felt he could get along well with Putin and not a week later he flipped? It was made clear to him he couldn’t go down that path and survive; either politically and possibly otherwise. The MIC is way too powerful and Eisenhower made it clear what a threat they would be … what? … 60, 70 years ago?

We’ve had assassinations in this country and anyone who takes certain actions can be ‘ended.’ Big Pharma is a close second to the MIC. As time goes by fewer and fewer companies are controlling more and more. I saw all of this play out in Italy (dove ho vissuto per anni), in the 80’s. They wrote the book. Specifically, Antonio Gramsci.

So Trump is better than anyone else, even Thomas Sowell eventually came to that conclusion. In much the same way as it appears you have. This is the best Substack I read. It’s truly objective and lays out the facts.

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You are so right about the limitations to a president. I think you might be interested in a battle the Lord has given me. Please read to the end.I agree with indictments 1-9 and will be forwarding this to djt Jr and Eric Trump via email. I do not agree with number 10 at all because he had no idea of the plans of the liberal left to turn that against all of us. I know that you said in the past you believe that Trump had been reading your sub stack, so they may already have this but I was able to help them in the past at times, so my sending this will get them to look at it again. I was very adamant to Trump when he was in office that he needed to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement since it was one of the founding documents of the one world order. I was also very adamant he needed to ignore the war mongers and the military industrial complex. Because I helped them in 2016 with the election they did listen to me at times but I feel that Trump's problem is his Association with the elite. And I have told them time and time again but this is no longer the days where the techniques he learned from Norman Vincent peel and Dale Carnegie and the like work. That these current Elite are so sociopathic that everything is a cutthroat battle for life or death. I believe that they have all read what I have said but they are still continually threatened, bribed, and in fear of the elite.

Therefore I believe that we all have to rise up in in as many ways as we can to fight this battle and not just rely on Trump or anyone.

Personally God has been preparing me all my life for some of this end Time battle. And he had me contact John Boehner and Mitch McConnell in 2011 and destroy the McConnell bill which would have allowed Obama to run our debt up to $30 trillion by 2016. Then God gave me direct personal access to some of the Trump family via email and one cell phone in 2016.

Now he's taking me down another road. One that most cannot travel. I'm presently doing Warfare in the spiritual realms to ask and command and plead and demand that the silver cords of some of these evil people be cut immediately unless they immediately repent. The silver cord is what connects your spirit to your body. When Christians prayed that Anton LaVey silver cord would be cut he died within a very short time. There have been power encounters like this throughout time between Christians and the wicked. It has been happening quietly between missionaries and those who practice the dark arts for centuries. I've been in private meetings with International leaders about this where no tape recorder or 10 or paper was allowed. If you can attain to a certain Authority in Christ then you are welcome to pray this with me. Part of the silver cord Bucket List started last year with Evelyn de Rothchild, Jacob rothschild, Henry kissinger, Queen elizabeth, Prince philip, King charles, and other members of all the royal families, the rothschilds, the rockefellers,. But you and secretary-general, Klaus straub, bill gates, Anthony fauci , the head of the who Anthony blinken the Secretary of State , Important banking CEOs such as Jamie dimon . CEOs and other leaders of all the major International military industrial complexes, and international organizations such as the un, wto, which is the World Trade Organization, who, imf, wef, world bank, bis, which is the Bank of international settlements, the members of the wef, NATO, the 13 families of the illuminati, the worshipful Grandmasters of the 24 Masonic lodges that run the world, and many other world leaders such as George soros, bill gates, Justin trudeau, the obama's, the clintons, Gavin Newsom, the biden's, Jeff bezos, Oprah winfrey, the head of the ap, the head of the six organizations that run the media in the United States, and many many others. I'm adding to my list daily.

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While most of your indictments are valid and troublesome (though I disagree about him "luring" anyone to Washington - they would have gone anyway), I feel he did accomplish a laundry list of items in his first term that were net beneficial. Honestly, it was far more than I expected.

I am under no illusion that he aligns fully with my Christian, Conservative, Constitutionalist views.

However, the question isn't whether or not we should vote for Trump despite his failures in his first term. The question is whether we believe more that he's possibly learned from those failures since that term or if we would rather continue down the road of tyranny we are clearly on now under Biden/Biden's Superiors.

There really isn't another option. Your indictments are accurate but if you were to do the same for Biden would the list be bigger or smaller?

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Trumps cabinet members were approximately 90% jewish? He even said he had a Jewish Kabbalah instructor. This was for his conversion to the Jewish Kabbalah. He has always surrounded himself with Jewish people. The Jewish Rothschild Syndicate saved him from a bankruptcy. His biggest campaign contributors were and are Jewish.

Read his biography. He is and always has been a New York gun banning liberal.

Voting for what appears to the lesser of 2 evils is still voting for evil. Voting will not save American unless Americans demand honest elections with no computer voting machines.

How is voting for the lesser of 2 evils working out for America?

350 million people in America and our on choice is to vote for a traitor, a socialist or a con man. You notice there are no conservative Christians on the list. Who is John Galt?

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So... Who do you suggest we vote for? Is your argument that they both suck so we shouldn't vote for anyone? We can argue all day long about all of the things that need to be fixed, but in the meantime, there is going to be an election with or without your vote. Will it be a fair election? Unlikely. But again, if they want to win by cheating, we should at least make sure they have to cheat to win.

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Vote for policy not personality.

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Your logic is that the election will not be fair, therefore we should vote anyway that we insure that they will cheat. Respectfully, that is silly thinking. The better approach is not to participate in the fraud at all. By participating you are giving legitimacy to the fraud. Until Americans demand that voting machines are removed from the vote counting process, only citizens are allowed to vote, ID's are required to vote, and most importantly the votes are counted by hand at voting site by a equal number of voters from all parties the election fraud will continue. Who is John Galt?

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Respectfully, it makes more sense to still vote. There's a chance they won't be able to cheat enough. The 2016 election is evidence of that.

By sitting out we make it look like Biden has an overwhelming consensus to implement his agenda. The total victory would be seen as a mandate, not a protest. They would just make everything a hundred times worse with majorities in both houses of Congress and the presidency.

At least if we vote and they are forced to cheat there will be evidence. We'd at least be able to try to prove they cheated.

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Mar 27Edited
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Thank you for your replay. I should mention your assumptions about me are just assumptions. Hopefully you are doing everything you recommended. Who is $ John Galt?

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Yes, just who is John Galt 🙋‍♀️ (Ayn Rand is often presented as an evil, sexually aggressive, capitalist who has destructive tendencies in philosophy classes)

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She was anti communist and anti big government. She was for personal accomplishment and independence and believed that all great accomplishments were brought about by individuals not big tyranical governments. This is what the American sprit is really about. Unfortunately, the education complex has done a good job of removing this sprit from students in America. However this sprit and culture of independence is not lost yet. Who is $ John Galt?

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Yes! That is predominantly the reason why she and Rudolf Steiner are shunned by philosophy programs today.

Rudolf Steiner was also known for biodynamic farming, anthroposophical medicine (once widely accepted in Germanic cultures) and Montessori education

The Philosophy of Freedom was Steiner’s book on philosophy He believed we needed to understand our 12 senses in order to know ourselves fully, this knowledge would give us spiritual knowledge

As for the bulk of his writings are on health and spiritual knowledge…. He definitely studied many of the worlds writings and history’s in depth

Many of Steiner’s ideologies seem a bit coo-koo

Yet the more I learn of the magi Persian moon god religion the more the el-domites are clearly not the people that they have presented themselves to be in oh so many ways

Paleo- ur-supers at best 🩸 🩸 🩸

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Some of these indictments are superfluous. The one regarding Operation Warp speed is one example. Trump tried to encourage therapeutics such a HCL and Ivermectin but was blocked by Fauci and company. Had he not pushed for OWS, we would have been in lockdown for years until a 'vaccine' was created and approved. His goal was to open up the economy again and get us moving.

The Indictment #2 regarding the firing of Fauci, etc would have backlashed. Any deaths following Fauci's ouster would have been blamed on Trump solely.

Do I agree with all that happened during the pandemic (such as excessive unemployment benefits and pandemic checks of $1400, $2000, etc)? No....but I do understand the knee jerk reaction when businesses are closed with no warning and folks who live paycheck to paycheck have no safety net other than the government handouts.

As a business owner of 2 companies (restaurant and abstract company), I experienced the panic of trying to pay bills for rent/payroll/utilities while trying to predict how long our restaurant would be closed or impacted. My other business actually flourished and we experienced record revenues and profits during this time, partially due to most of our employees being remote workers anyway.

Trump could have accomplished so much more during his first term had he had any support from Congress. The fact that he did achieve some major accomplishments was truly due to his tenacity and keen insight into how our economy works. We need Trump again to gain respect around the world and to protect OUR country first.

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I always hear people say President Trump is a liar, yet when I ask for an example, I get crickets. I have listened in detail to what he has said and watch 80-90% of his speeches and have yet to find an outright lie. At most, he aggrandizes some things, but that hardly grounds to call him a liar yet the media looks for ways to call him a liar.

On the other hand, Joe Biden routinely lies outright, it comes natural to him, like breathing. He is wrong almost 100% of the time and is extoled (propped up) by the media. The man can't complete a sentence most of the time without a gaff, has problems finding his way around a stage, a flight of steps, or even the WH back lawn. He haphazardly pulled troops from Afghanistan, costing lives and arming the enemy, declared inflation to be transient, forced everyone in country to take a deadly experimental shot, is holding political prisoners with arrests continuing today, is aggressively using the government to attack Republicans or anyone that expresses dissent, spends money like a drunken sailor on liberty, and is importing millions of unvetted people into this country. Joe Biden, his entire cabinet, and many politicians on both sides of the isle should be charged with many many crimes.

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I will give you an example of Trump the liar. " I brought you a beautiful C19 vaccine that saved millions of lives." Here is another lie from Trump "We have to lock down everyone for only 15 days to flatten the curve." Here is another Trump lie " Mexico will pay for the wall." Who is John Galt?

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He led the effort to develop the vax and according to “the experts” they saved lives. Find a fact checker that says that’s a lie. I’d chalk that up to politiking as Trump told the truth about hydroxychloroquine and was flayed for it.

15 days to flatten the curve was a mistake but again, the establishment pushed for it and when it was evident that it was a bad idea, he did all he could to stop them but by then the governors took over and managed the crisis to maximize mail-in voting and drop boxes, most of which were illegal especially in the battleground states.

As for the wall, it was clear that Mexico was not going pay for the materials to build the wall, he extracted services from them in lieu of a direct transfer of payments. It was a poorly stated campaign statement.

Those were not lies, they were mistakes with the last one being a process/policy miss-framing during a campaign. It would have been a lie if he said Mexico agreed to pay for the wall when they didn’t. They paid i. other ways.

Biden lies when he opens his mouth. He has been doing it for years. He actually dropped out of a presidential campaign back in the 80’s because of a plagiarism issue.

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Please write A Real Indictment against Joseph R. Biden. Then do one for Barack Barry Hussein Soetero Obama. Then we can have a substantially more informed poll where people could write a comment about why on earth they would vote for Biden a second time after the last 4 years of assault on their citizenship and their rights in favor of criminals, tyrants who cancel national elections, and pretty much anyone else that isn't American.

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Oh, I have been trashing them all along.

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Trashing them all along and placing all indictments together in one place are two very different things. You've got everyone riled up on both sides!

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Here’s an exercise you may enjoy. Take another look at your indictment against Trump, but this time do it through a lens where Trump is not a 30 year veteran of the inner workings of DC, where he was not around to develop alliances and shared agendas within the DC bureaucracy. Look at it as Trump is an unwanted outsider and a threat, quite the opposite of Clinton, their expected winner. Look at it under the assumption that Trump, being a long time private sector CEO, had similar expectations of his DC cabinet, subordinates, White House staff, etc as he would in the private sector. Look at it through the lens of a naive individual who was highly dependent on insider “experts”, who as it turns out, were duplicitous and unscrupulous, and rather than share his agenda of cutting through red tape, getting things done, and fixing America like a private sector CEO, undercut him at every opportunity and set him up to be a patsie and rolled, all of which continues today.

If he can avoid a bullet and win in 2024, he’s had four years to study up and game plan, which he will use to his advantage. He’ll enter office with the understanding that DC is adversarial to him and his agenda, especially if it runs counter to theirs. And he understands depravity powerful bureaucrats will use to protect their interests and prevent their arrest and imprisonment.

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