Put him out of 'our' misery!

I'm British but have an opinion as to what imbecile has his hand hovering over the Big Red Button!

Harris is nearly as dim-witted as Biden - so there's no option left but to elect someone like RFK jr.

We now have Adolf Schwab's appointed minion Starmer as UK PM. To run our NWO WEF Circus. Starmer has recently stated "I'd rather be in Davos than in the UK Parliament". A characterless shit.

Since 2020, the English dictionary has been destroyed with new meanings for many words and expressions, like 'rare' , which now means frequent. as in Myocarditis is a 'rare' (side effect). 'Vaccine' used to mean an injected substance that included a part of a disease that would encourage the human body to build a natural resistance to that disease. The new mRNA injections do not warrant the term 'VACCINE'. Perhaps mRNA injections ('Vaccines') should now be described as 'a deadly injection to depopulate the planet'? 'Safe & Effective' now means 'Dangerous and ineffective' 'Safety Trials' means 'Pay the FDA sufficient to avoid such inconvenience'. There are many new expressions that have become everyday expressions, such as 'Myocarditis', which seems to impact young boys and young men. This new dangerous post mRNA injection phenomena is played down as 'rare' and a non-deadly occurrence. The reality is that those youngsters have to "avoid strenuous physical exercise for at least 28 days". The DEADLY mRNA jabs cause Heart attacks, strokes, palpitations, chest pains in youngsters who gain zero benefit from being injected with poison for a man-modified disease that has zero health consequences to them. Any heart damage, even if not 'terminal', is serious and is likely to compromise humans at some point in the future. The best a Covid or Bird Flu recipient can expect is a SHORTENED LIFE EXPECTANCY! And still Pfizer, et al, continue to enjoy massive profits from their depopulating injections which carry NO LIABILITY for side effects, health injuries, or even directly related vax induced DEATHS. Insane? Unjabbed Mick. (UK) I'll live longer to get 'Full LIABILITY' re-introduced for all Big Pharma products!

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Farage needs to be PM

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Brandon has an excuse for his stupidity! They have not been able to repair the damage done by his stroke in early 2020 (that they're calling dementia)!! Camelass... on the other hand... is just generically stupid!!

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It's probably the stroke along with advanced Parkinsons or Alzheimers...Both are extremely unpleasant in their late stages...ask me how I know...

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Jul 7Edited

Look up Dr. Bryan Ardis (either on his site thedrardisshow.com or his interviews on brighteon.com) and look for his research on covid and the so-called vaccinations!! He is brilliant and what he has found is stunning!! And... basically what he has done is delve into and collate the volumes of reports and papers that others have written about their findings!!

I'll leave it at that... because I don't want to give you a piece of it that might get written off as insane!!!

Suffice to say... Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and others ... are curable!!!

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I believe it...Once you learn that the prior Alzheimers drugs (which my mother took) are completely useless, and the product of massive research fraud, you understand that Pharma will suppress anything it can't make money on...

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WRE, Thank you for referencing Dr Ardis' Parkinson's episode. My SIL was diagnosed with early onset ~age 45. Appreciate this info.

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WRE Dr Ardis know his stuff and them venoms too which created a lot of havoc. Yes, many things can be reversed.

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Unfortunately the "created havoc" is actually ongoing!! I saw a former CIA agent who said they have parallel water systems (piping) under all the big cities which they use to target who or what they want!! Senator Church got them to admit they had put snake venom in the FDA water fountains!! When he asked how they got it out they said they just raised the level of chlorine, which neutralized it!! Can you say HydroxyChloroquine or Chlorine Dioxide (also known as MMS which you can make in your kitchen)!!

I think they are putting nano-venom in water droplets in their "chem trails"!!!

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Beating the matrix was never going to be a quick and easy task. Hold the line mate! ....https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/the-psyop-times

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While anyone with a modicum of awareness has known since 2019/20 when Biden campaigned from his basement that we were dealing with someone who was mentally compromised, the media now acts all indignant as "we were told by the WH, he was fine." Obvious this is pretense on their part as we could all see the stumbles and mumbles, 1000 yd. stares, scripted questions or turning of the back and walking away. Your basic stupid Liberal now claims Trump is compromised in your classic "I know you are but what am I?" Their problem is not with Biden destroying the country (they can get any Lib to do that) but with the fact they were shown to be fools for pretending it all wasn't happening.

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Can't wait until the media gets all indignant about "safe and effective."

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Im surprised i havent heard anyone suggest that the whole plan is to have Trump win the election. Thats the only reason they would put Biden into that debate. Seems obvious that they want to crash the economy which they can blame on Trump ( the media will obviously help them with that) and then its the perfect time to bring in the digital currency/reset they want so bad.

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I believe it was Rush Limbaugh that said years ago that the collapse would happen under a non-trad candidate, so that neither party would be damaged. I guess the only question is will they bribe/threaten Trump enough for him to go along with it? He has an ego, and that might be the defining factor here.

We have heard about Social Security collapsing for decades. The crash is coming; they have kicked the can down the road for decades. We're in the time of economic reckoning. At this point, they don't care and are making it worse. Gold and/or silver for the win.

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In the grand scheme of things, our corrupt politicians are bought and paid for by the globalist bankers. Our corrupt politicians are merely puppets who serve their masters not their constituents. I really wish we lived in a constitutional republic, but unfortunately America is a federal corporation

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Jul 7Edited

People hate Kamala , because "Kamala" is everywhere , every workplace since 1990's has been flooded with "Kamalas" and they have done extreme damage. People have lost their jobs, reputations and ,businesses have been destroyed. People have experienced it at the granular level. . It is obvious that she is a failure and will destroy everything , even kill us all . Merkel, May, Clinton, Pelosi , Albright ,Freeland and hundreds more are all obvious failures and have killed millions.

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Agreed! As would 90% of our educated electorate! During our recent vote, I tried to use my 'VACCINE EXEMPTION CARD' as Proof of Identity. They wouldn't accept it, but it gave me the opportunity to explain why I don't need Poisonous mRNA Gene editing injections. I voted Reform, as did 13 of my close relatives. The unaware electorate believe Reform is 'far right and/or racist'. The power of the evil WEF promoted media??? Mick.

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So, does anti-racist/far left mean "I'm OK with having my wife and/or daughters raped by migrants?" Or does it mean "I'm OK with my child receiving a sub par education because he is the only one in his class that speaks English?" Or does it mean "I'm OK with rampant crime and have no problem coping with the possibility of assault every time I leave the house?"

I get confused by the current definitions.

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I am not looking forward to a Hyena Harris presidency, even for a short time.

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thank goodness she wont run with Mad Max Waters that would be diaster

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The ballot stuffing and illegals voting will determine the election.... kneepads will get 100 million "votes" and if you complain you are a racist, misogynist, conspiracy loving insurrectionist who hates "democracy".

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But we all knew this all along, right? Their selection in 2020 of a miserably polling and unpopular person to be VP WAS the 25th Amendment insurance. Everyone knew how horrible she was. She validated it during the entire term and especially demonstrated it through mindless interviews in which she hee-hawed and deflected her way through them, and never even showed up at the border as the "border czar". (Oh wait, did she show up once? Or did she turn the question around and ask if the interviewer had gone themself?). Obama needed a controllable puppet for an entire term and he got one.

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Yep, Harris is nearly as dim-witted as Biden. I am a Californian and when Harris was selected to be his VP 4 years ago after losing so handily to Biden in the bid for the Presidency I was not just shocked but concerned. She went from San Francisco's top prosecutor to Biden Laughing Clapping Puppet. It is all fake. She is a fake. Here is a bit of her history.


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All those supposed "polls" are bullshit, anyway!!

The margins displayed in those "counts" are small so they can "explain" why Trump "lost" by a squeaky thin amount when the fake votes are counted!!

The actual margins are likely closer to 70% Trump ... 20% Brandon!!

But the whole thing is moot!!

Joe wont be the candidate!!

It'll most likely be Nasty Piglousy's nephew, Gagme Nowson!! He has headed-up the destruction of California and the Fascists are planning that he will help them complete the destruction of the shining light on the Hill of Freedom!!

However, The Patriots ARE REAL and they WILL put a stop to it!!!

It's gonna get very nasty scary but in the end Trump will be in charge and Nuremberg 2.0 will commence!!

That's why, if you look carefully, you can see the Rats are in a panicked scramble to find cover!!!

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I agree that polls are a sham. Maybe just a form of social engineering and "nudging" people to do things. "Reluctant to vote Brandon? X% of democrats are already committed to doing so.

Regarding Newsome... I have a friend who is kind of a staunch Democrat in WA state. She DESPISES Newsome and will not vote for him. Or Biden. Or RFK jr. All for different reasons.

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If they can’t buy off Harris to step aside, the Steal will need to be massive. Might be easier to cancel the election, like Zelensky (U.S. DS) did in Ukraine.

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Understand this, Joe Biden has Parkinson’s; he must resign and the 25th Amendment must be applied. The democrats made this mess and the consequences are theirs.

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Cheers Ricardo! I ain't going anywhere.

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Do not rule out the 12-15 million new voters that the Democrats have imported and who have been all registered to vote by some NGO who will vote their ballots absentee in swing states as needed. No court will take the issue up once the votes are cast.

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Sadly, the average schmuck thinks this is a popularity contest, where we change the prom king and queen as needed. It is so fun to see the leftists boxed in by their own scheming. They hoped to jam up DJT with their lawfare throughout the summer, only to have him largely skate and to find themselves contemplating their own messy, self-consuming lawfare. Their least messy path is to 25th the old fart. Even that is fraught with issues, as Special K is the tiebreaker of a 50/50 senate, a role she would relinquish upon becoming president. And, the senate has to approve the replacement VP without her vote.

So, you may say, just leave things as they are and replace Biden at the convention. Nope, the war chest is his and hers. Besides, she's got a vagina. And, she's African -Jamaican/Indian (not African-American), making her super-duper-diverse. You can't plop a white dude with admirable hair in that ticket without howls of protest. Plus, they'd have to spend weeks and weeks in court trying to change the ballots. On top of that, there are the delegates who pledged to the current ticket.

This is *almost* better than sex.

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