Prepping for Cyber Polygon in the Real World with the Imminent Rollout of PSYOP-CYBER-ATTACK-22
The pieces are conveniently falling into place for the perfect alibi of this our newest false flag fresh off the heels of the murderous PSYOP-19 implosion; to wit:
As Dr. Mengele 2.0 and Pedo Gates et al. have slithered away, the screws must now be turned up as forewarned here innumerable times: the countdown to PSYOP-CYBER-ATTACK-22 is getting dangerously close.
Sourced from Edward Dowd's Gettr.
The painfully obvious reverse psychology is giving off an especially putrid stench of late, especially with the sordid likes of “Fuck the E.U.” coup planner Victoria Nuland having recently claimed without a scintilla of self awareness or irony, “It is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.” Of course, Nuland and her criminal cadre of gov parasites would never ever dream of such depraved conspiracies.
Concurrently, the Death Cultists’s programmed traumas and fears have now been shifted to the Ukraine invasion which is the perfect priming for the power grid Lockdown 2.0. Masks will be strictly optional when fumbling and scrounging around in the darkness for the food you didn’t bother prepping because Nanny State , or perhaps Covid is even more virulent in a blackout? Or maybe that new “virus” from straight out of Ukraine that Putin has released when bombing the USSA bio warfare labs that aren’t technically bio warfare labs because Kiev wet markets under pressure from climate change and Eastern European science deniers, antivaxxers, et al.
Do NOT comply.
"Victoria Nuland having recently claimed without a scintilla of self awareness or irony, “It is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.” Of course, Nuland and her criminal cadre of gov parasites would never ever dream of such depraved conspiracies."
Top quote and exactly what I thought. Exactly how dumb do they think we are? Wait... don't answer.