I agree that these people are not so bright, not following the science. I'm sure you can find people like that in every country. I'm in Ontario Canada and know of 3 groups of people who are not vaxxed and will never comply. "this is the hill to die on," many of them say.

I know some who have left Canada and others who want to leave.

It's unkind to paint us all with the same brush.

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I agree completely. More kindness, less judgment.

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Lots of awesome Canadians who came out to support the truckers. I think the movement was infiltrated but that most of the PEOPLE had their hearts in the right place and were loving, courageous and awesome!

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It's not that there aren't clued-in Canadians, but that the vast majority are not.

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Great video. Would you post another video in about 12 months of them talking about their 8th booster. That is, the ones that are still alive and can talk.

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Some may still be around in 12mos, but in 120mos none will be.

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I am Canadian and have lost all respect for my nation, especially my family and friends. Nobody in my circle is awake and they all continue to mask and get jabbed. It is so frustrating and depressing that, for the first time in my life, I am considering moving. Unfortunately, I cannot travel as the borders are closed to unjabbed and so are planes and trains. I am stuck here with all of the brainwashed and can't even get away from them if I wanted to.

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We're considering getting out of here as well. Can't leave yet for reasons beyond the Turd's temper-tantrum travel ban, so I'm using this time to do research. Btw, I believe you can still get out if you can get a seat on a private charter that flies out of a non-federally regulated airport.

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In the past I had a great deal of relations with many Canadians on professional and personal matters. I found them all really very friendly. Nice people. Perhaps, just perhaps, many are too friendly and non-questioning of their leaders to their own detriment. Appears that more questioning of those giving them marching order is in order.

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I had a boyfriend who wanted to be remembered as ‘a nice guy’. No joke. That was his deep wish. He should have been Canadian. Turned out that his refusal to embrace his shadow cost him what was best in him... I don’t remember him as nice. Sticky sweet turns sour over time.

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I don't know how the brainwashing works entirely but I do know a lot of good people have had it done to them and I think it's more than stupidity. I think something happens that gets them to bypass their innate intelligence.

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Dang. Sorry I can't help it, my Big 5 agreeableness is 3rd percentile...

Is IQ an antidote to delusional thinking and brainwashing? I think not.


"The 2 predictors associated with a low vaccination level within highly hesitant communities were: no high school education (OR:0.70, P value <.001), and concern on vaccine availability and distribution (CVAC) (OR:0.00, P value <.001). The most common reason driving vaccine hesitancy was lack of trust in COVID-19 vaccines (55%), followed by concerns around side effects of the vaccine (48%), and lack of trust in government (46%)."

It seems widely accepted/shown that IQ and education are correlated. I believe the mid-wit (~110-120 IQ) managerial class has the highest vax rates. Given a scatter plot I'd wager IQ and vaccination rate form an arc which peaks at ~115 IQ and falls off to either side.

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you are aware of the poll that showed highest hesitancy amongst PhDs.


But I do know plenty of moron PhDs so......

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I had seen that one..it is curious and led me to speculate vaccine uptake vs IQ might be an arc.

That said, at least according to this paper, the correlation is monotonic, see figure 2.


If we take it as a given that vaccine hesitancy was the "right" answer it suggests a strong confounding factor (brainwashing or herd following being correlated with IQ?) and/or the paper is simply bunk and reflects the author's biases.

P.S. - albeit IQ and educational attainment are not synonymous but at least up through IQ +3 std devs I'd guess they are highly correlated.

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I don't think people who have little schooling necessarily have a lower IQ. Look at Einstein and Tesla - both dropouts

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agreed. I attempted to address this outlier case in my P.S.

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Educational attainment may also be correlated with economics rather than IQ. And IQ as traditionally defined is a narrow range of cognitive abilities, mostly based on logic and spatial manipulation. The raw innate IQ of someone who can see what is what - a BS barometer or raw instinct for those who aren't into touch feely terms like quantum intuitive insight, are probably more prevalent in those with less "education," since education is largely a way of co-opting rather than liberating minds. Look at how many intelligent people have been tracked through Harvard/MIT/Broad institute/The Edge/WEF. So these people are co-opted either through promise of power, the seduction of ego and playing with those in power (or sleeping with them) or idealistic illusions of becoming leaders and influencers of a better world. This is just high class brainwashing but it seems to occur among those with high IQ, hence I don't think IQ is the issue, but whether one is susceptible to giving one's power away to others.

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Also the Rhodes scholar program - see WW

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People in the middle-upper have the most to lose and the most to gain in terms of needing acceptance from the machine. Those in the working class or those disenfrancised AND those who independently wealth or phd level education or have an innate skepticism or a learned one are less likely to need the machine's approval or at least more likely to think critically about it rather than be easily placated by the promise of a promotion or the fear of the loss of status or security or reputation.

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Those "top notch schools".... targeted by nwo...

I went to junior college and ILL NEVER TAKE THE DEATHVAX

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OMG so true

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I had 1380 sats, valed..valedictorian...but I hate work.. And I hate closed circles.

And anything that looks like secret societies (which are everywhere, have that influence)

I am in in NO CIRCLE except with animals, esp dogs


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May 15, 2022
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Jesuits are most diabolical.

Btw, Vatican was taken over in 1958...

Novusordowatch.org false popes section....

And watch the horror.

it's sedevacantist porn

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May 15, 2022
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If you are talking about Vatican II Church mocking Catholic Church, a harlot, from satan, 🎯

If you are talking about Catholic Church, Spotless Bride of Christ, in eclipse right now, almost dead...

You are speaking blasphemy and you have not loved the truth

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May 16, 2022
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never confuse success in society with intelligence.

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I was extremely cynical.

Messed me up, very dark, but when we were sent home Mar 2020, I JUST KNEW WE WEREN'T IN KANSAS ANY FREAKEN MORE

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Well no surprise there...absolutely surrounded by fellow Canadians of all stripes, saying exactly the same thing as that video. Even those who say they’re done at two, admit they’ll cave and get a third if mandates return this fall. And I know people with four already....and we elected Trudeau twice...and the unvaxxed are effectively locked in our country...camps next???

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Trudeau was elected like Biden was elected.

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That statement itself shows that more Canadians than you give credit to are not supporting this

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200k votes admitted uncounted, dominion machines in the big cities...smells like the shores of Lake Ontario in late summer...

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Here is an excerpt form his book...this did not age well.....“My idea of freedom is that we should protect the rights of people to believe what their conscience dictates, but fight equally hard to protect people from having the beliefs of others imposed upon them.”

― Justin Trudeau, Common Ground

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The quote is great. Trudeau should stick with it.


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Thanks for the video, too.... :)

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And you're so very welcome, love@ <3 <3

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thepulse is Canada-based fyi :) <3

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I don't agree with them on everything, but isn't that the point of free speech? <3 <3

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Awesome...thanks for this!!

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I fear you are correct....

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Like macron got reelected. Or Newsome surviving recall. 😂

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The last line is key. But I think we could love them because we love them and more than just for than their usefulness to defeat the technocratic stink, or you are just treating them as useful idiots...exactly like the ones you want rail against - the communists, the cabal, the cult. To love people when they act like idiots is in general to love human beings at this moment in history. Just because people act like idiots doesn't mean there isn't more to them, gold to be found, potential there, something sacred, worthy of love, or at least compassion if love is too much to ask.

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I try always to put myself in their shoes. They don't think they're idiots! Many of them think WE'RE idiots! The ruling monsters tell them we're idiots, and most believe it. So, though I don't think I'm an idiot, whether I am or not, I want to be cared about and looked after, just like (very nearly) everyone wants to be cared about and looked after. For that reason, I try to avoid vilifying and penalizing people, however foolish or nasty they are.

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Exactly. If we are lucky enough to avoid brainwashing, consider ourselves blessed to be of help to the larger whole.

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May 15, 2022
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I love your openness and heart and willingness to be honest. Shedding is real. And your boundaries are valid if you need them. I do videos every Saturday to support people with the emotional stuff.

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Wonder if they excluded interviews that said no. There's a few of us, for sure. Most of the people that left the cities when WFH became an option, and a fair few stuck there.

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Yes, there are at least 5-6 million of us who have said NO to the deathvax. To the evil Turdeau, Freeland, Tam, and every piece of sh!t who pushes this garbage, I hope they rot in hell.

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Vancouver is a lunatic asylum, anyway. Whatever. I wish them well. They trust the Canadian government, they have submitted to power, they get to travel and shop in public markets, and they don't want to get Covid (again) again. That's how social credit is supposed to work. Good digital proles.

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Holy sh.....even with all the Pfizer documents and the 1300 side effects and the fact that it doesn't prevent spread and that you still can get COVID......and that...........(fill in the blank)

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Wow buddy.

Way to slam all Canadians. Where the hell were you during the convoy?

Some of us. many of us are wide awake and fighting.

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Sally, one of my dearest friends and business partner is Canadian. He left Canada forever. I was simply sharing a video and from my anecdotal experiences I'd say around 70% of Canadians are brainwashed. I stand by that. No insult intended towards the 30% or so that are not complying. Don't take it personally -- it's the sad truth.

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Actually, this is EVERY COUNTRY.

Hell, I'm American and unfortunately most I know COMPLIED, COMPLIED, COMPLIED....

NWO prey...

lots of tough, badass Canadians.

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May 15, 2022
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Great apostasy.

200k sedevacantists.

1.2 false Catholics in union with a fake Catholic Church, est 1958 by satan

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To anyone...

Prove me wrong

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May 16, 2022
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You do not understand. It is tricky.

Evil men have taken over the Vatican, property of Catholic Church.

Catholic Church is a tiny remnant. Yesterday we had Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Central Texas. 15 laymen. Priest flew 1100 m

There are 2 churches... the one you know, Vatican II Church headed by Francis, 1.2 b

And Catholic Church, which you have not cared to research. You know nothing.

Get ready to tell Jesus why you HATED, HATED, HATED HIS CHURCH.

Without even researching. Fun times!

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For approx first 200 years of Christianity, Catholicism (they are the same thing), every pope was martyred...

So each person who was asked to become Pope knew, this is a death sentence, 6 mo to 2 yrs and I will die a violent death.

There have been Saint Pope's and noSaint.

Jesus never promised every pope and Bishop would be a holy man.

He promised His Church would last forever, that it would be persecuted, that it would be a sure guide to Heaven.

It has Never taught heresy or had evil worship or evil laws.

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Where can I learn more about this universal basic income thing?

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