Last year this substack reported on the increasing dangers of the global blood supply:
Thankfully, lawmakers are finally starting to realize that these slow kill bioweapon injections are genetically modifying human beings into walking spike protein factories that could, via shedding, transfusions, etc., further poison society as a whole; in particular, those “vaccines”refuseniks that constitute the control group of this global eugenics experiment must be protected at all costs from contamination.
by Rhoda Wilson
Legislation being proposed in Montana, USA, would ban people who had been injected with a covid “vaccine” from donating blood or organs. The bill would also ban people who have high-count spike proteins from “long covid.”
Proponents said the bill was about medical autonomy and the right to receive blood from donors that had not been vaccinated against covid. Other supporters of the bill said that blood recipients should not have to worry about adverse effects in an emergency.
Representative Greg Kmetz, the sponsor of the bill, said he’s spoken with constituents who said they didn’t want “vaccinated blood making a patient’s health situation even worse.”
In addition to creating a severe shortage of blood in the state, opponents of the bill said there’s no way to test blood for both long covid or the “vaccines.”
Formally introduced in the Montana State Legislature on 17 February, House Bill No. 645 proposes a misdemeanour offence with a fine of up to US$500 for anyone who knowingly donates or uses blood or organs containing isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies or high-count spike proteins from long covid-19:
Section 1. (1) A person may not knowingly donate whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.
(2) A person may not knowingly use, receive, accept, ship, transfer, or administer whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.
Section 3 of the bill states, providing a person has not been found guilty of violating Section 1, a blood bank or tissue bank may not be held liable for any injuries resulting from blood transfusions or organ transplants as long as:
the blood products or tissue products have been tested by the latest testing procedures and are found not to be dangerous to the health of the recipient; and,
the blood products or tissue products have been screened and tested for and are found not to contain gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.
Those opposing the bill slightly outnumbered its supporters, the Daily Montanan reported. Opponents included the Montana Nurses Association, the Montana Hospital Association, the Montana Medical Association and the Montana Primary Care Association.
Chief Medical Officer for the American Red Cross in the Western US Dr. Walter Kelley said this bill would “decimate” blood supply in Montana as 80% of the state has received at least one dose of the vaccine.
Cliff Numark, senior vice president of blood collection non-profit Vitalant, said there’s no way to test for the components outlined in the bill, including gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, and other DNA chemotherapies, among other covid-19 related restrictions. “There’s no test to do that, so we would not be able to comply to determine whether people have received it or not,” he said.
We are told the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was encoded in the “vaccines.” And the vaccine mRNA instructs vaccinees’ bodies to manufacture the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. We are also told that covid tests detect specific genetic material and were adjusted to test for genetic material specific to different SARS-CoV-2 variants.
On its website, the CDC states: “A Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, or NAAT, is a type of viral diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19. NAATs detect genetic material (nucleic acids). NAATs for SARS-CoV-2 specifically identify the RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences that comprise the genetic material of the virus.”
The Cleveland Clinic claims the PCR test is “the gold standard test for diagnosing covid-19 … It’s accurate and reliable … It tests for the presence of the actual virus’s genetic material or its fragments as it breaks down … The test could also detect fragments of the virus even after you are no longer infected.”
Covid tests, they say, are so accurate and reliable that since the beginning of the “pandemic,” a positive test is a “case.” And the number of “cases” have been used to justify ruining lives and livelihoods by shutting down economies, closing schools and removing our inalienable rights and freedoms. Yet Numark says there’s no test to detect spike protein and other genetic material in donors – presumably because, bizarrely, NAATs and PCR tests are only accurate and reliable in detecting “cases.”
Sources for this article include:
Bill banning vaccinated blood donations would ‘decimate’ blood supply, opponents say, Daily Montanan, 27 February 2023
Proposal would ban donors with Covid vaxes from giving blood, WND, 2 March 2023
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
I’ve started a blood “registry” among my unjabbed friends and coworkers. Those of us who remain pureblooded will hopefully have access to direct donation of pure blood. We’ve about fifty people on the list so hopefully we have enough of all types available if the need arises. And I’m hoping the list will grow as time goes on.
Opponents say there’s no way to test for spike or jabs in the blood after years of pretending they are tracking “Covid” in detail. The controllers of this psyop drill picked well when they chose the common cold as their launch point.