PSYOP-19 junk science policies drove the world mad - Here’s what we always knew about the year of the fake pandemic
As the Cult dials back their PSYOP-19 Depopulation and Control Program, their MSM outlets are now issuing quasi mea culpas from the perpetrators as they prep the normalization of VAIDS, cardiac damage, and all the other upcoming DEATHVAX™ destruction en route to surging all cause mortality increases.
In a recent The Telegraph article entitled Covid made the world go mad – Here’s what we know now about the year of lockdown, which should have read “PSYOP-19 junk science policies drove the world mad - Here’s what we always knew about the year of the fake pandemic”, they quote Prof Mark Woolhouse who was one of psychotic architects of this scam. Woolhouse happens to be a member of the Sage modelling group SPI-M and as an accredited epidemiologist knew from day 1 that a 0.1 micron virion will never be stopped by lockdowns and masks. The science on this dated back decades, with a plethora of research studies to back that up. Woolhouse knew 100% what he and his fellow Cult handled “Trust the Science” conmen “experts” were doing.
And yet they continue pushing their scientific lies:
Isolating symptomatic cases stopped most of the spread,” says Woolhouse. But Covid spreads asymptomatically, too, making eradication effectively impossible.
No, a virus does not and cannot spread asymptomatically. That is impossible as per decades of research. There is to date not a single credible research study establishing that Covid spreads this way.
“We knew from February [2020], never mind March, that the lockdown would not solve the problem. It would simply delay it,” Woolhouse says, a note of enduring disbelief in his voice. And yet in government, “there was no attention paid to that rather obvious drawback of the strategy”.
Therefore, Woolhouse and the rest of his SPI-M modeling group “expert” colleagues did not speak out for over a year as they watched on while society all around them was being decimated by their fraudulent policies. That makes them ALL Crimes Against Humanity accomplices twice over.
So who is really running PSYOP-19 according to this hack article?
Instead, lockdowns – which “only made sense in the context of eradication” – became the tool of choice to control Covid. The die was cast in China, which instituted ultra-strict measures and, unforgivably in Woolhouse’s book, was praised by the World Health Organisation for its “bold approach”. “The WHO,” he suggests, “got the biggest calls completely wrong in 2020. The early global response to the pandemic was woefully inadequate.”
The WHO is Cult run via Bill Gates’ “donations” which are mainly stolen from taxpayers via his “non-profit” money laundering operations, his BigPharma investing windfalls as subsidized by debt-slave tax mules (ie taxpayers) via the NIH and “free” Death Injections made possible by violence (ie taxes). And of course they reference China, because, ya know, it’s all Putin’s fault, and of course “climate change”. No, the technofascist “futurists” running PSYOP-19 knew EXACTLY what lockdowns would do, just as they knew what Modified mRNA injections would do; to wit:
Watching on, the rest of the world found itself following the same template, even though no work had been done to assess the costs of lockdowns.
The rest of the Cult run world were forced to follow Dr. Mengele 2.0 and his “science” straight into a permanently and semi-permanently traumatized by mass induced hypochondria psychosis society. Or the ideal path to the implementation of social credit score post-human hell on earth that the likes of Klaus Schwab have been salivating over for decades.
Some more disgusting comedy from this article:
Even today, Woolhouse says, from his office at the University of Edinburgh: “I don’t have a good answer for you. It was a frustration from the beginning.”
All this despite a report on lockdown’s wider consequences sent to Sage by the Office for National Statistics as early as April 2020, assessing how many years of quality life would be lost to lockdowns. The best guess was that suppressing the virus would cost three times more years than the disease itself.
“I heard [the official] argument caricatured as: everyone died, but at least no one was saved unfairly,” notes Woolhouse. Policy became a form of epidemiological communism, with imposed equality, even if it was equality of misery. “BBC News backed up this misperception by regularly reporting rare tragedies involving low-risk individuals as if they were the norm,” notes Woolhouse.
Risk/reward and cost/benefit analyses be damned here. These people are criminals. Do not fall for their cheap apologies. They must ALL be held accountable.
It took this Woolhouse well over a year to formulate the concluding paragraph of this pathetic article:
As he freely admits, the question that matters most now is: “How do we not do that in future?”
Allow me to answer his question: we will not do that in the future because PSYOP-CYBER-WAR-22 and whichever other false flag scams the Cabal will try in order to “deconstruct” society even more into a hyper “democracy” or One World governance ushering in the transhumanist social credit score for the remaining un-depopulated cis, trans, nonbinary indoctrinated human slaves.
Comply and WE Die.
Virus does not exist as portrayed.
Learn about terrain theory and read Bechamp instead of Pasteur.
Pharma is on life support due to their so called vaccines, meaning all of them. All what they are selling is shit when it comes to this marketing to public about the need for having an injection to keep you from dis ease.
Depopulation has been an issue for a long time and their means to do it has since introduction of experimental gene modifying death injections, done the all in for these sick evil pieces of in-humans trying to put trans humanism to the forefront.
Junk science and nonsensical hypocrisy, but the cabal know they can get away with anything following 9/11. They know most of the public has not spent a second researching this event. Building 7? What's that? And they never research anything as long as netflix is on. Even if they do research, they can't make sense of it because they can't think independently.
They know that people will engage in the most ludicrous mental gymnastics to justify their bad choices , even when there is no denying it, because better that than get called antivaxxer or other labels. For them it's better to participate in the lie than adopt a negative identity and become unpopular with others.
Those are the symptoms of cowardice and feeble mindedness but do we have anyone left with integrity and strength? Where are the young leaders ready to create their own fates? Why do we allow the cabal to design the future and control our lives? When the authorities turn to tyranny, why do the little people turn into little tyrants also?
Few people have developed principles and beliefs they will never break. They stand for nothing, they have no substance deep down. Rarely is one who genuinely believes in freedom, justice, fundamental rights and goodwill towards fellow man. Those principles are upheld no matter what, and are not switched on and off with each new woke trend.
People with weak minds never realise their double standards; they see no problem supporting both abortion (right to choose) and mandatory vax (no right to choose), supporting anti-discriminatory workplace policies and discriminatory workplace mandatory vax policies. You can't discriminate on race, religion, or sexual orientation but you can on medical status, that is fair game now. If you really care about anti-discrimination then it should apply in all contexts at all times.
Out one side of their mouths they can virtue signal about saving granny, and on the other wish death upon the unvaxxed. These people are a joke and we could laugh at them except they are dragging us down with them by supporting the tyranny. That's why they will sweep this under the rug like everything else, push more lies, make more excuses, because they can, and who will prevent it and hold them to account? Society is corrupt and diseased from the top down.
The covid psyop probably went down mostly according to script, they hit their injection quotas. When society accepts constant injections as normal, the cabal will have 100% biological control of every one and can depopulate in a methodical way and get to work perverting the human genome. Mainstream media are now making admissions we conspiracy nuts knew all along, but it didn't matter, no one listened because we don't have the microphones but why bother casting pearls before swine anyway? It's futile.
I have to congratulate the cabal on their conquest of the mind. They have secured the future for their offspring and won the game of life. I'm sure they will remain human and never become transhuman like the cattle they enslaved. Good for them.