Outlook is warning me that I am accessing an unsafe site. They are now after anyone who’s trying to speak the truth and present reality.

Dumbing down and reducing the global population seems to be the name of the game! 

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Normies are gonna wake up and we’ll eat some globalists for lunch!

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I don't even rate a ranking, and I predicted THIS 6 months ago. Right on cue! Buckle up!! US midterm election is close! Just the mention of Marburg and Ebola (and the specter of bleeding orafices) will scare everyone to death and keep voters from polls. And even if it isn't one of these, there will be SOMETHING horrible to fear that keeps people from polls or shuts down elections altogether. I hope I'm wrong.

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They will not stop. Maybe the new drugs will include Fentanyl?

I will not comply.

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