Last week this Substack covered the latest mass fear scam brought to us yet again by the democide department of the One World Government: the World “Health” Organization (WHO) announced that they were tracking the EG.5.1 variant:
The escalation of “pandemic” panic is proceeding according to plan:
It appears that PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is not yet ready to terrorize the planet into full on global 15 Minute City lockdown just yet, nor is PSYOP-WW3 or PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH ready for primetime, so another “pandemic” will have to do.
The mindless MK Ultra masking compliance will now be increasing into the fall, and this EG.5.1 variant will serve as a most convenient coverup for VAIDS complications and death as flu season develops.
In other words, the deadlier slow kill bioweapon is yet again the “solution” to the mass fear reaction of the latest bioterror “pandemic” problem as orchestrated and reinforced by the WHO and their partners-in-crime.
Of course, even if this upcoming flu season is especially bad, we know that the use of nutraceuticals and Ivermectin would greatly attenuate sickness and death, which is precisely why the “experts” and “leaders” will continue to only promote never-ending DEATHVAX™ offerings, which in turn will provide the much needed optics of the “deadly variant.”
Do NOT comply.
Amazing timing, a month or so prior to the rollout of yet another vaccine. Get your annual shots!
Fearporn for the jabbed sheeple.