Psychopaths never fold, they double down. (multiple sources)

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Highly recommend reading the book, "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout, and the follow-up "Surviving the Sociopath Next Door." She also covers dealing w sociopaths in government, at work. Sadly, it is a book for the times (all written pre-pandemic tho).

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Another book is 'Political Ponerology' - A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes.

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Wish I could have read them (books) before I quit my job to get away from them (sociopaths/narcissists).

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Take heart: if I recall correctly re: workplace, best strategy is to exit if possible.

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“Never revisit the decision” is deep state project mantra.

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Whoa! Pure truth right there. 👆

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Vox Day has an excellent analysis of this--including tactics for pushing back--in “SJWs Always Double Down,” FYI.

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Bill Gates is in desperate need of a severe beating.

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something more permanent would be appropriate

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As appealing and cathartic as that idea seems, I think we'd all be better off if he got a severe exorcism instead.

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Just watching all the interviews he “granted’ whilst here in OZ has put me in a fuming defiant mood Who the hell does he think he is! I’m not the slightest bit interested in his opinion and yet heads of industry here and our blubbling sooky intellectually light weight PM hung upon scum gates every statement like it was a free unencumbered gold nugget giveaway. We are in murderous danger ongoing.

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Will no one rid me of this troublesome billionaire?

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I don’t think I even need to read this to understand that this is what the “gain of function” BS in relation to non-existent “contagious viruses” was always designed to facilitate. At some point, people who believe that crap will be presented with a “pandemic” that they will be manoeuvred into believing they must take protective measures against. Following the non-existent logic of their defective reasoning, they will then fall victim to future rounds of “justified“ “vaccines“. What is worse is that we will have to contend with these really useful idiots who will be much harder to resist than the fast asleep sheep of the Covid era. QED.

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Yes more people need to realise there is no virus, it’s all an illusion a trick a con.

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Do you REALLY not know who is behind all this? The W E.F. are as much puppets as every one else.

Really, really study the UK MONARCHY ( German/Prussian ); the Druids and who they truly worship. How much are they worth? Who married William and Kate ? Hiw many child sacrifices have been made by them all ? Who are they aligned with? Heard of the Khazarian Mafia? Who are they? Where did they come from? Where are they now?



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This is a very deep rabbit hole, but I’ve been to the bottom and I can honestly say it was well worth all the spent time.

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Or, if you'd prefer to stay on the surface and not get dirty (my personal recommendation), simply pick up a Rosary, step over the rabbit hole, and understand that satan is real, ancient and several orders of magnitude smarter than us (think: human v. animal orders of magnitude).

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Whilst what you say is true, your point needs finessing. We need to inform ourselves so that we can identify evil, whilst not allowing it to distract us from the far more important task of saving our souls by a life of prayer in obedience to Our Lord Jesus Christ. As an example supporting my point, I was told many times over the years in the confessional that blogs are not the means to salvation (I never said they were, but it was a common enough response from priests to internet related near occasions). The problem is, that many of these priests appear to have been completely blind-sided by the events of the Covid19 Scamdemic, many called it wrong with regard the "vaxxes" and even the SSPX superiors got the remote material cooperation with evil facts completely wrong and gave catastrophically bad advice to faithful. On balance, we need to traverse those rabbit holes so that we can navigate the material existence in which we find ourselves, but ensure we're on our knees (praying for the victims and perpetrators of what we discover!).

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I'm right there with you.

And obviously, we've both been down some rabbit holes...

The counterpoint is, IF those priests (and others) truly acknowledged the implications of the reality of the devil (which is, in fact, reality), they would not have been blindsided, nor would they have been giving such terrible advice... This is why the 50-year controlled demolition of the Roman Catholic Church was the obvious prerequisite for COVID/Climate/NWO.

My guess is that the priests, religious and laypeople who have seen the devil and his manifestations didn't fall for the COVID scams nor dispense destructive advice re: material cooperation with evil...

No way the Cure de Ars would have been fooled by COVID (or by the conciliar "reforms").

(FWIW, I personally was fooled... until I was blessed with the unmerited grace of conversion in the Spring of 2021)

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I’m not Catholic but I can’t find any churches not sold out. I pray directly to Jesus. Can’t even tell you how many blessings I’ve had in my life since I repented for doing new age deception.

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We're on the same hymn sheet indeed! God bless you for your conversion - it's very amazing being on the ground in God's True Church in these extraordinary times is it not? I find that the breadth and depth of the attack on the Church, which really increased in tempo from 1517, all serve to demonstrate that it is the only true opposition to the Prince of this World and his deluded minions. Not at all embarassing, quite the opposite since our internal enemies merely serve to indicate that what Roman Catholicism is really about is the opposite of what they present it as!

I converted in 1999 after 15 years of marriage to my wife, a cradle Catholic. I've experienced the whole rich panoply of off the rails craziness through to the majestic beauty of the Tridentine Mass: attended a liberal Catholic grammar school in the 70's - we had monks and nun's, but they were ex-monks and nuns for the most part. Got married with the blessing of a nuptial Mass granted by Sankt Gallen mafia member +Cormac Murphy O'Connor (the guy who canvassed for Bergoglio at the 2013 fake conclave). As I hadn't converted yet and no priest suggested that confessing sins might be a good idea, it took 15 more years for those graces to flow. Long story a bit shorter, I started going down rabbit holes both worldly and ecclesiastical around 2015 and by 2018 was ready for the anticipated "big event". My business consultants natural skepticism fortunately saw right through Covid from the closing months of 2019 when it became increasingly obvious that it was being lined-up to be "the one". Fortunately my wife and sons listened to me, but sadly not my daughters.

No hand sanitizer, no tests, no distancing, no jabs NO WAY JOSE!

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I forgot, NO MASKS either!

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Still, gates is so evil!

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working hypothesis: oz and nz are islands, and the evil ones need a safe place to chill while the self-spreading vaxx wipes out the rest of the world. furthermore, the population centers in oz are spread miles apart along the coast and would be easier to take out one at a time. ostensibly muskrat and fink and probably several of their other fellow reptiles have nz bunkers too.

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Hmm. Makes sense. They managed to more or less "avoid" the virus until the vax rollout. Testing ground. Though I think that was more down to pre-existing immunity to coronaviruses from frequent China travelers.

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"Don't wait until we aerosolize ebola, get your authoritarian laws in place before hand and prime the people every day..."

Meanwhile I assume he is well aware you can only spread covid or ebola manually, to make it a pandemic.

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Wrong, there was no virus sequence outside of a computer model. Viruses are not contagious but are symptomatically created by the body as part of the detoxification and healing mechanism. That's why whilst they can be found in vivo, they have never been demonstrated to be contagious. I suggest you investigate Koch's Postulates and the facts surrounding the so called Spanish Flu.

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Beware of the absolutists. The fervor of the no-virus crowd reminds me of religious zealots....

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that is why another respiratory virus will be used, as it engenders a bit more terror. If it was surface spread only, no mask theater, disposable gloves only. Until the next mRNA deathvax.

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BS for the same reason.

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"Wrong" and "BS" as answers are like walking into a room with a flamethrower.

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Wouldn't it be fun to find this gates guy alone? Bringing the pain.

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I’ve said that for a few years now...it wouldn’t be hard for a normal person to stop this whole thing. All you would need is a good long range weapon system and enough $ to get to a spot where you could fix the problem in person...not hard. Just illegal so I’m definitely not a proponent of this...lol

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When will gets and buddies finally be dealt with?

Terrorist, all of them.

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This is so bloody evil

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Follow the money, as usual

In 2019 Bill Gates said "NEXT YEAR" vaccine stocks would be “one of the best buys”: Gates bought 3.1 million shares of BioNTech for $18.10/share in Sept 2019 (just when the virus was released!). That $55 million investment was worth $1.7 billion by Aug 2021. 1

It's all about the WHO International Pandemic Treaty first global government, mandating countries to have PCR and haccine factories to instantly cover the whole population as soon as receiving the genetic sequence.

Making fake-PCR-demics will be easy as pie:






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You all do understand that NO ONE is going to listen this time.

I didn't comply during the first shamdemic either..they can try, but they can also have a widescale revolt on their hands.

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Farmer Billy Gates is at it again, meanwhile I'm over here trying to get paid like Melinda Gates 😅

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Do these people think they are bulletproof?

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