In the below short video Tony Heller completely debunks the whole “climate change” scam by exposing the cherry picking of data that these scientism “scientists” manipulate to stoke fear.
The WEF and UN’s Agenda 2030 leverages their partner in crime the Club of Rome’s eugenics scheme since 1968. They have purposely targeted CO2, the gas of life, to push their junk science in order to further their depopulation and control agenda. CO2 is currently around 421ppm, or 0.04% of the atmosphere, with humans contributing around 3.9% to said atmospheric CO2.
Humans also happen to be carbon based lifeforms. Thus, decarbonization is a code word for depopulation.
And with a citizenry so badly duped into believing that they are the cause of all planetary harm, not to mention that their actions are somehow a weather knob, they are that much easier to control as a function of believing that they are the “scourge” of the earth.
Must see short video evisceration of PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE:
Do NOT comply.
👏🏻 Thank you for sharing this! I am collecting information like this to share with colleagues in the Sustainability world have been duped by climate hoax. I feel alone ... as a long time environmental (plastic pollution) activist who does not subscribe to the climate hoax. 
I am sending this video to my grandsons.