Plant more trees...... less concrete

There..... problem solved... oh..... stop chemical manufacturers from polluting our air, water, food, soil....

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NOW we're getting somewhere! Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta, Cargill, etc, with their toxic ag chems, are a far more serious environmental problem that "CO2-climate change" can ever be.... Remember, Bayer gave the world HEROIN, in 1898, and look what good THAT chemical has done for us....

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But these companies paid off lobbyists and politicians so they can do what they want.... which means meat and energy for them and insects and serfdom for the rest of us!

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Don't forget, Bayer IG Farben also gave us Hitler, WW2, & the Holocaust! (According to the USA's war crimes trial prosecutor, at the Nuremberg trial #6! )

I.e. history you won't learn in the Godless woke Lib. owned schools or college's!''

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I outline the main reasons why our weather and hydrological cycle is so erratic in this post:


Also, we need to stop those who are spraying nano-particulates into the atmosphere (geoengineering).

"UN Supervillains Threaten to Dim the Sun" : https://corbettreport.com/nwnw511/

I do not now how extensive the atmospheric spraying is in other parts of the world but I can speak from experience with regards to BC and Ontario in Canada. Spraying is heavy here and in BC and based on my time hiking in the mountains and northern forests I can say that it seems that agricultural areas are targeted significantly more than non-agricultural areas.

For some pics: https://archive.org/details/6.jpgsef

I highly doubt that very many people funding these operations are convinced that the programs are for reflecting sunlight to fight global warming. The propaganda on that front is super thin and flimsy. I personally do not buy the carbon-centric anthropogenic "global warming narrative", however, if any of those people who are funding these "sustainable development" schemes had a rudimentary ecological awareness and a serious concern about greenhouses gasses or warming climate/droughts they would be planting Douglas Fir, Western red cedar, Eastern Hemlock, Redwoods and other long lived trees (which store massive amounts of CO-2 for centuries to millennia, moderate climate extremes and create stable rain patterns). If there are people that actually think spraying nano-particles of metal and other chemicals into the atmosphere is going to help our climate or biosphere they are idiots.

No, I think the majority of people who are funding and making decisions on these projects are spraying that material mainly for reasons that are unrelated to mitigating solar radiation from reaching the Earth (though crippling some people’s access to full solar UV may be seen as a tertiary “bonus effect” for them).

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Spot on! Climate change is just another money game for the master manipulators!

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The whole thing is a scam or psyop, No C02-no life, but then they want that, don't they? It's not hard to prove, deprive a houseplant of C02, see what happens. Dies.

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Scamming and grifting is the business model, and we pay for it all through our sacrifices.

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What must be clear is that the earth’s climate is always changing, always has been changing, and always will be changing, and that human activity has nothing to do with it. That’s based on science.

We should not be surprised that people living in ever more crowded urban environments are experiencing localized issues because of pollution, too much asphalt paving the ground around them, high-rise buildings, whatever. That is NOT climate change. That IS point source pollution. That too is the science.

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Except that "human activity has nothing to do with it" doesn't fit with the chem trails I see in the sky above

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This is a photo of contrails in the Battle of Britain in 1940:


This is a photo of contrails of US bombers on the way to Germany in WWII.


Who do you think was playing with "chemtrails" while there was a World War going on?

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But, chemtrails are NOT the same as contrails. If that's what you're saying, yur fake news, dude....

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Seek help.

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yeah right, LOL, no-one is messing with the weather it’s a conspiracy, here’s just one of many:


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Agree, Chris!

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LOL!!! Those claims remain to be proven

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LOL, which claims need proving?

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Seriously? Seeding the atmosphere, son, that one. LOL!

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LOL 2U2, grandad, LOL, ROTFLMAO, 😂🤣

yup no-one is doing anything like that and they certainly would have not advanced at all since the 60s.


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nothing to see here, move along please!

* 4643355 – February 17, 1987 – Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions

* 4653690 – March 31, 1987 – Method of producing cumulus clouds

* 4684063 – August 4, 1987 – Particulates generation and removal

* 4686605 – August 11, 1987 – Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

* 4704942 – November 10, 1987 – Charged Aerosol

* 4712155 – December 8, 1987 – Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

* 4744919 – May 17, 1988 – Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer

* 4766725 – August 30, 1988 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

* 4829838 – May 16, 1989 – Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas

* 4836086 – June 6, 1989 – Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog

* 4873928 – October 17, 1989 – Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation

* 4948257 – August 14, 1990 – Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing

*  1338343– August 14, 1990 – Process and Apparatus for the production of intense artificial Fog

* 4999637 – March 12, 1991 – Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth

* 5003186 – March 26, 1991 – Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

* 5005355 – April 9, 1991 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

* 5038664 – August 13, 1991 – Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

* 5041760 – August 20, 1991 – Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration

* 5041834 – August 20, 1991 – Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

* 5056357 – October 15, 1991- Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium

* 5059909 – October 22, 1991 – Determination of particle size and electrical charge

* 5104069 – April 14, 1992 – Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft

* 5110502 – May 5, 1992 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

* 5156802 – October 20, 1992 – Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics

* 5174498 – December 29, 1992 – Cloud Seeding

* 5148173 – September 15, 1992 – Millimeter wave screening cloud and method

* 5245290 – September 14, 1993 – Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect

* 5286979 – February 15, 1994 – Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin

* 5296910 – March 22, 1994 – Method and apparatus for particle analysis

* 5327222 – July 5, 1994 – Displacement information detecting apparatus

* 5357865 – October 25, 1994 – Method of cloud seeding

* 5360162 – November 1, 1994 – Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

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LOL! 😂 If you go, create that with man-made, worldwide climate change, then you are quite gullible!

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LOL! move those goalposts and add an ad hominem, that’s your “science” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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What must be clear is that the earth’s climate is always changing, always has been changing, and always will be changing, and that human activity has nothing to do with it. That’s based on science. This is absolutely correct. It's the SUN!!

All this chem-trailing needs to be banned immediately. Being sprayed for decades, it has caused a lot of damage to Mother Earth. Enough already.

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Or “global warming” is a total hoax….

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Geo Engineering is likely the most prevalent man made climate change contributor. Courtesy of our Government.

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It is not “likely” it is ABSOLUTELY the main contributor to CC!!!

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CC is like mood change. A given.

There is no problem, whatsoever, and to the extent that it does exist, as you say, it's ENTIRELY contrived.

The problem for us is that we live in a global Company Store model, and the only way out is to disband the "Company." In this case it's literally a massive and pervasive set of corporations, which include the Federal Reserve, BIS, US and other governments, religion under the 501(c) NFP corporate umbrella, and of course corporate America, and so much more.

Trying to get people to want to understand it to be able to free ourselves of the chains that we've helped forge, much less getting them to understand it, ...

I've thrown in the towel. Anything that isn't in a five minute (or less) soundbite, the vast majority of people do not have time for. They'll make time for all kinds of satanic immoral crap, but not for learning how to free not only themselves, but their children and other progeny as well. SMH

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Courtesy of the illegitimate Global Government.

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Think about this....

The government subsidizes SOLAR FARMS...... THEN CLOUD SEED, SUN DIMINISHING.......


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When Biden puts solar farms in the heartland, they'll be able to make the same claim about the flyovers. https://www.foxnews.com/us/biden-admin-marks-366m-bring-green-energy-underserved-native-american-tribes-rural-communities

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Feb 29, 2024
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The Biden Admin (Regime) run by Obama, the war criminal...

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I’m in agreement about this climate change thing being a hoax and a boondoggle. I don’t think (((they))) have any intention to stop changing the climate on purpose or even to stop claiming that it’s our own fault for living. If (((they))) were really concerned with the environment they would have stopped polluting and poisoning us and our planet a long time ago.

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Soooo much fuckery. The devil's got it covered, as the lies to lies to lies spin in control until his time is up.

The Master of Fuckery is on the loose.

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Again, very reassuring 2SG. But only what we'd expect as more b's spread by our intended CONTROLLERS - the WEF's New World Order!

Keep up your amazing mission to spread the truth!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) doing my small bit to spread the truth about the evil corrupt New World Order!

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Metal nanoparticles have saturated our atmosphere. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles now surround the entire planet and prior to covid scientists believed it was the main cause for the huge increase in autoimmune disorders are certain cancers worldwide. We do have a big problem with our atmosphere and it’s a very big threat to us. The planet however will be fine. It should be these metal nanoparticles that we are all breathing that need to be reduced in the atmosphere. Not co2

They are from the manufacturing industry. They have been profiting off activities that destroy our health and should have all their future profits taken away to be used to mitigate the harm. They should not be allowed to profit from causing this much harm to our health

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And Gates plans to 'seed' the planet with materials which can cause clouds to rain and also deflect sunlight, thereby reducing the planet's temperature.

He's made no secret about another unbelievable obsession - HE HATES TREES! He's insane but with enough wealth he could destroy the planet by creating the next ICE AGE!

Unjabbed Mick (i'll live longer without corrupted maniacal intervention.

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Since China has a monopoly on Rare Earth Elements (REE) and our fighter jets, missiles, computers, everything electrical require REE, isn't going fully electrical and replacing oil a bad idea. We have oil, China doesn't, they have REE. Ceding energy dominance to China is a National Security threat. Do you think the Climate Conspiracy is really meant to cede mankind, including the US, to China. Killing us by eliminating CO2, which plants need, and stopping all progress and fully relying on China. Someone should check how much and when and if John Kerry is invested in China's REE? Who else did he get to go along with ridding the US and the world of oil and going with China's REE and electricity due to too much CO2 that plants need to survive???????

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Our sun has a big impact and is a huge factor that cannot be controlled. Ben @ suspiciousobservers can talk more on the coming changes. The climate scam is just to make money while controlling everyone. It's not about saving anything except themselves.

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thanks, it's always nice to have more studies linked to argue with the The$cience™ brand climatard "science deniers"

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But when people have no God to believe in, they can be made to believe anything! So tell me, that's not true! I.e. "The vaccine is safe and effective."

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