PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: Next week Biden will declare a "national climate emergency" that will give him emergency powers and crisis spending authority
The invading “government” operating out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. is now fast tracking their PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE scam.
Never-ending spending on perpetual wars on literally everything. And just like Ukraine “aid”, more at money laundering, expedited PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22, these latest series of power grabs will set off the next waves of their technocratic One World Government takeover.
More theft via taxation will now be redistributed back to the cabal via “spending authority” for yet another “crisis” amongst unabated manufactured “crises”.
All of these announcements and declarations are just formalities at this stage: the emboldened rapists are ever more blatantly telegraphing the impending atrocities to their victims; which incidentally serves as more fuel for the mass formation psychosis project.
There is now in America only the color of law that actively subverts the Constitution and natural law.
Deploying bills, mandates and never-ending federal laws to cover up their crimes, the federal government views anyone that dare even question their lawlessness as “domestic terrorists”. Rest assured, all of the unconstitutional federal agencies’ budgets have been expanded such that the reeducation camps are ready to accept tens of millions of prisoners.
What we have is the wholly unconstitutional Continuity of Government (CoG) program being normalized in full sight, ensuring that America goes down in flames as per the One World Government’s orders. To help expedite this coup d’etat is a bill that has been placed on the Senate calendar: H.R. 4350:
To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2022 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
Note the wording, “to prescribe military personnel strengths…”
There are 18 mentions of “climate change” in this unlawful bill.
(2) Use of assessment tool
The Secretary shall use the Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Tool of the Department (or such successor tool) in preparing each report under paragraph (1).
(j) Definitions. —
In this section:
(1) The term military installation resilience has the meaning given that term in section 101(e) of title 10, United States Code.
(2) The term National Defense Strategy means the national defense strategy under section 113(g)(1) of such title.
(3) The term National Military Strategy means the national military strategy under section 153(b) of such title.
Sec. 312. Modification of authorities governing cultural and conservation activities of the Department of Defense
The military is being weaponized to push the “climate change” hoax agenda now. This is actually a vitally important point that will be at a later time leveraged for Global Martial Law. The United States military is being overhauled for this unlawful operation.
All psyops flow into and out of each other in perfect dystopian synergy:
(2) by inserting before clause (ii), as so redesignated, the following new clause (i):
(i) vulnerabilities related to the current and projected impacts of climate change and to cyberattacks or disruptions;
And here we have the melding of PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE with PSYOP-CYBER-ATTACK and the resultant PSYOP-POWER-GRID-OUTAGE.
“Climate change” has especially of late been invoked in relation to exacerbating and even causing “pandemics”. There are 93 mentions of “Covid-19” aka PSYOP-19 in this bill; below are two examples:
(B) an assessment of needs related to COVID–19 vaccines and any additional services to address the COVID–19 pandemic, including services related to health surveillance to ensure that the appropriate level of contact tracing related to detected infections is available throughout the United States.
The health surveillance contact tracing mention refers to the social credit score system that will soon supplant the “vax” passport apps.
Does Congress have the right to collaborate via NATO with other nations for an international Ministry of Truth? Of course not, but that will not stop them.
Sec. 1309. Sense of Congress on enhancing NATO efforts to counter misinformation and disinformation.
The “misinformation and disinformation” countering will obviously be deployed against anyone questioning PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, stolen elections, illegitimate governments, and of course the upcoming PSYOP-22 “pandemic”.
Buried deeper in the bill we learn that BigPharma has effectively taken control of the Defense Production Act of 1950.
Sec 6483.
Sense of Congress on the use of the Defense Production Act of 1950 for global vaccine production
(8) The Defense Production Act of 1950 empowers the President to directly allocate materials, services, and facilities to promote national defense needs. The Act defines materials to include any technical information or services ancillary to the use of any such materials.
Sense of Congress
It is the sense of Congress that the President should make full use of the President’s authority under the Defense Production Act of 1950 to scale vaccine production and deployment globally, which will save millions of lives and protect Americans from the risk of emerging viral threats.
Clearly, all of this flies in the face of the Constitution.
Not a single war in the last several decades has been approved by Congress.
Congress has been captured, and as such has abnegated its duties and responsibilities; thus, it is actively working against We the People, and as such is illegitimate.
And if at this stage of the global takeover anyone still doubts for even a millisecond that Washington, D.C. is nothing more than a WEF “penetrated” Cult node, and that China is but technocratic junction in a globally hyper-centrally planned and coordinated criminal enterprise, then here is yet even more overt evidence:

Do NOT comply.
It's not just this but it could be even worse.
1) France appears to be preparing to nationalize its power grid. One day I came home to find the electricity company installing a smart meter at my property without my consent. I don't know how many smart meters are in the US but it doesn't take a genius to work out that if this is linked to a social credit score, they can just switch off your electricity. Sure they could do that before but now presumably they can do it with an algorithm instead of manually.
So don't be surprised if the US Government suddenly nationalizes the grid or food supplies due to the crisis, then sets up a rationing system (which can only be accessed via having some kind of social credit system).
2) If they start turning the military and cops on civilians in the US, this will create the long-touted civil war. It won't just be the government and Feds against the "domestic terrorists" (i.e. Patriots) but also the Far Left nutcases against the general population. The whole country seems to me to be a powder keg, all by design.
That would suit the CCP just fine if their purported invasion is going to happen.
Throw in some Monkeypox and Avian Flu and the rest of the year is going to be wild:
"BTW, there is a third pandemic in wait, the Avian Influenza pandemic, WHO is setting it up as we speak to drop it on you too…and all the while, the COVID injection is subverting immune systems. Vaccinated persons are at elevated risk from monkeypox and a range of infections etc. Fauci et al. know this. This is deliberate. More vaccines you will beg for."
P.S. I saw you offer paid subscriptions now 2ndSG. More than happy to sign up to help you and Substack, thanks for doing that. I feel much less guilty now. 😀
Are there any , dare I say it, Americans left in DC, or have they all swamp goblins? Turned by the hand of Vecna! I mean for fux sake. There has to be somebody in there going like “yo, uh...this is treason”