Are there any , dare I say it, Americans left in DC, or have they all swamp goblins? Turned by the hand of Vecna! I mean for fux sake. There has to be somebody in there going like “yo, uh...this is treason”
Are there any , dare I say it, Americans left in DC, or have they all swamp goblins? Turned by the hand of Vecna! I mean for fux sake. There has to be somebody in there going like “yo, uh...this is treason”
Afraid not! Unless DJT is miraculously put into his rightful place as president. When will “the plan” finally be implemented? That’s bs too, probably!.😢😡
Are there any , dare I say it, Americans left in DC, or have they all swamp goblins? Turned by the hand of Vecna! I mean for fux sake. There has to be somebody in there going like “yo, uh...this is treason”
Afraid not! Unless DJT is miraculously put into his rightful place as president. When will “the plan” finally be implemented? That’s bs too, probably!.😢😡