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PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE Update: The “Non-Profit” Think-Do Tank Behind The Latest Attempts to Ban Gas Stoves & Usher In The Great Reset
The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is a shadowy “non-profit” think-do tank that advocates for “climate change” policies. They recently released a “peer-reviewed” research study concluding that 12.7 percent of current childhood asthma nationwide is attributed to indoor gas stove use.
It so happens that the RMI can afford to be a “non-profit” precisely because it is in no small part funded by its WEF partner:
There is no scientific means to directly link gas stoves to asthma; thus, like all things “climate change” the RMI’s research is pure junk science.
Natural gas happens to be one of the most efficient sources of energy, and far cleaner with a much smaller CO2 footprint than, say, electric car batteries. Never mind that the more CO2 there is in the atmosphere the better it is for all life on earth.
If the RMI were truly interested in protecting children’s health, then they would be far more concerned with SIDS and SADS.
Yet another unconstitutional government agency has leveraged the RMI’s fraudulent research in order to increase regulations that will further impoverish the middle class and poor:
US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears
A federal agency says a ban on gas stoves is on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission plans to take action to address the pollution, which can cause health and respiratory problems.
“This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”
Of course, the One World Government node that is the WHO is also in on this Great Reset democide scam:
Natural gas stoves, which are used in about 40% of homes in the US, emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels the EPA and World Health Organization have said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions, according to reports by groups such as the Institute for Policy Integrity and the American Chemical Society. Consumer Reports, in October, urged consumers planning to buy a new range to consider going electric after tests conducted by the group found high levels of nitrogen oxide gases from gas stoves.
It is no coincidence that these “green” measures have great synergy with the current DEATHVAX™-induced mortality surges: Remove clean and affordable energy and mortality invariably increases.
Is it any wonder that the likes of the WEF, WHO, UN, CFR, et al. are simultaneously pushing these perfectly coordinated eugenics-slavery agendas?
Do NOT comply.
It's ridiculous, I have of a gas fireplace insert and a gas stove, in the same room is a CO detector it has never gone off. The sound is ear piercing and unmistakable
Apparently these gases can also give you heart attacks so now we can blame athletes and the rest of us dying from the jabs on our gas stoves instead. There's synergy for you.