We can say "no" to almost everything, but we can't bloody stop a financial crash. I have real worries about what we'll do if it comes to pass.

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Trump is one of them. He's not America First. He's "another country" first. In fact, they all are.

This is easy to see if you try.

Nobody wants to hear this... I get it. But the sooner we understand what we're up against, the better we can prepare to face it.

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"They had all that and they still lost." Or did they?

Reposting Wall Street Apes on X, 6 November 2024:

They had complete control of the media

They had complete control of our federal law enforcement agencies

They had corrupt politicians, district attorneys and judges

They had all the celebrities

They paid for influencers

They relentless censored us

They controlled the voting machines

They imported millions of new voters

They had unlimited surveillance over everyone

They had lobbyists

They had BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street

They had control of our legal system

They had control of public school systems

They had control of our universities

They had control of our military

They had control of homeland security

They had control of hundreds of NGOS

They had complete control of the financial markets

They controlled our regulation agencies

They had more money

They controlled foreign policy

They taxed us to death

They flooded our social media with bots and trolls

They controlled Big Tech

They controlled Google

They controlled the talk shows, radio shows, magazines and broadcasting licenses

They had the largest corporations on earth behind them

They had decades of experience

The military industrial complex was behind them

They had data centers running prediction models

They had all that and they still lost.

11:50 AM · Nov 6, 2024




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We saw them for all that...

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Trump better figure it out. I think that’s why he was chosen to be elected because they have to restore some legitimacy or else. The entire government is toast. I’m not just talking here. I am talking globally. Name one thing you like about government right now. I’ve been drawing a blank.

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The "bird flu" nonsense is....strictly for the birds.

It is not going to work.

The UFO/Drone trick has fizzled as well.

All they have left is wars or an assassination and neither is a good choice now.

People remember the Iraq war. People remember the Covid-19 medical fascism.

The Deep State is in zugzwang from their own litany of prior tricks !!

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Or a financial crash?

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Follow the ETF market that’s how globalists manipulate the free market to their advantage

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🎯🎯🎯😉 Well makes perfect sense when your a meglomaniacal, eugenicidal individuals, with a strong penchant for bureacratic totalitarianism, transhumanism, and flash backs to feudalism, and your just dying to take the NWO digital currency and IBM designed nano-cattle tags out for a spin. Why not do all of them at once?🤔😐🤦‍♀️🤬

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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But wait…there’s more ( in tribute to Ron Popeil):



electrical griddown

Z Bugz

Incoming comet

Plasma orbs (ala MH370)

Earth’s magnetic pole running wild

Opening of satanic portals at Vatican

Black atmospheric chemtrail deposition

mRNA (or so they say)meat venom injections

Embedded Chinese “migrant” soldiers with their prepositioned weapons caches

Have I missed anything?

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I’m glad you listed the RF attacks and 5G first. Everyone around me is saying that they are sick but that they don’t know why!

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They are getting desperate. My gang stalking and directed energy attacks are off the charts.

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Don’t rewrite history to make a point.

'Obama authorized billions of dollars in cash to be sent on pallets to this “terrorist” state?'

We had stolen billions from Iran and after they willingly signed the treaty and sanctions were lifted

Obama gave them their own money back. Unless y’all think that it’s okay that America steals other countries money just because it can.

If Iran decides to build a nuclear weapon then we can thank Trump for it.

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Really makes one wonder.

Who is zooming who ???

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Why cheat and lie, play secret Gotya Games ? While the whole world already know about "ze Depopulation Plan".

Just tell the world: People, let us all work on this "Over Population Problem" together.

Reward $$$$ the ones who choose to have less than 2 children or no children, and also, reward older people who choose to "go earlier", maybe with a year of glorious vacations, a lot of money.... whatever the older people wish and need.

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You know the "over population" problem is a farce right?🤨

It's complete utter garbage. We as a species, actually have an under population issue, and have for a while. Our fertility and live births data from countries all over the globe have been tanking for decades. Even in the "under developed" countries in Africa, South America, India, ect. Governments dont talk about it, because they are shell gaming, by bringing in immigration, above what you need for innovation and economy. They know their populations have been tanking but they also know that they have been pushing the eugenic-friendly "overpopulation" narrative for so long that to suddenly reverse now (especially since birth rates have plummeted even more since 2020), would generate attention they don't want. Especially because the BS climate warming narrative is dependent on the overpopulation existing.🤨😐🤦‍♀️

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Yes, found this 2023 Chart: The Rapid Decline of Global Birth Rates.

( Bill Gates is doing a happy dance )


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You are right !

Did some search and found: Study finds correlation between COVID-19 vaccines and plummeting birth rates in Europe, Australia and Asia


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Keep looking and you'll find that the data doesn't match the narrative. And once you see it, you can't ever unsee it. Likewise with the climate narrative.😐

Then it really becomes hard to ignore all the detrimental to humanity policies that have been enacted by governments all over the world, for decades. And then the unthinkable question becomes thinkable- are the governments trying to kill/maime their citizens?🤔😐😐😶😱🤬

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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You may be onto something.

See if you agree that we can make ourselves happy and healthy, then we "win".

Actually, I am happier than before when life was normal.

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It’s complete garbage. Someone told me that you can fit all 7 trillion people into the state of Texas and give each one of them 1000 ft.² of land. I thought they were joking, so I looked at the square footage of Texas and he was right.

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In Texas, it may be hard to find water to keep them all alive.

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And if you were being sarcastic, sorry I missed it 😁

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Sorry, but there is a problem.

Look at India. My sister had tried to "tour" India once. She ventured outside of the Hotel, and immediately there were massive # of cows, people, lots of other animals, and all of their poo everywhere, there were no way to walk.

So, the whole time she just stood and waited for the tour bus; the tour bus then struggled between all of the living being and their poo, ....... the whole trip, no matter where she went.


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Huh. India sounds like the Streets of San Francisco -- minus the bovines, of course.

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Please explore how they "count" the world population; don't just believe what comes from controlled sources. It's totally imaginary. Someone went through and added up published census numbers and came up 3.5 billion BELOW the claimed world pop.

If you think there's overpopulation, you probably live in a city. The vast majority of flyover country has more cattle than people, but even cattle are at their lowest numbers since 1961 🤷

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It's "modelling". Based on the same modelling assumptions that the Victorian College produced at the beginning of covid to predict the global deaths from the "virus".😐

You want to fact check me? Be my guest.😁

Then go ahead trawl through the birth rates data for each country up until 2023 (because now for some strange reason they no longer allow easy access, or stopped releasing data🤔🤨, seperate out the "live" birth rates and cross check them with mortality stats, while also adjusting for the skewed data from the last 4yrs, as well the now acknowledged BS census data. Go fact check that by 2019, pre covid, most countries were actually below self sustaining rates of population. Australia was at 1.8. You need at least 2.1-2.2 to actually sustain a population. To grow it, you need more.😐

Then I'd also suggest looking at the development/investment history of Worldometer.🤨

But, even after taking into account that, those predictions your referring to re reaching 9B after 2045, are outdated( they amended it a few yrs ago, to use different modelling, and setting a new date for 2030), but the bit that all the population alarmists who refer to that BS model fail to include, is where the same modelling also predicts that after we click 9B, it plateaus.🤨

Don't believe me or the multitude of scientists, academics and medical professionals who have been censored for daring to disagree with the "science" around the BS population narrative, and the climate warming narrative, and the covid narrative.

Go do your own due diligence, come to your own conclusion. Dont relying on worldometer and decades of marketing spin. Your better than that. 😉🤗

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I apologize that I may have pre-conceived images. Maybe because I had come from a 2-3rd World Nation, where our small houses were on top of, or right next to each other; we could touch our neighbor's wall, listen to their conversation and/or radio playing. Store fronts jam packed the dirty streets. There were no breathing room in buses, ....

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That reality certainly lends itself to confirming what we have been told about populations. As a part of continued industrialisation, we have larger, and larger cities, so it's harder to notice any discrepancies that counter the narrative😉 But it's there, and it's becoming more and more noticeable.

And then When you look at who benefits from the continued narrative, how it fits in with all the other narratives and agendas, it begins to make more sense.🤔😉🤗

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It’s all part of the depopulation agenda! 😳😁

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The end game cometh...for about the 18 millionth time.

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