It isn’t the M-pox that is a concern. All my vaccinated and Uber-vaccinated coworkers keep getting Covid and the flu and RSV and stomach bugs and colds and, and, and…🙄
It isn’t the M-pox that is a concern. All my vaccinated and Uber-vaccinated coworkers keep getting Covid and the flu and RSV and stomach bugs and colds and, and, and…🙄
I've noticed that as well in Australia and some are getting chest infections. My financial advisor mentioned to me that a lot of his older clients are dying. No period of illness, just dying.
Same here my vaxxed up coworkers keep getting sick.. I have voiced my ANTIVAX feelings for 4 years to anyone even mildly inquisitive... some are listening now, but most want to hide from the facts - Reality ... Like the Buddha said [some have dust on their eyes, some have mud on their eyes, the only ones we can work with are ones with dust on their eyes...]
Yes, saw the exact same thing back when i was working for an IT company during the coof/vax scamdemic : my colleagues were constantly on sick leave after getting vaxxed, and when they were at work, or in a remote video meeting, they were constantly coughing and had really raspy throat etc. I was not vaxxed and was not sick/coughing, what a coincidence...
And i recall that when they were last time sounding the alert about monkeypox, was not the main vector for contracting the disease an anal intercourse, thus mainly gay men were those who should have been concerned, now they have somehow added new ways to get sick form it, sounds like a bunch of BS to me.
It isn’t the M-pox that is a concern. All my vaccinated and Uber-vaccinated coworkers keep getting Covid and the flu and RSV and stomach bugs and colds and, and, and…🙄
I am seeing the exact same thing.
Long covid and covid = long DEATHVAX™ aka VAIDS
And they love to blame a lot of what ails them on autoimmune disease. I have nothing left to say...
My vaccinated nieces - girls in their 20s and 30s - have cancer (one has both skin and thyroid cancer). Not a coincidence.
So sad 😞
Very sad!
I've noticed that as well in Australia and some are getting chest infections. My financial advisor mentioned to me that a lot of his older clients are dying. No period of illness, just dying.
Killing off the elderly, especially the affluent elderly is an important component of this global eugenics program.
The VA is still offering the covid death vax to veterans with an "extra dose" for those veterans aged 65 and ovver.
Same here my vaxxed up coworkers keep getting sick.. I have voiced my ANTIVAX feelings for 4 years to anyone even mildly inquisitive... some are listening now, but most want to hide from the facts - Reality ... Like the Buddha said [some have dust on their eyes, some have mud on their eyes, the only ones we can work with are ones with dust on their eyes...]
Yes, saw the exact same thing back when i was working for an IT company during the coof/vax scamdemic : my colleagues were constantly on sick leave after getting vaxxed, and when they were at work, or in a remote video meeting, they were constantly coughing and had really raspy throat etc. I was not vaxxed and was not sick/coughing, what a coincidence...
And i recall that when they were last time sounding the alert about monkeypox, was not the main vector for contracting the disease an anal intercourse, thus mainly gay men were those who should have been concerned, now they have somehow added new ways to get sick form it, sounds like a bunch of BS to me.