Yep. Just waiting for the “national emergency” that makes the midterm elections “dangerous to our democracy” and therefore canceled.

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The satanic cabal behind the Great Reset know that CO2 hysteria is a scam (and natural variation is the true cause of "global warming"). Unfortunately, many of the minions who are implementing the Great Reset truly believe that culling humanity is necessary to "save" the planet.

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Humans are carbon based lifeforms, therefore, decarbonization = depopulation.

There is no possible way to put it simpler and truer.

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Horrifically true!

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Couldn’t have said it better. Reading this was terrifying and cathartic all at once!! Bravo!

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I had to laugh real bad, when I read your Ice Cream Government statement ! LOL what a great name. I think we should hang an inflatable ice cream cone over the WH

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inflatable cone, syringe and vial, and a deflated dollar sign flopping in the wind.

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theyre definitely going to pay in rubles. check the exchange rate. Vox Day always says the USA will be finished by 2035. hes been saying that for years. he could be wrong by a decade ;)

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Could "Aliens" (read DEMONS) really be around the corner?

Time for, wait, .... wait, .... wait for it,


I mean, that's all that's left, right (No Pun Intended on the Directions).

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Hi2SG Didn't Jimmy Carter say that during his fireside chats? Yup its a circle.

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What about the photo?

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PSYOP-ALIEN-INVASION-23. CIA busy paving minds for that one...

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Finally! We will actually get REAL RACISM!

Since, presumably, we can shoot them, anybody know what is better, MK262 "Open Tip Match" or Winchester 55gr "SilverTips" both in 5.56mm. I also have a metric shit-load of Hornady #8162N 5.56 75g T2.

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Of course sometimes I leave it in the JEEP and carry my PDW.


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oh my, oh my.....

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