PSYOP-MILTON Will Become The Deadliest US Hurricane Due To The Illegitimate Federal Government & Its Criminal Agencies
As Hurricane Milton rapidly approaches Florida, what we are witnessing yet again is in all likelihood the followup weather warfare geoengineering event to last week’s related “climate change” operation…
…only this second weaponized weather development is potentially even deadlier:
The wreckage from Helene, and associated great flooding may just be the warmup for the Southeast Red States, because Milton looks to be the single worst hurricane possibly ever recorded.
Not only has FEMA been actively sabotaging all relief efforts for Helene, but critical infrastructure has already broken down even in relatively unaffected areas, with Floridian evacuees potentially being forced to flee on foot now:
When Milton makes landfall tomorrow these abandoned vehicles and most everyone left on the ground in its path will be washed away.
We can be all but certain that the “Harris-Biden” regime and their criminal Federal agencies will deliberately botch this next manufactured “natural” disaster even worse than they did Helene, if that is even possible.
And if anyone still has a scintilla of doubt that weather warfare is some kind of conspiracy theory, here is Barrack Hussein Obama’s CIA director in his own words admitting that geoengineering is an all too real technology:
What Brennan mentions in the above clip is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which is precisely the technology that infuses nanoparticles near NEXRAD Doppler radars and allows for the manipulation of weather. While NEXRAD radars emit relatively weak transmissions, these would be sufficient to stimulate said electrically conductive nanoparticles in order to steer and/or intensify hurricanes.
(SAI also happens to also be one of Bill Gates’s favorite depopulation and control technologies, and as America’s largest farmland owner, he will soon have ample opportunity to snatch up hurricane-devastated farms for pennies on the dollar, along with BlackRock, et al.)
Deploying "electrolasers" coupled with an expansive NEXRAD Doppler regional network may in fact amplify and direct hurricanes such as Helene and Milton into strategic zones (i.e. Red States) during an election season in which the perpetrators may be unable to steal the presidency for a second time in a row; to wit:
And if weather warfare geoengineering were such a crazy conspiracy theory, then why would the government own the following patents (just like they own patents for the slow kill bioweapon C19 “vaccines)?:
US3613992A - Weather Modification by Artificial Satellites (1971): Method for modifying wether using satellites.
US3564253A - Artificial Ion Cloud Method and Apparatus (1971): For creating artificial ion clouds to alter atmospheric conditions.
US4686605A - Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere (1987): This patent, linked to HAARP, describes a system for altering the ionosphere.
US20060201547A1 - Hurricane and Tornado Control Device (2006): A method of disrupting or controlling the energy of hurricanes and tornadoes.
US2007012532A1 - System and Method for Wind and Water Alteration (2007): Used to control atmospheric conditions, specifically rain and wind.
And if weather warfare geoengineering were such a crazy conspiracy theory, then why was NOAA tasked with monitoring weather manipulation projects under the Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972?
And if weather warfare geoengineering were such a crazy conspiracy theory, then why did the U.S. sign on to the international treaty known as the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) in 1977, which prohibits the military or any hostile force from deploying environmental modification methods, not limited to weather manipulation, in warfare?
The ENMOD Convention includes the following:
Article 1 prohibits the use of environmental modification techniques as a means of destruction, damage, or injury to any other State Party.
The Convention defines environmental modification techniques as deliberate manipulations of natural processes affecting the earth’s biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, or outer space.
The treaty entered into force for the United States on January 17, 1980, after the ratification by the Senate.
Of course, ENMOD also leverages the whole “climate change” scam back when it was called Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), except that now there is no warming on average, but we digress.
A bit more color on just how bad this followup weather event may be:
There are many more psyops on deck, but for now the deranged criminals running America’s government and their Ne0-Marxist technocratic partners-in-crime have defaulted to PSYOP-HELENE and PSYOP-MILTON; followup psyops and false flag events are imminent.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Rudolph Steiner who foresaw much of what we currently face used to say that the only hope for humanity is through the grace of a spiritual power greater than that of the demons who want to destroy us.
THERE are no coincidences and "nothing just happens", [FDR said this] when it comes to politics, we are in a war. Weather modification has to be investigated thoroughly by all journalists/media and given the top priority! I think the fires in recent years are also a feature of the war against Americans as well. God help us in this hostile environment now. Only God will see us through all these evils.