Twitter/X slots perfectly into the technocratic Great Reset dystopia. What you Tweet, like and ReTweet is already being amassed in a kind of psychological profile that will be integrated in the more advanced social credit score X everything app.
Klaus Schwab in a recent interview used the same fraudulent logic that was espoused when justifying the “Patriot” Act; namely, the illegitimate Federal government could via its unconstitutional agencies spy on any American because “national security.”
In the below clip the WEF founder (i.e. the Rockefeller and CIA asset Henry Kissinger recruited Schwab out of Harvard) takes the “Patriot” Act’s excuse to strip all privacy and freedoms away from Americans on a global scale:
You will own nothing and be happy and have less than zero privacy.
Or how “total transparency” is total tyranny of the genetically modified and perpetually tracked posthuman slave.
Do NOT comply.
No way,
Setting traps and using digital fingerprints to persecute and misdirect the public.
Good cop, bad cop
Friend and foe
Double agents
That almost sounds
Surely they wouldn't do the logical thing and do the logical thing.
That just sounds crazy.
"If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be afraid."
That depends on whether "your" illegitimate Federal/state/local government, its unconstitutional agencies, the Big-Tech shopfront to the military-inudstrial complex, and the trans-global corporocrat oiler-banker asset-stripping baronies who own them all have the same opinion about whether you have nothing to hide.
Call me cagey, call me world-weary, but I just can't imagine that ever being the case.