Reminder: no one is coming to save us. Turn off the TV and the twitter feed. It's up to us.

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By occasionally watching the fake news (including local news) we get to see what they want us to believe. It’s good to keep an eye on our enemies.

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Just think, if everyone ignored the news it would go away and become totally irrelevant. You wouldn't miss a thing.

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No TV news or MSM since 9-11 for me. All you are gonna miss is a bucket full of lies and propaganda.

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I truly appreciate your comment in lieu of having heard nothing but chatter about stupid football games for the last few days.

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More and more people are tuning out the MSM. This explains why Gen Z is more anti-jew/Israel than any other generation and is highly suspicious of the Holocaust as well.

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Am I the only one thinking MKU? Not sure, but someone said he’d been in the army. The Isis flags and improvised explosives reek of Atta’s passport. Improvised explosives seem be a part of “terrorist” crime scenes these days, like something old, something new at weddings.

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Nope, you're not the only one, look at his eyes, lights on, no one home, the Isis flag is just too stupid for words, & no glass hotel doors were broken in what was supposed to be a huge blast! Hmmm. Tesla garbage usually burns for at least 3 days unable to be put out, unbelievable.

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Thanks for posting. Its the only common sense I have found today.

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After reading Chaos—by Tom O’Neill, I have little doubt that this was all part of a CIA false flag op in our country. Yet everyone clamors on board with the ruse of Islam (US) terrorists.

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Thank you

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My pleasure…it is an eye opener! A must read.

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tis the season of 'throw-everything-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks' :/

frickin psychos

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How come no one is doing a deep dive into the two Trump assassins? Finding mentally deficient cut outs to do the dirty work of the deep state is on going and the NO and LV events are sure to escalate in the days ahead. The two prong attack to derail President Trump second go around. Bio Fear and Terror attacks that was will start expressing a call to military control. Plenty of anti-American fighters have been welcomed to US soil in the last for years as urban fighters.

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1. Info on Trump assassins has probably been scrubbed.

2. We know they are deep state assets

3. Who is to say that these anti-american fighters were not just welcome into the US randomly, but were, in fact, brought here to cause all of this

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That was also BS

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Just random isolated events?

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Well, the Jews keep bringing this shit

and nobody stops them!

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Pedo, puppet “president” was a nice alliteration, but let’s kick it up a notch - pedo, puppet, “president” in piddled, poopy pants.

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That's real nice.

Jesus, these comment boards get move vicious as the years role on.

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Truth is vicious at times.

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No one is coming to save us from football. Lol

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Musk is working the President hard while his mom is working the Chinese harder, US Releases New Chip Export Controls on China; Elon Musk's Mother a Rising Star in China https://youtu.be/Z_zLbz_PjKA?si=eNE60290RP3BDmoz. Silver foxes can be.......

Keep in mind that the World Bank helped fund the 201 events. Their Phase I Covid project officially ends 3.31.2025 per their internal documents. The releases for Phase II have been released just like 2019: China declares state of emergency as epidemic spreads, sparking panic https://youtu.be/4R9EJTWBM-A?si=s_XI6RUohWLFyBnI. Not known widely is that many doctors there have not been paid in 6 months and those that do get paid have had salaries cut in half. Expect a lock down after March. There is more to the worldwide fog and it is more than the fog of war.

China is wearing out their welcome world wide............. Summary of 2024: China Faces Comprehensive Collapse, Decline Across All Sectors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oroeSzW8rCA. But most importantly internally: Wave of Workers Burning Factories Set to Spread Across China? https://youtu.be/ethkeRIx7zU?si=EkEsPXjF2lut3P91. If you are not paid for months, your salary from years passed is clawed back, your salary is cut in half you burn it down.

The above is just a bit of what is happening in China. The dragon is backed into a corner and the only way out is War in 2025 period and Taiwan is not the target but a red herring. They have known since at least 2004 that they need war with US on our own soil. We are not ready but they are just ask Musk and his mom. Paradise could surprise US. The king is in position to avenge for 1776:)

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King Chuckie sucks. He has a nice accent, but other than that, he’ll do as he’s told. Imagine a workers’ revolt in China. Hmmmmm...

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Yes, like we saw them crying out loud in their building tour to be released from the lockdown!!! IMHO, They are out of the play!!! It is too long ago that they are subjugated to the new world order! The last bastion of resistance is in the US!!! If the US falls ( l'm not American) then game over, it is!!! You are the ones in the entire world, who's got the amendment to carry weapons legally!!! Make no mistake, without this fire power to mitigate the balance, the entire humanity is DOOMED!!!

no matter what the civilized people think, IT IS A WORLDWIDE "COUP D'ÉTAT" !!!

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Yes he does, but I think it is worse than what most people think; https://www.youtube.com/@AuthorTimCohen. I am from the Scottish Murray Clan so we go way back with him and his lineage; unfortunately, it wasn't a pleasant historical interaction.

Cohen makes a great case about chuckie cheese and validated my suspicions so very grateful for his work/research. More people need to be made aware of his work, I think that would be helpful in understanding what is going on at a higher level. I am very aware of history both ancient and modern but certainly no expert. He is and lays out some good stuff. The dragon (china) is very heavy in chucks royalty stamp.

People don't realize that the Russia/Ukr/chuckie/china/roman church deal is an ancient one cloaked as a modern one. An ancient battle fought during high tech modern times should be a lot of fun!

After WWI and WWII, boundaries were reset around the world by which country/leader? Hint: Church Were those boundaries likely set up intentionally for nefarious future reasons? Yes I won't even bring in "The Others" that burst on the scene in the 40's into this; but, he covers that angle as well.

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2SG, you have gotten it right again!

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Haven’t heard about Isis for awhile. Then two FALSE FLAGS IN THE U.S attributed to Isis . Then wham America sends in the Troops to protect their thieving of Syrian Oil and Wheat. BIG BAD U.S Backed Isis is back.

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The false flags are not to stop Trump from taking office. They are to manipulate Trump into a RINO-NeoCon frame of mind to increase tyranny per the World Economic Forum.

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Trump isn't being manipulated he just follows the script that he is handed every morning.

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Gawd I hope not BUT if his first term is any clue....

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I think the 3 letter agencies are also putting anti-semitic comments out there to try and create a dehumanization of the jewish people, but I think enough people are aware and awake to not fall for this tactic.

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During the Hitler regime his administration approached the "Name Stealers" with an offer to ship them to a new "homeland" but such offers were rejected for propaganda purposes: read we need to see the "common jew" to suffer and die for our cause. Look it up, it's well documented. The people who support the Zionist state need to wake up lest they become swept up in a new "holo" courtesy of the Name Stealers who use them like the "goy" cattle they deplore as animals of no more importance than a pig or a goat....

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Just a heads up. I think this is from Mossad more than the CIA. Isreal is basically trying to USS Liberty us again. ISIS stands for Isreali Secret Intelligence service.

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What's in a name say the Name Stealers. Any group, (FYI: Israel is not a legal nation with defined borders - look it up) "we no need stinkin' badges" we will let you know who we are after we conquer and control your asses.

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Ignore the idiots behind the curtain. Turn away from all MSM and let the doomsters take another 50 years to decide if the world really did end in 2025. It didn't in the previous 500 years despite all the crackheads promising otherwise.

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