PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION-22 - Yahoo News Exclusive: Secret CIA training program in Ukraine helped Kyiv prepare for Russian invasion
One Psyop washes the other Psyop as they flow into and out of each other.
When PSYOP-19 needed dialing back, the Cult with perfect timing rolled out their PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION-22 that they have been cultivating since well before the Obama Administrations’ Maidan color revolution of 2014. CIA henchwoman Victoria Nuland was caught in a recording literally executing a coup and selecting the next puppet president of Ukraine, home of Burisma, human trafficking and other crimes leading straight back to the CIA and the DC sociopaths.
What’s a few additional tens of billions of taxpayer theft monies shipped to Ukraine, which only gets laundered and sent right back to the senile DC corpses and the CIA’s black budget ops?
And now we have the CIA feeding truthiness to Yahoo “news”, admitting that their criminal programs in a foreign land with less than zero benefit to We the People, innocent Ukrainians and Russians alike; quite the contrary.
As the battle lines hardened in Donbas, a small, select group of veteran CIA paramilitaries made their first secret trips to the frontlines to meet with Ukrainian counterparts there, according to former U.S. officials.
CIA paramilitaries soon concluded that, in Russia and its proxies, the agency was facing an adversary whose capabilities far outmatched the Islamist groups that CIA had been battling in the post-9/11 wars. “We learned a lot real quick,” says a former senior intelligence official — including about the Russians’ laser-blinding techniques. “That s*** wouldn’t happen with the Taliban.”
This is far more than spy agency military adventurism. Ukraine is a node in the CIA’s international black ops and black budgets money laundering a la Iran Contra drug and arms smuggling, a la inventing crack cocaine and distributing it through the American ghettos of the 1980s in their “drug epidemic” program; and on, and on, and on we can continue to list the inexhaustible malfeasances committed by this wholly unconstitutional and villainous spy agency, which dates back to their NAZI 1.0 origins, with the various thieving schemes they been running, not limited to theft via taxation with their IRS collaborators, to Wall Street money laundering, to the opium game in Afghanistan, etc.
What legal and constitutional right do these “CIA paramilitaries” have to meddle in foreign affairs, embed puppet presidents, move weapons at sovereign national borders? Precisely how does this benefit We the People? How does this accord with Geneva Conventions and international law?
Here the Mockingbird CIA asset Yahoo hack spews the CIA disinfo fed to him:
Since Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine last month — which transformed a long-simmering, attritional conflict into an explosive, all-out war — the Ukrainian military has defied predictions of a rapid collapse, holding key cities against the Russian advance and inflicting punishing losses to Russian troops and materiel.
If Russia wanted to take Ukraine with full military might it would take no more than a few days. Zelensky would have been arrested weeks ago many times over. The CIA game theoried this long ago and fully appreciate that Putin will not raze Kiev, but, rather, will preserve this historically important city that mother Russia cherishes no less than Moscow itself. It’s also safe to say that Putin is acutely aware that the Ukraine’s current population consists of OVER 65% ethnic Russians.
Some sober game theory, more at logic flow:
If Russia attacks Ukraine, then NATO/USSA/EU must commence in full out thermonuclear war to prevent Russia from winning
If NATO/USSA/EU do not want full out thermonuclear war, then Russia takes Ukraine for the win
If NATO/USSA/EU continues to transfer (unconstitutional) monies and weapons to supply Ukrainians in a guerrilla style asymmetrical war, then Russia still takes Ukraine, just with far more INNOCENT UKRAINIANS AND RUSSIANS DYING
If INNOCENT UKRAINIANS AND RUSSIANS DIE in an unnecessarily protracted war that Ukraine has less than zero chance of winning without setting off a global nuclear war where everyone ultimately loses, then the CIA, MIC and DC criminals make additional windfall profits atop the already extraordinary PSYOP-19 profits they’ve to date gotten away with
Russia wins, the CIA and their criminal co-conspirators win, a new PSYOP-CYBERWAR-22 is launched, and everyone except the Cult and their apparatchiks loses straight into a technofascist dystopia.
As part of the Ukraine-based training program, CIA paramilitaries taught their Ukrainian counterparts sniper techniques; how to operate U.S.-supplied Javelin anti-tank missiles and other equipment; how to evade digital tracking the Russians used to pinpoint the location of Ukrainian troops, which had left them vulnerable to attacks by artillery; how to use covert communications tools; and how to remain undetected in the war zone while also drawing out Russian and insurgent forces from their positions, among other skills, according to former officials.
This has been going on since right after WW2, when the NAZI 1.0 stay behind networks were embedded in the Ukraine. Today, the NAZI 2.0 program is in full effect as per the CIA’s above admission.
This most unfortunate Yahoo CIA disinfo article ends with a sentence that not only is devoid of a scintilla of self awareness or decency, but literally inverts morality and reality for the virtuous useful idiot Death Cult readership standing with whichever Deep State propagated feel good cause du jour:
Courage can be contagious, notes the former official. So then, empowered by their comrades’ victories, “you get people that are charging to the sounds of the gunfire.”
What we’ve really got are MIC and Intel criminals and their technocratic backers and co-conspirators indoctrinating, training and arming human cannon fodder charging to the misheard sounds of profiteering and eventual One World Government endgame. Because you have to empower the slave such that said slave “willingly” subjects themselves to a mask, a lockdown, multiple servings of DEATHVAX™, an “income tax”, a raising of the arms straight to splat, a leap off the proverbial cliff, and so on and so forth.
With the CIA’s sordid history of overthrowing countless nations and it’s general plethora of crimes, it is painfully obvious that this agency is not only anti-American, but anti-World. It is the perfect Cult strong arm agency whose only allegiance is to the NAZI 2.0 Globalist Cabal.
Full article as dictated by the CIA.
Do NOT comply.
We do this all over the world, and that's just the (on-budget but not publicly disclosed )programs. There are lots of black budget programs funded by taxpayers via some omnibus cutout that only blackwater (or whatever name they use now after the latest wedding party slaughter) and the compartmentalized military industrial complex perma players know about.
“gorilla style asymmetrical war”.
Maybe they ought to just bring them some bananas.
Unless, of course it’s a guerilla style war, then that’s a different matter.